It allowed me to try concepts and questions and get immediate feedback I could learn from, preferred over other textbooks, better value for money. All reading material was readily available, due dates were clearly written and sections were clearly broken down which made completing homework assignments in multiple sessions very bearable. zyBooks use animations to dynamically illustrate complex concepts. I am disappointed that this wasn't the case. zyBooks is very easy to use, user friendly, and provides great learning tools. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. I found it easy to use and a great help. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. Overall, it is an easy and efficient implementation of an online textbook, especially compared to similar services. easy to use and helpful with instant feedback. The questions in the book helped me master the topics. Interactive. It costs too much money and should be available always. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. I think all professors with flip classrooms should use zybooks. That is what tech companies are looking for: people who can think, not just regurgitate whatever they just read. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). The textbook has had some issues. I learn better through zyBook's example problems, especially when I miss them the first time. zyBooks has been a tremendous help when it comes to studying. Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. This was a really helpful way to helping me learn. The animations are a bit clunky and slow sometimes, and $75 is a bit steep for one-semester licence to a digital textbook, especially when lost of courses are moving to open textbooks. I don't think I have any complaints except that we lose it once the subscription for it is over. It is very easy to follow and very organized. It's like an interactive textbook or a virtual professor with which you can learn from at your convenience any time of the day. Very easy to follow, and informative. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. Some of the Challenge questions are very repetitive and boring. Its much more cheaper than Cengage and I totally agree with it. I don't think the material was that bad, it was pretty comprehensive for what I needed to learn; however I think my dislike came from the fact that this is the only way our professor gave assignments and it became INCREDIBLY tedious to finish all the labs. It is a great platform to learn as zybooks allows you to interact with the material and have the best experience. We did not filter responses based on positive or negative comments. I felt I was able to learn more by being able to figure out what the correct answers were. I like the feature where they let us to see answer, because sometimes I really have no idea what to right, and I don't need to struggle for too long. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A person like me who passes interviews for companies every day, this was not interesting. I am actually really glad my professor choose to use zybooks because she doesn't do zoom and I don't have to worry about that becasue i get all i need to know from here explained in full. Overall, the participation activities are fine. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). I really love the interactive labs. Will the animations and learning questions really help students or are they just gimmicks? Do zyBooks work on a mobile phone? Do you have an app? I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. The exercises evaluate and develop understanding. Because the participation activity completion was not part of our grade, I did not use them except for some cases where I wanted to solidify my knowledge on a topic. Overwhelming amount of chapters to complete at once, but that was an issue of our course rather than the book itself. It was helpful for making sure I understood conceps, could be harder to just bs putting in effort. to long and need to be able to go back to the previous easier and better named, helped me learn better than just reading my textbook. Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, I liked how each chapter explained a topic well using examples and that we were also asked to implement what we had just read (in challenge activities) to ensure that we really understood the concept. I spent more time chasing down formatting errors in lab and challenge activities than I did actually learning. Also, some of the things that have been used as examples so far have been slightly comforting. Interactive assignments within the text, easy to understand instructions. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. Involve me and I learn. Worked well, I think its much better than any of the previous online coding systems Ive used, Loads of information in an easily digestible format. Very thorough and bravo zyBooks! The animations are also useful. _brudy 2 yr. ago Whats the desktop IDE? I thought zyBooks was a very helpful tool in learning coding for Python. sometimes correct answers are made incorrect because it is not the answer the book wants. We understand; money is tight. ZyBooks is a coding platform for learners It has quizzes, coding challenges and other ways to help learners learn. await doAll (). However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. It is so much easier to go through a chapter with interactive examples and questions to reinforce the concepts. A couple of times I had the code correct but zyBooks insisted that it was wrong. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks, Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, inspired by a Chinese philosopher, 818 AD. It explains the material quite well. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). It was interactive so I was actually able to conceptualize the things I was learning as I was learning it rather than reading it without understanding. This book is fine for people who already understand code but is not beginner friendly at all. It has a clean interface, that is easy to navigate, and the way it steps through concepts is tremendously helpful when going back to hear them in Lecture as well as reviewing material for a program or before an exam. These hands-on segments made it easier to grasp the content and helped me to become a stronger coder. I have never experienced another resource that met my needs as well as zyBoooks. I find zyBooks easy to use and a fun interactive platform to learn. Try some of our live questions and see for yourself. Good learning tool, but the multipart videos are tedious. Also, scaffolding opportunities would be extremely helpful with the ending coding exercises. I noticed that the questions after each lesson tends to be extremely vague at times and I even get asked questions that isn't talked about in the lessons above. I like it so far. A good online textbook that helps you learn more than a physical one. The code grader can be a bit weird, especially for more difficult assignments, but the animated explanations of topics (particularly algorithms) are incredibly helpful. I am hoping that zybooks is not used in my upcoming classes. The script will do: All multiple choice activities. vegan options at biltmore estate. It was extremely helpful in providing structure to my studying and general learning practices. