"It should be known for public officials that you shouldn't be using this feature to cut off anyone," said McNealy, who is a professor of information, communication, and technology at the University of Florida.Although Twitter users can still retweet with comment, McNealy said not being able to reply still silences users. (When other people’s likes started appearing in the feed, seemingly at random, my own timeline filled up with the howls of aggrieved users.)

This new feature lets you write text on the image just like with the stories features on Facebook and Instagram. I follow people whose work is relevant to my own and very few others. Yes, Twitter is working on a feature that will allow you to.Even here, Twitter is giving more control to the user by letting you choose to get notifications just for the top replies or for all the replies to the tweet.You probably have notifications on for your must-follows.

Let us know in the comments.You have entered an incorrect email address!Twitter Seemed to be Working on an Edit Tweet Feature, But it Turned out to be a Bug,Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter Account Hacked,Twitter Rolling out Separate ‘Quote Tweets’ Counter,India is the Fifth Largest Requester for Content Removal: Twitter,Twitter Now Lets You Control Who Can Reply to Your Tweets. ),After a few days of testing, though, I started seeing more relevant tweets. (It can’t search for those terms in images and videos, at least not yet.) Get Follow Suggestions in Your Inbox. Twitter introduced a new feature that allows users to limit who can reply to their tweets, according to a statement by Suzanne Xie, Twitter's Director of Product Management. In my experience, Twitter’s algorithms tended to be a little obvious. (This is something that, coupled with narrow casting, could let me do all of my tweeting from a single account. First, Twitter scans incoming tweets for keywords like “WWE,” “pro wrestling,” and so on. But it took the development of machine learning tools and the hiring of a human editorial team, among other things, to make it happen.As a journalist who spends eight or so hours a day paying at least glancing attention to the Twitter timeline, I’m a somewhat poor test case for the value of Topics. The last feature in the list for new emails from Twitter … (I already know what time the pay-per-view starts on Sunday, thank you. Second, Twitter searches to see if the tweet is from someone who normally tweets about that topic as a measure of credibility. Generally speaking, if it matters to the companies I cover, I don’t miss it.But I’m also a pro wrestling nerd who recently started an.I did the obvious things: following the big pro wrestling federations, the top stars, and a handful of wrestling journalists and podcasters. "These settings help some people feel safer and could lead to more meaningful conversations, while still allowing people to see different points of view,"  Xie said.According to the feedback, people feel more comfortable tweeting and more protected from spam and abuse, and find that these settings are a new method to block out noise. Popular micro-blogging website Twitter seems to have no plans of slowing down when it comes to adding new features. Tweets from Topics have so far been at least as good as those, and they’re often better.Still, a vocal subset of Twitter users is extremely picky about which tweets appear in their timeline. Bishop told me that, as a general rule, the fewer individual accounts you follow, the more Topics tweets you are likely to see. But when he followed comedians, he mostly saw a lot of self-promotion — tour dates, late-night appearances, and that sort of thing. Or at the movies? I learned that WWE had renewed its morally bankrupt.The second challenge in perfecting Topics comes in balance: how many Topics tweets should Twitter show you? Previously, Twitter's only option was everyone.Tweets with limited-replying will be labeled and the reply icon will be grayed out for people who can’t reply. To set the Highlights feature on your mobile device, go to your Settings, Clicks on Notifications and then Push Notifications and you’ll be able to turn your Highlights on. Popular micro-blogging website Twitter seems to have no plans of slowing down when it comes to adding new features. These photos on the tweets have to be opened to see the text displayed like a “story”. Many of the first tweets I saw came from official WWE accounts and the accounts of their wrestlers. The background color of the text can be changed to make it POP. The company tells me it’s sensitive to the potential unintended consequences of its algorithms offering additional amplification to tweets about sensitive subjects, and so it’s sticking to lighter fare to start.Bishop says the feature will shine for followers of big fandoms, such as major professional sports teams or the Korean boy band BTS. That’s about to change soon with an upcoming update. You might be busy or staying focused on something really important when your friend decides to increase their concern towards you by constantly @ing you. Which feature are you excited the most for? Well, not anymore. ),The company also plans to eventually let you browse topics on an explore page and to view topics on a dedicated list. Some of that is fine, of course, but a lot of those high-engagement tweets are just naked self-promotion and aren’t particularly valuable to me. The feature, called Popular Articles, shows stories shared or engaged with by people you follow. But it also feels like meaningful progress for a company that has never known what to do with the bounty of incredible tweets flowing through its servers each day.“As with any machine learning problem, we learn the most from putting this in customers’ hands, and seeing what they engage with so we can build better models,” Bishop said.