Three of the six tags deployed at the Auckland Islands (AI) ceased transmitting before the individuals moved out of the winter aggregation area.
They get their name because they were the ‘right’ whale to catch: they were slow-swimming, floated when dead, and provided large amounts of valuable products – particularly oil for illumination and … ".Ms Steele-Collins said she was hoping it was just a matter of the calf needing to get stronger before commencing the journey, but said it was very strange behaviour.Tracking the pair has become a priority with their distinctive markings making the job easier.Communities from Victor Harbor to Louth Bay and Port Lincoln have been following their journey as it hugs the shoreline, tracking south.Images of the whales have been added to a new photographic catalogue called the Encounter Bay Right Whale Study which is being used to identify the whales as they travel.Sleaford Bay resident Marianne Stockham, a registered whale spotter, has documented and photographed whales near Port Lincoln for more than 30 years.She photographed Winkulari and Ringkari and sent the images to the whale study.

Whales can mate at any time of the year. Of the nine tags deployed at Head of Bight (HOB), three tags failed to transmit, and three tags ceased transmitting within six days.Migratory movements from coastal calving grounds were successfully obtained for six individuals (AI = 2, Pirates Bay (PB) = 1, HOB = 3).
Search like behaviour persisted for 2 to 85 days depending on the individual (12 to 87 days if uncertain behaviour is included) (,Location data from the two whales tagged at the Auckland Islands Bight showed associations with the Subtropical Front (STF) (Figs.Individuals 96373 and 96374 were tagged at the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. The fact that they can have their calves in the same area each year makes it easier than dealing with births being scattered throughout their feeding grounds.It is also better for the whales to have them in one area, rather than during a long migration trip.In general, whales migrate towards the colder poles in the summer, and towards the tropical waters of the equator in winter months. The gestation period of a killer whale is between 15-18. Grey dots correspond to uncertain areas of restricted search inferred by the SSM.Red dashed lines indicate the predicted location of the main oceanic fronts: Subtropical front (STF), sub-Antarctic front (SAF) and Polar Front (PF). These quasi-periodic eddies occur annually in the region during the Austral summer and are driven by the interaction between a weakening in the southerly flowing Leeuwin Current and persistent seasonal southerly winds that results in localised upwelling [,The sub-adult whale tagged at Pirates Bay Tasmania, showed more variation in direction of travel than the other five tagged right whales, moving between latitudes 55°S and 65°S. ',"That's 3,000 to 5,000 kilometres to be able to get back there and also, was it going to be fat enough, with enough fat layers to keep it warm in the colder waters, the sub-Antarctic waters? It was estimated to have travelled over 5,100 miles.There are so many species of whale, and not all species of whale migrate as close to shore as the gray whale or humpback whale. The adult female (96374) migrated west and then northwest to approximately 43°S before moving westwards between 45–48°S, while the adult male (96373) initially migrated north to the South Island of New Zealand after which locations ceased to transmit until the individual was at approximately 126°E (,Behavioural modes inferred by the model indicated that ARS occurred for 45% of the SSM locations. However, if you are now wondering, you can find an article I have written.Bernhard Grzimek, Schlager, N., Olendorf, D. and American (2003). The use of multiple feeding grounds by individuals from a single wintering ground has also been found for South Atlantic southern right whales satellite tracked from wintering grounds [,Latitudes associated with the STF (39°–42°S) appear to be a feeding ground for both New Zealand and Australian southern right whales. I know, probably not.

London: Cape.Bryan has spent his whole life around animals. Right plots: Comparison of the observed (blue) and current-corrected (red) tracks.

On the left is Gerald, one of my many animal friends. SST data (1/4° x 1/4° on a Cartesian grid) were read from OISST (.In total, 16 satellite tags were deployed on adult right whales. These individual variations show that potential anthropogenic impacts on these populations need to be considered throughout their distribution range both within and outside of territorial waters. Tags deployed at Head of Bight were not articulated and were fitted with a stainless-steel collar to reinforce the bolt that connected the anchor to the cylindrical electronics housing. Concerns for southern right whale and calf late for migration south .