When this pairing is cultivated and taken care of, it can flourish, even if these zodiac signs aren't known for being very similar. At best, Aquarius is self-assured and confident. A relationship between Aquarius and Taurus is one that can be full of passion and excitement, as well as a lot of butting heads and disagreement. Aquarius is distant enough as it is, and without excitement some other signs might offer, they will not exactly feel the electricity of being in love with an unmovable Taurus.

When Taurus and Aquarius come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s passionate but also aggressive! But when both Taurus and Aquarius are able to recognize this and actually work on this in order to excel in their love match, excellence indeed is precisely what will result. Aquarius is not a traditionalist when it comes to love and relationships. And yet, even when they don’t always see eye to eye or they butt heads, there’s a connection there that can’t be replicated. Both Taurus and Aquarius also need to learn resiliency and flexibility when it comes to disagreements, as both will want to be right all the time, and this is a recipe for disaster. Air signs may be highly-skilled communicators, however, they don’t always follow through with their word. It also means that both are highly stubborn and aren’t afraid to disagree with anyone who tries to get them to sway how they feel. Please select the type of notification you’d like to see: Click "Allow" to Receive Your Daily Horoscope Straight to Your Device, 9 Things You Should Do Every Month During The Full Moon. For a zodiac sign who loves to explore new and challenging things, a relationship may be one of the most rewarding challenges yet. Taurus is the Fixed Earth to Aquarius Fixed Air, and this is a combination that can literally move a mountain or even several if they put their minds to it. Taurus possesses a feminine (or yin) energy, while Aquarius possesses a masculine (or yang) energy. Both Aquarius and Taurus are Fixed Signs, and so despite their differences they have this working in their favor. Sometimes, partners, friends, and family want to see this side because it means they are being their authentic self. No watered-down colors. Taurus is very strong-willed, meaning they are willing to hold out for the perfect partner rather than engage in casual and frivolous hook-ups. An Aquarius man presents their relationship stance like an artist experimenting with shades of gray. Earth signs prefer to let their actions speak louder than their words, even if their word would mean more to their partner. At best, Taurus is patient and tolerant.

There are a lot of differences between these two zodiac signs that do make an emotional connection possible in some form. For some zodiac signs, predictability and routine are what make a relationship stagnant, but Taurus prefers knowing what’s coming next. Taurus is generous, kind, and reliable. Taurus is ruled by Venus and this gives the relationship a sensual and beautiful energy that is based in unconditional love. At worst, Taurus is passive-aggressive and overly sensitive. By nature, Taurus is more passive and receptive to emotional openness, while Aquarius is more likely to speak their mind and be honest about how they feel. What does a relationship look like between a stubborn Taurus and a freedom-seeking Aquarius, according to love astrology and zodiac compatibility? In other words, Taurus is very black and white, while Aquarius is more a spectrum of grays – very different, indeed. Taurus, an earth sign, is much more grounded and stable in thought and action. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. As the Bull of the zodiac, people often think that Taurus is easily provoked and too stubborn to move a relationship ahead, damning themselves to being part of stagnating relationships over and over. Aquarius resists merging and can live in the mind, while Taurus renews itself through physical intimacy and sensual pleasures. It can be hard for these two to see eye to eye at times, both because of their communication styles and because both are stubborn in their own ways. A relationship between Aquarius and Taurus is one that can be full of passion and excitement, as … In fact, some of the best relationships come from being opposites with your significant other.

RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius (+ Their Perfect Love Match). Aquarius, on the other hand, likes to take a logical and factual approach to problems, rather than let their feelings dictate outcomes, which makes them seem detached and uncaring to the overly-feeling Taurus. These two zodiac signs are as polar opposite as two people can get, but that doesn’t mean a relationship can’t work. Aquarius and Taurus are both fixed signs. Aquarius really appreciates how practical Taurus is, and the work ethic that keeps them very successful. The Aquarius and Taurus relationship needs clear boundaries if it is to succeed.

At first glance through love and relationship astrology, a Taurus and an Aquarius are two incompatible zodiac signs who don’t seem like they have any hope, at least not enough to make even a friendship work.

They would much rather dig their heels into the ground and defend themselves until they are blue in the face than even consider changing their mind on something they believe.
We have Taurus ruled by Venus the goddess of love, a very feminine energy, and Aquarius ruled by Saturn which is very masculine and rules Karma.