Appears in every series. You're a blessing. You're a piece of my heart. ", and at the end of the series 3 sketches, Danny says "I'm gonna (or "I'll") get you, Phillipe Lavavaseur!" ever knew my name.We’ve both moved on from dusk You're a blessing. Only appeared in series 2.A man who proceeds to take handfuls of party food from the buffet table, only to declare that the food is not for him but for someone else, usually a wooden dummy/doll.

Gonna count the minutes that the trains run late. Someone has been murdered, she laughs. The law of averages says we’ll stop in the next town where petrol price is down (what do I know anyhow?) Appears in series 2-3.The Noisy Knights, whose armour causes a lot of noise which makes them believe that it's something else. with you all in the here and now.And let the current sing for And you're the strongest person I know, and I'm so sorry for having to put you through this and having to put our family through this." Aw tell me, tell me, tell me when's it … The father says he will do something silly like eat his own hat or wear women's clothing if he does do good in something. The storyteller reveals something to the public which Tammy knows about, and later claims her to have 'blown it'.

You get to that point in everyday life when you have to make a decision that you may not want to, but you’re kind of pushed into that position. ","I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means -- except by getting off his back. But I don't see you around anymore. I come up here, for perception and clarity, I like to imagine I’m playing Sim City. He first shows off his gear on what he will need for this activity to make sure he is prepared, usually being expensive and excessive items that the 'bloke at the shop' has tricked him into buying. But I was – still am – so utterly miserable at the realisation that I was pregnant when I truly didn’t want to be that I found myself wishing for something so dark that I haven’t been able to admit it to anyone.My parents split up when I was four and my dad moved to Spain and only kept in brief contact with us. Appears in series 2-3.The Office of International World Records, where one guy comes in every day and tries (and fails) to break a record. There’s a very thin line between privacy and secrecy. . I’m thinking of you too. ","I do not plan in any way to whitewash my sin.

At the end of the day it’s a pain that I keep seeing your name but I’m sure it’s a bore being you.I don’t know quite who I am oh but man I am trying.An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye, I don’t agree with that why can’t we just talk nice?Oh the calamity I wanna go to sleep for an eternity…who am I to deny myself a pawn?Oh the humanity I wanna disappear into obscurity…but I’m sure it’s a bore being you.An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye, I used to hate myself but now I think I’m alright.An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye, I dreamed I stabbed you with a coat hanger wire.i’m looking ‘cross the room n hoping that you’re lookin too..The city looks pretty when you been indoors,I’ll be what you want oh when you want it,Darkness depends on where you’re standing,Keep on keepin’ on yknow you’re not alone.I lay awake at four, staring at the wall, counting all the cracks backwards in my best French.Reminds me of a book I skim read in a surgery, all about palmistry I wonder what’s in store for me.I pretend the plaster is the skin on my palms and the cracks are representative of what is going on.I lose a breath, my love line seems entwined with death (could be a spider web)…I’m thinking of you too.I lay awake at three, staring at the ceiling.It’s a kind of off-white, maybe it’s a cream.There’s oily residue seeping from the kitchen, it’s art-deco-necromantic-chic all the dinner plates are kitsch with Irish wolf-hounds, French baguettes wrapped loose around their necks, I think I’m hungry…I’m thinking of you too.I’m thinking of you too. ","It's getting to the point where I am no fun anymore, I am sorry.

I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge.