Thanks for all the great work you do to help our iconic SRKWs! advocating for immediate action by politicians and government agencies to reverse the dramatic decline of Chinook salmon stocks in Southern Resident killer whale habitat. At every opportunity, CWR team members speak out boldly in the media concerning the sick and starving SRKWs. (“Gamma” is a term for option price drift that dealers often seek to offset by buying or selling the underlying stock.). of killer whales (orcas) in the waters surrounding the San Juan Islands. Learn about the attractions and activities at ORCA SURVEY Outreach & Education Center at

I was sitting a bit south of the reef in front of the house. They were vocalizing (heard off-camera). CWR reports the official annual count of Southern Resident orcas twice each year: July 1 and December 31. Read Ken Balcomb's April 22 Earth Day message to. Stock up on these cards at your local PCC Community Markets. Marine ecologist Jason Fowler was among the sailors aboard a catamaran who first saw the whales in a relatively deep river bend. “When we start making an effort (on Tuesday) morning it will be with an outward-going tide,” he told reporters. Honestly, we could not do what we do without you. One of the immediate goals of the Center for Whale Research is to generate operating security for the organization. You can comment on these new rules: Send a letter, phone, or e-mail the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Bernadette Jordan, and the Minister of Environment & Climate Change, Jonathan Wilkinson. *The SRKW population is down from last year. Used with permission. e going from here to California to Alaska to wherever they have to go to find enough food to eat. We are also the only place where you can access a Global iTunes Chart. Thank you for the continued updates on our local whales and your efforts to protect them while educating the public, Thank you for your continuous work on behalf of the local Resident Orca population. Learn about the attractions and activities at the ORCA SURVEY Outreach & Education Center, send them the link to this page via email, Click here to set up your own Facebook Fundraiser. An essential aspect of this is financial planning. first encounter where I was able to recognize every whale there by sight. The comments are a reminder of how important the orcas are to a lot of people. J pod, the K14s, and L87 passed by very close to shore in a tight group. (Photograph by CWR's Dave Ellifrit. Since then, close to 14,000 people from across North America and around the globe have visited and learned from knowledgeable CWR staff and volunteers about killer whales and how they can help the struggling population of Southern Resident orcas. Southern Resident killer whale encounters: 8, Transient/Bigg's killer whale encounters: 21. They are generously donating 20% of the profits from sales of these socks to CWR! Parts of these big institutional trades were likely done over-the-counter, which makes it harder to gauge their full market effect, according to Kambiz Kazemi, principal at La Financiere Constance Inc. Options activity by both big and small traders has probably heightened market volatility, according to RBC Capital Markets strategist Amy Wu Silverman. We understand these are challenging times. Senator Cantwell's reply. By reporting your cetacean (whale, dolphin, and porpoise) and sea turtle sightings, you are directly contributing to conservation-based research. I remember looking around, wondering where she was, and then a strange feeling came over me: I could FEEL someone watching me. Students from the Salish Sea School masked up and physical distancing and learning about orcas from. At the TEDxBigSky event in January, Hawley and Peterson make a further compelling case for the immediate removal of the four Lower Snake River dams.