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. The platform adopts a dynamic approach to STEM education, illustrating concepts through animations, question sets, experimentation . useful and effective way to teach the basics of coding since the content is nothing new or cutting edge, helps free up space for the teacher to teach more important/complex concepts. By being shorter sections it sometimes trades off some depth for much quicker intake of the material. We had issues, however, as we progressed to more advanced materials. I think I learned a lottt! Honestly I really like Zybooks. They were a great practice to learn the materials. The animated examples are easy to understand and help a lot. Personally, it's difficult sometimes but I always walk away feeling as if I've learned something. zybooks does a good job at explaining the material, but doesn't help much when you get stuck on a challenge. An easy and effective method to learn the material! It is very helpful, I used it for two semester. It does not need to be severe, just enough to encourage people to actually read the material. The exercises seem good and it takes pressure off knowing there is no penalty. Zybooks is incredibly helpful when it comes to programming. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. Whats the point if i cant go back and read/practice the information anyway. Could be interesting, however, the material is often redundant, and already covered. Zybooks makes it easy to learn the lecture materials in-depth, but it still makes it challenging enough that the information is really understood. This is the correct approach to learning in my opinion. Like the main class was in the. I have enjoyed using zyBooks. However sometimes even if youve done it incorrectly in the activities it doesnt tell you. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. I appreciated the exercises, drills, etc. It helps me learn the things that we don't go over or don't go in depth enough in class. It is a really great platform, I love how hands on it is. I did find that there were some syntax errors and I did report them. This was my first time working with an interactive book and I was able to learn and understand concepts better. zyBooks seems like an improvement over most attempts by textbook companies to make me pay to submit my homework, but at the end of the day, that's still what it is. It's very easy to understand and do the work. The format has been easy to use, especially once I figured out the expected way to input code. The system is very glitchy. With more online courses popping up every day, it's easy to see why so many cheaters are on the rise. I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. I think its great for learning things like circuits because it makes it easy to interact and see how they work internally and how all of the equations and systems would apply. I had to retake CSIS 1400 because the first time I didn't really learn as much as I hoped. I enjoy the coding part at the end of sections, but the interactive slides are not as helpful for reading. Zybooks has been very helpful in learning the material with many clear examples. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. I think it's a helpful, interactive textbook for learning matlab. Easily accessible and a very interactive way to learn from a textbook. Sometimes, it takes too much time to do some questions or labs because the requirements are not clear. Though it was useful the challenges were very hard to read through and complete. zyBooks is a very straightforward program to use. some instructions can be explained better. I learn best through examples and homework problems. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. I enjoy the progress bar and the participation question that allow multiple tries, It lessens the stress of getting it right the first time for a 100% grade. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. For example, I think it was in the chapter about user defined functions where the challenges incorporated vectors and classes, something I that had not been covered at all previously, hence, I had a lot of difficulty figuring it out. The material is well-organized and presented concisely. Since this is the first c++ programming class that I have taken, I felt really lost on some of the topics that we went over. And monitoring students progress is an excellent instructor tool. I do wish that there were examples for the activity questions at the bottom of each section, perhaps just a more formal example. I very like the interaction part of Zybooks. The best way to understand the power and flexibility of zyBooks is to get in andwork with a free evaluation zyBook. Reading zybooks is pretty easy too. All Systems Operational Uptime over the past 90 days. It is easy to learn with and work through questions with. The participation activities make sure that you fully understod the concept. The active activities do aide in learning the material. I think an easy version of the labs that is a bit more guided would help me a lot. it's kind of annoying to program in these text boxes with no linting or auto completion of brackets/paranthesis, etc. The examples helped me do the challenges and labs a lot. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. I don't think our teacher's teaching style was compatible with Zybooks, though I do like the exercises. I really liked zyBooks. It is a great software for students to utilize while taking college courses. zyBook in a great was to lean material and practice. This will be shown if an incident or maintenance is posted on your status page. See notes at the bottom for what we have done, and for discussion about the responses. Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. In other words, even for students who said No to marketing, the comments were overwhelmingly positive. Great presentation to learn the code. It is easy to use, works in all browsers even with ad-block, and has great teaching methods. I like how zybooks is a hands-on way of learning where I'm applying what I read immediately, which helps to better ingrain the material to my memory. As someone from the Latino culture and heritage, I found it particularly dissapointing when I read the default mad libs inputs to read something about eating burritos makes you muey macho or something along those lines. I would definitely recommend this to professors who are looking to improve their students' metacognitive skills. Good, the examples could explain a little more. This is my third or fourth zybooks experience and I have always been happy with them. Oh, one more thing, it was extremely annoying to solve a problem, when the only thing wrong with my program is that I printed out two spaces instead of one. ZyBooks has helped me in more ways than any instructor could. I enjoy the interactive aspect of the site that is not paralleled in any regular physical textbook. Jose Maya, Student, IUPUI, The combination of online exercises, lectures, and targeted programming assignments, in addition to the book material, provides an effective, multi-tiered approach. Having a relatively inexpensive (relative to other textbooks) text that is online was pretty nice and the interactive examples and problems made content easier to understand. Made new concepts easy with the interactive slideshows and problems. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. View historical uptime. It was helpful to have the resource of zybooks to go back to in order to remember information and study but I would not consider it a tool when first being introduced to new course content. Helpful since it shows answers rather than leaving a practice activity with confusion, The format for Zybooks on the parts that are the blue areas, are confusing, and honestly, some of the examples are very hard to follow when you have to scroll down the page and back and back and fourth. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. Programming is very different from other subjects. I think the lessons are a little long at times, but other than that it does teach well. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. I liked using it way more than any other interactive online textbook I've used before. These principles drove zyBooks founders, who are also ICS alumni, Smita Bakshi (Ph.D. 1996) and Frank Vahid (Ph.D. 1994) to craft STEM material native for the web using "less text, more action," as they put it.
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