A reflection of Georg, they both live at home with family members and aspire to make an impact on society. His sibling lives in perpetual fear of finding out their grandmother stricken by Alzheimer’s disease has been coerced into guaranteed a loan or finance for a car. Gnarr had a fruitful career as a stand-up comedian and was a regular feature on Icelandic radio and TV. I was initial perplexed and frankly infuriated that the text’s authors expected the viewer to accept that a thirty-something without a degree, no journalistic training or relevant career experience would be able to be employed in a front line position by Iceland’s top selling red top newspaper. Celebrating European film, TV, and literature.

A man-child, mid thirties with the mental age of a teenager. Offers very bad picture quality (my VHS 20 years ago was offering better quality, no chances to turn off the subtitles). As with the previous two installments in this franchise, the primary character in terms of view identification and propelling the narrative’s investigative strand is single mother Lara ( Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir). Jan 2013 – Present 7 years 8 months.

The series ends with a cliffhanger that will literally send shivvers down your spine. Heimsókn, Um land allt, Homeland, Cardinal, Mosaic, Here and Now … Digital cameraman of reportages for news and sport events. Satirizing Icelandic democratic process Gnarr’s unwittingly galvanized an anti-establishment movement seeking to bash the ruling elite for their role in the 2008 financial crisis.

We aren’t here to make friends.”. Salvation may be be found at a nearby all night convenience store where an assistant, Ylfa (Sara Margrét Nordahl) offers the possibility of a relationship based on mutual respect. To date three seasons have been produced with the last airing in 2011. A DVD with English subtitles is available to buy from http://shopicelandic.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=48&flypage=flypage.tpl&lang=en&manufacturer_id=47&page=shop.product_details&product_id=1501&Itemid=104&vmcchk=1&Itemid=104.

Husband, employer and antagonist are examples of male figures within the Pressa narrative which to varying degrees seek to suppress, banish or mutilate the feminine as a construct. Sorp. For this blog entry I shall only refer to the first season but will discuss the other two at a future date. The initial premise is that Lara is hired to work for an oil baron accused of sexual assault and murder. His prior media achievements were eclipsed by the public’s response to his signature role, Georg Bjarnfreðarson. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Með Stöð 2 appinu getur þú horft… The Leveson Inquiry has brought journalistic ethics into mainstream social discourse and consequently I was intrigued at the possibility of viewing a televisual text which debated within a dramatic framework the validity and viability of press activity at personal and governmental levels. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ‎Stöð 2 appið veitir aðgang að helstu íslensku sjónvarpsstöðvunum og völdum erlendum stöðvum. Spenna, grín, gleði, bíó og sjónvarps-ævintýri í febrúar á Stöð 2.

Stöð 2. Central to this more effective and sophisticated season is a subtext woven throughout which continuously questions the extent to which commercial imperatives impede/influence editorial decisions and journalistic practices. Days are filled with degradation, discussions of holiday funds, security role play, supervision of Georg’s son Flemming Geir (Arnar Freyr Karlsson), and instructions on correct floor cleaning procedure. During her initial interview the paper’s editor spells out the professional code of conduct and the series’ modus operandi: “To become a terrific journalist on The Post you have to become awful in everything else. Within the opening minutes of the first episode we soon realize that some time has passed since the closing moments of season one. Leiðindaóstöðugleiki á annars flottu appi. 1966 marked the year that the country gained its first dedicated state owned broadcaster and in 1986 the a privately owned competitor Stöð 2 began broadcasting to the nation.

In trying to ascertain why sectors of the English speaking audience have become receptive to Nordic literary, televisual and filmic texts within a historically specific context Dr Thomson’s blog entry highlights a very important point which warrants future research using a variety of Cultural Studies methodological approaches. Stöð 2 Sport Broadcast Rights. A cursory glance at the schedules for Stöð 2 reveal a mixture of imported English language programming alongside domestically produced content. * Verstanden Live Soccer TV does not provide Stöð 2 Sport live streaming. In a broadcast landscape dominated by imported programming, and reality TV, Pressa has demonstrated that Icelandic audiences will respond favourably to original home produced dramatic content. Interestingly, the series employs the show runner system of script development and in addition to his role as director Jonnasson serves as co-lead writer alongside Sigurjon Kjartansson. Flott layout og lookar flott en alltof buggy.. hljóðið að detta út, error, lengi að loada.

This season of Pressa has been nominated in the category of Best TV Program at the 2013 Icelandic Film and TV Awards and this is very well deserved, in my opinion. The offscreen death of Gudjon creates a vacancy at the petrol station and this is filled by Daniel Sævarsson (Jörundur Ragnarsson).

After a two decade absence from our screens fans can now tune in each week to new series from across the continent.

Over six incredibly well written episodes the show manages to debate the financial crisis, media ownership, and gender politics. Very limited choice of new movies, but a lot of old ones. Software Tester Fuglar .

Don’t recommend to anyone. At work, home, and play she experiences emotional and intellectual obstacles which shatter what little sense of self worth she has after events of the first two seasons.