You can share some motivational back-to-school quotes with your children to help encourage them to achieve, and you can share them with your favorite educators, too. School may look different this year, but our goals will remain the same - to prioritize the spiritual, physical, and emotional health and safety of students, families, faculty, and staff. Especially when students have a high tendency of not listening and not minding when a speech is being delivered. – By Dr. Seuss, Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

I don’t see how there’s any chance that someone like you can fail, but I’ll say good luck to you anyway just in case you need a little. You can correct your posture, gestures and your habit of just reading. ", Here are some quotable lines about the value of education outside of school, the teacher being "reality.

You have an amazing spirit and you will go far just by letting it shine.

Prospective Student High School Adult Transfer International Military / Veterans Returning Students Continuing Education Graduate Students---Accepted Students Alumni Current Students---Business / Community Employers BerkeleyCares Careers at Berkeley Press. At least they can find Kuwait. It’s time to encourage and inspire all kids going back to school. Here’s to the best school year ever.”, “It’s the first day of school, and you’ve already earned four A’s. It means your brain is still working. McKenzie "Sign on a high school bulletin board in Dallas: Free every Monday through Friday—knowledge.

You don’t just go to school, you experience it; with every lesson learned becoming a part of you.”, “May every teacher become a mentor, may every classmate become a friend, may every lesson teach and enrich you. You can do this by giving successful examples of famous people or people that are also familiar to them. On an instance when the speech is blasted through the PA system, make sure you inform the audience about the significance of a new academic year, inform them of upcoming activities and basically let the know of what’s to come in the next few days, weeks or months.

You’re amazing, awesome, astonishing and astounding!”, “You’ve almost done it, you’re nearly there. I welcome my 3rd-grade students back to school by sending them a postcard over the summer.

The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. I created this video to welcome students and parents to a new school year. Summer holidays are over and it’s time to settle up ourselves back to our routine. Lunch box? It seems like just yesterday you were in kindergarten.

Welcome, My dear students you have to understand that learning isn’t just an in-class exercise, but that it requires initiative and effort outside the classroom.

If the event has some special guests, research about them especially if you intend to mention their names. ", A. Whitney Brown "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. Find out more and download files on my blogpost: There; I knew I’d say something to get your attention. I’ll be the one in your heart and your mind—just as you are always in mine.”, “You may be dreading the first day of school—but just think of all the lessons you’ll learn, the friends you’ll make, the knowledge you’ll gain…and if all that fails, just think of the totally cool treat you’ll get at the end of the day. – Stephen Hawking, Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. If your school hosts an open house, be sure to go.

You are caring.

Wishing you a great year!

", E.C. My advice to you would be to get involved, be active, participate in clubs, organizations and activities. – Francis of Assisi, You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. I may not be sitting beside you on the school bus, in the classroom, or in the cafeteria—those spots will be filled by all the wonderful friends you make in class.

High School Graduation Wishes, Messages and Quotes, Christmas Wishes For Kids - Greetings and Messages, Inspirational Messages For Kids & Learnable Quotes, Merry Christmas Messages For Parents From Children.

It is easy to feel a little sad when summer is gone, but remember that education is an amazing opportunity. But not many schoolteachers can prove it.

Love. Back To School Messages & Welcome Wishes From Teacher. Just to make things clear, a welcome speech is can also be used in any event that may be held in your school, it can be a graduation ceremony, pep rally, homecoming, etc. You will learn things that you’re bound to take with you the rest of your life. May our schools be safe havens — sanctuaries where students are free from physical threat, protected against predators, safe from emotional harm. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ", E.C.

After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do. Familiarizing your child with her environment will help her avoid a nervous stomach on the first day. It allows you to have a clear physical copy of what you’re going to say in your speech. Fill the room with the right volume of your vice.
Try to find a few minutes before or after school to connect one-on-one with the teachers.

But I figure a little luck won’t hurt either. 42 Motivational Back To School Messages – Have A Fantastic School Year! This personal, thoughtful card is sure to be a welcome pick me up to any student facing their first day of school.

A new semester means fresh new textbooks, new teachers, new learning goals and sometimes even new friends.

Trying to get out the door on time when a school bell or a work commitment beckons makes for a stressful time before 9am.