Noah also followed the Lord’s instructions to provide enough food and drinking water for his family and all the animals. Even one of his sons disbelieved him, stayed behind, and was drowned. [38] The earliest Akkadian versions of the unified epic are dated to ca. "[53] Others, however, would say that "the story is thoroughly Indian" and the "boat is not the equivalent of Noah's Ark, though it is still the symbol of salvation"[54] According to Purana Manu's story occur before 28 chaturyuga in the present Manvantara which is the 7th Manvantara. By the time that Adam died, there were many people on the earth; for the children of Adam and Eve had many other children; and when these grew up they had other children; and these had children also. Shortly after turning 500, Noah became a father.

[34] According to Elaine Pagels, "Rather, they hid in a particular place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the unshakable race. God said to Noah, "The time has come when all the men and women on the earth are to be destroyed. It seemed as though the heavens were opened to pour great floods upon the earth. To quiet them they decide to send a great flood to silence mankind. It is sad to tell that as time went on more and more of these people became wicked, and fewer and fewer of them grew up to become good men and women. Their minds were constantly filled with violent, evil thoughts, and they did many terrible things. The book of Genesis reveals God wanted to bring a great flood because humans had set their hearts to do evil all of the time (Genesis 6). You're almost done! ", [Illustration: So Noah opened the door of the Ark].

The flood narrative is followed by the story of the Curse of Ham.

The flood story in Genesis 6–8 matches the Gilgamesh flood myth so closely that "few doubt that [it] derives from a Mesopotamian account.

We are told that Noah walked with the Lord and found grace in His sight (Genesis 6:8–9; cf. Now the raven has strong wings; and this raven flew round and round until the waters had gone down, and it could find a place to rest, and it did not come back to the ark. Also, Islamic beliefs deny the idea of Noah being the first person to drink wine and experience the aftereffects of doing so.[34][74]. How Could All the Animals Fit on the Ark? But Noah could not see what had happened on the earth, because the door was shut, and the only window was up in the roof.

Noah’s Ark is one of the few “stories” that most people recognize, even those that have never stepped in a church or cracked open a Bible. This led some commentators to offer the figure of Noah as "the man in a fur coat," who ensured his own comfort while ignoring his neighbour. So Noah knew that the water had gone down enough to let the trees grow again. So Noah and his wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, with their wives, went into the ark. In prayer Noah asked the Lord never to destroy the earth again with flood. The Lord was pleased with Noah. To show his gratitude, Noah sacrificed one of each of the clean animals and birds as an offering to the Lord. The ark not only was it the biggest ship built up to that time, it would be the largest sailing vessel man would construct until around the 1800's A.D.!
And then the door of the ark was shut and no more people and no more animals could come in. Now because Noah lived in a desert he had never seen a boat before so God had to explain about boats, and Noah ended up with the picture of a 'floating box'. 14 “Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and out with pitch.”– Genesis 6:14 In Genesis 6:14, God commanded Noah to build an Ark of Gofer (or Gopher) wood.Interestingly, this word is used nowhere else in the scripture nor is it a Hebrew word. According to some biblical accounts, Noah lived a solitary life or lived among his fellow tribal members.

"[77], The Bahá'í Faith regards the Ark and the Flood as symbolic.

He told Noah to take into the ark seven of those birds and animals which were considered to be clean according to the Lord’s dietary laws of that time. His story is contained in the Hebrew Bible, in the Book of Genesis, chapters 5–9 and in the Quran. Similarly, there is only one way to enter into a relationship with God.

[50] "[28] In particular, "The Genesis Apocryphon devotes considerable space to Noah." Noah's Ark [Notes 1] is the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative through which God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world's animals from a world-engulfing flood.