Climb out of the water into the west tunnel. Instead, pick up some super grenades on one of the underwater ledges in the southeast corner. Pull up, turn left, and immediately draw weapons and kill the blue-robed baddie at the top of the stairs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Follow the ramps down to a room with a stone ledge. Or, you may want to try moving the pedestals in a particular order. To check your progress in-game, press Pause (P on keyboard, Start on PlayStation or Dreamcast controller) then choose Statistics. var emailarray8809= new Array(115,116,101,108,108,97,108,117,110,101,64,116,111,109,98,114,97,105,100,101,114,115,46,110,101,116) Continue straight through and out the other side. There are no pick-ups here, but if you decide to explore anyway, watch out for the deep pits in the middle and northeast corner of the room. The screenshots show how the pedestals should look and where to move each one. Grab it then swim back along the tunnel to the opening in the ceiling of the first room to breathe. This revision includes many new screenshots as well as various other corrections and clarifications. Position Lara below the handle and press Action to pull it, closing the trapdoor in the ceiling of the previous room. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. Stella's Tomb Raider Site: She frees him and he informs her that he has seen Von Croy, who has definitely been possessed by Seth. Return through the NORTH DOOR and down the twisting passageway to the room with the chain. We'll get there a bit later. †UPDATE HISTORY: 6/10/00 - Previous edit, details not available. * Encrypt Email script- Please keep notice intact. After solving the puzzle, go through the WEST DOOR. (screenshots), Go back up the ramps to the COMPASS ROOM.

Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. for (i=0;i

Copyright © 1999-var curDate=new Date(); document.write(curDate.getFullYear()) Stellalune ( There are also 2 trapdoors and a large pipe running along the floor. Run forward and turn left. Climb the first flight of stairs to the landing where he fell. If you need help right away, I recommend the Square Enix Tomb Raider Forum or any of the other message boards listed at 1 Cambodia 1.1 Angkor Wat 1.2 The Race for the Iris 2 Valley of the Kings, Egypt 2.1 The Tomb of Seth 2.2 … Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Walkthrough (NO COMMENTARY) Goddamnit Lara; 27 videos; 73,781 views; Last updated on Mar 5, 2016 At the top, turn right, step out onto a ledge above the pool, turn right again, and shoot another bad guy on next landing. CRUSADERS' VAULTS: Follow the tunnel to a raised crawlspace. Now check the compass in your inventory and you'll see that Lara is facing north. At the top, turn right into a room with a lever and flaming sconces. NOTE: You can also climb back up to the entrance this way if you fall into the pool by accident while exploring. Then drop into the pit. Pick up Uzi ammo just inside on the right and flares in the alcove to the north of the ammo. (screenshot), Cutscene: Lara stumbles upon Von Croy/Seth and a few of his charming puppies. (screenshots). The goal is to move each pedestal onto the golden circle at the corresponding point of the compass. Detailed strategy guide for Tomb Raider 3. (screenshots), You might want to save before crawling out the other side and dropping onto the angled block below. Traverse along the crevice, downward and to the right. The room above contains a small armory—flash grenades, revolver ammo, a large medipack, explosive arrows, and wideshot shells—guarded by another pair of undead knights.