Rather than opening a case against against those officers, DA Dave Young decided to do nothing and open no further investigations into the death of a 23 year old young man.

Black Visions Collective believes in a future "where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right relationship within our ecosystems.". Baker has made the decision to wear Julius’ name on the back of his helmet this season and to use his post-game press conferences to speak out on Julius’ behalf. I’ll do it...You all are phenomenal.

The in-custody death of Elijah McClain, 23, has resulted in protests, investigations, policy changes and more. Hiding from public comment by disabling his phone line is cowardly conduct unbecoming of someone in his position. From greater bias training to civilian oversight of police departments, everyday people are demanding an end to the violence and injustice to Black and Brown people.

READ NEXT: Suspected Human Scalp With Braids Found at Missouri Campground, Elijah McClain: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. ... Aurora police were facing widespread anger for their role in the killing of black 23-year-old Elijah McClain last year. It has also included the support of several high-profile celebrities and athletes who have chosen to use their platform and fame as tools to fight injustice. Jennifer has written Gov. Click here to call the Aurora City Council and request that they pass the resolution. “From the officers’ perception, it went from an investigatory stop to a potential life-threatening incident, and it certainly raised the officers’ use of force,” Young wrote in a letter to Aurora Police Chief Nick Metz. Just a few days before Elijah McClain was killed, another Elijah was injected with ketamine by Colorado law enforcement. Tweet this video at Aurora City Council members asking them to vote to ban ketamine.

Here’s what you need to know about McClain’s death: Body Worn Camera Regarding the In-Custody Death of Elijah McClainThis is the Body Worn Camera footage from the August 24, 2019 contact with Elijah McClain. Body Worn Camera Regarding the In-Custody Death of Elijah McClain, This is the Body Worn Camera footage from the August 24, 2019 contact with Elijah McClain. The petitioners hope to get 3 million signatures in total. The petition has currently garnered 1.8million signatures and is calling for 3million in total. Lastly, make sure to tune-in to our Facebook Live Friday tomorrow (9/18) night at 6PM CST. More from CNN at http://www.cnn.com/ To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit http://collection.cnn.com/ or e-mail cnn.imagesource@turner.com.2014-12-05T03:44:01Z. If you move again, I’m calling in a dog to bite you.’”. A Change.org petition demanding justice for McClain has reached 4 million signatures as of July 1. Since then, a Change.org petition demanding “Justice for Elijah McClain” has garnered nearly 2 million signatures. The voices of these communities have been ignored for far too long. According to Colorado Music, he played music for them because he thought they were lonely and the music would calm them. At one point, he says, “I can’t breathe,” similar to Floyd and Eric Garner. They are back in the field with no charges. According to reports, McClain repeatedly said he could not breathe, much like the George Floyd case. I’m just different that’s all. You can get a person responsible for solving a petition to answer the supporters of the campaign. Sadly, several days later Mr. McClain was taken off life support. Take a look at these tactics online: As the effort to saves Julius Jones from an unjust death sentence for a crime he did not commit continues, we have been overwhelmed by the support we have received from people all across the country. "Based on the investigation presented and the applicable Colorado law, there is no reasonable likelihood of success of proving any state crimes beyond a reasonable doubt at trial. McClain's case has not received extensive media coverage but the Black Lives Matter movement is demanding justice. sign the Justice for Elijah McClain petition here. I don’t have a gun. I don’t do that stuff. Like Julius, Nancy’s brother spent 23 hours a day in a cell by himself while waiting to be executed. The movement needs your voice - start, sign and share a petition today. Now the city council has the chance to stop it until the Department of Health concludes its investigation into ketamine use. Click here to tweet to city council members, reminding them that 5 million people want them to vote to ban ketamine. The drug caused the young man to go into cardiac arrest on his way to the hospital. Almost a year after his death, Elijah McClain is making headlines. After a struggle Mr. McClain was transported to a local area hospital. I don’t do that stuff.” McClain also vomited several times while in police custody. According to Elijah's family, Elijah, who was anemic, preferred to wear a ski mask to keep his face warm while he was walking. August 24th, 2019, 23-year-old Elijah McClain was walking home after buying some tea at a local convenience store. Elijah McClain. You haven't finished adding your comment. Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old Black man in Aurora, Colorado, was murdered at the hands of police almost a year ago and still no justice.

“While we appreciate her moving on this, we feel it is important to codify these bans so they cannot be rolled back by a change in department leadership and so that our community knows where council stands on the matter,” he said. She loved her family and community, work…, On February 23, 2020, 25 year-old Ahmaud Arbery was chased and gunned down by Travis McMichael, son…, Derek M Chauvin is a Minneapolis police officer who killed George Floyd on Memorial day. The officers involved are still employed with the department and were never criminally charged. The 23-year-old unarmed Black man died in 2019 after having contact with Aurora Police Department officers in Colorado, according to the Global Dispatch.