She holds a B. I haven’t read all of the books in each of these series (not all of them are finished either) but enough to know that if you pick them up and get started, chances are you’re going to have a good time. Welcome to "Dark Cities", a collection of over 100 plothooks and storyseeds for RPGs! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Or, if you need to conceal the evidence completely, how do you fold up that craziness and tuck it into the cracks? Peter’s ability to speak with the lingering dead brings him to the attention of Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale, who investigates crimes involving magic and other manifestations of the uncanny. We feel the heat of the summer in Georgia, we hear the accents, we experience the unique culture and pace of Savannah.

We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Okay! The Kindle version is only available under the latter title. Many of these fiction writing prompts can be used for sub-genres of fantasy, such as paranormal romance, urban fantasy, magic realism and more. And if you’re not, why have you read this far? What is the fantasy here? Goodreads Urban Fantasy Genre Page – Includes links to popular urban fantasy titles, subgenres and more, TV Tropes – Urban Fantasy – In-depth study of urban fantasy tropes, Your email address will not be published. I did it in Reliquary by connecting the idea of drug use/addiction and clubbing to a specific kind of magic. Setting is so important, it should come out as a central character. Download a year's worth of writing prompts right here. It’s the living who piss him off…. Visit here at It can be set in Ancient Rome. (Yeah, I like Buffy). Perhaps the most important aspect of urban fantasy is its setting. This short list of fun urban fantasy books and series blurs the lines a bit between a strict definition of urban fantasy and say – paranormal or supernatural fantasy. My Guessing Tales series changes subgenre in every book. How long should novel chapters be? The Shadowhunters would like to know. Urban fantasy is a hugely popular sub-genre and I know I’ve only scratched the surface with this list. If werewolves just pop in as part of the scenery without having anything really important in the plot and the story could really just carry on without them, then it’s not werewolf fiction. As author Emma Jane Holloway defines it: Urban fantasy is about the junction of our everyday modern world with the realm of the fantastic.". Architecture, cuisine, local legends (though you must be careful and respectful if you’re touching on the culture of a group you’re not a member of, particularly those that have been marginalized and oppressed—do your homework, get sensitivity readers, and LISTEN TO THEM), quirky festivals, and rhythms of daily life specific to that setting, like the lobster boats returning at noon or construction work on that one damn bridge, all of it is fodder for creating a rich backdrop for your UF. One takes our normal, modern world and adds magic to it. Nov 20, 2018 - Explore Dixie Scott's board "Urban Fantasy Ideas", followed by 110 people on Pinterest. Setting is so important, it should come out as a central character. However, urban fantasy differs from other fantasy subgenres (such as traditional/high fantasy) in the way it balances its magical aspects with elements of reality. All genres of fantasy are at risk of becoming rife with clichés, and urban fantasy is no different. This is Clary’s first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It can be literal magic like spells and such in Harry Potter or The Magicians. Draw inspiration from real-life urban environments to create a.

I’m not sure when it was that I fell in love with urban fantasy. This short list of fun urban fantasy books and series blurs the lines a bit between a strict definition of urban fantasy and say - paranormal or supernatural fantasy. American Gods is urban fantasy. With his life in pieces and nothing to keep him tethered, Shadow accepts a job from a beguiling stranger he meets on the way home, an enigmatic man who calls himself Mr. Wednesday.

To avoid boring your readers with something they've seen a hundred times before, identify any tropes you're making use of and ensure you're exploring them in a fresh, original way. What we don't like is when tropes are predictable to the point of boredom. Could this really happen? Even though Hogwarts is removed from that modern world, a sub-world where things are still vaguely medieval, the modern world is just a train (or a fireplace) ride away. Understanding Book Contracts: Learn what’s negotiable and what’s. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old—when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Her latest novel, Reliquary, is available now. Like most strong genres, urban fantasy has its set tropes. If you like it, pin or bookmark it for future reference! Speaking of what readers expect to see... Let's take a moment to talk about tropes. Rage. Urban fantasy is one of the most popular fantasy subgenres around.

Urban fantasy can be set in far flung future (though we’d have to be bordering sci-fi, depending on the type of speculative fiction employed). But just days before his release, Laura and Shadow’s best friend are killed in an accident. At one point in the story, Mattie sees an advertisement for a famous hypnotist and illusionist, someone she’s seen on TV, and she realizes that his effect on his audience members and TV viewers isn’t fake as she’s always believed. But Peter’s prospects change in the aftermath of a puzzling murder, when he gains exclusive information from an eyewitness who happens to be a ghost.