Is it possible to get this expunged? North Carolina Criminal Law Chapter 14-33 (c) (2) establishes the charge as a Class A1 Misdemeanor Offense. 20-146 (d)(1) on one ticket and g.s. At this point she needs to contact an attorney in the county of the conviction to discuss her options. You would need to speak with a local attorney to see if anything can be done. My advice is reach out to an attorney in the county of this conviction as expunctions must be filed where the charge originated. Would that be a correct assessment? Hello, my friend will have an assault charged dismissed soon, he is over 18. can he hire a lawyer to take it before a judge or DA. I was convicted of 4 class H Felonies in the same secession of court in 2006 I had just turned 18 I have no prior convictions or any since should I be eligible under senate bill 445 for an expungement? Would I be able to get the dismissals removed from my record? Assault My attorney at the time was then able to get me a PJC for the misdemeanor. Three charges were consolidated to one for sentencing. Even if he was charged with 2 counts it seems strange the DA did not agree to dismiss 1 count unless extra charges were also involved. Coolidge Law Firm is committed to seeking the best possible outcomes to these types of cases, whether it is negotiating a reduction of charges through a plea bargain or fighting for a complete dismissal of charges at trial. Hi. I hired an attorney who is now disbarred, and I was leaving to marry an ex in California, and I went to two court appearances before the judge would let me leave NC under the requirement that I leave a way to contact me once I got there. We are trying to get 4 charges expunged. How are they "Verified"? Contact an attorney in that county to confirm your options and local procedure. I mean 30 years and being a model citizen with not even a traffic ticket? DISCLAIMER This forum is intended for general questions and comments about the particular law or topic. At the time of incident, my husband completed all if his probation successfully and completed an anger management program that was suggested by his court appointed attorney at the time, but was not mandated. Will either of them cause me to fail a background check for teaching licensure. I was charged with breaking or entering, assault with serious bodily injury in 2011. I would definitely use a local attorney rather than attempt anything on your own. You can always try and file now and see if a Judge will sign off on it. If i prove that I had a good conduct till today (October 8, 2022) from the date of conviction will the judge be able to grant me permission to get my charges expunged? I do well in school and wanna succeed , any chance of that being expunged. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor if a person commits an assault, assault and battery, or affray under the following circumstances: It is a Class A1 misdemeanor if a person commits an assault, assault and battery, or affray under the following circumstances: Assault by pointing a gun is a Class A1 misdemeanor. Unfortunately Class A1 convictions are generally not eligible for expunction in NC. I am not sure I follow. The petition must be filed in the county where the charge originated. Willing to try anything. That being said, you could always list the extra charge and see if a Judge will sign off on it. 2003 and received 3 yrs probation. You would need to convince a DA and Judge to sign off on a MAR or Motion for Appropriate Relief that strikes your conviction and reopens the case.You almost certainly need a local attorney if you want a good chance of success. That's the only misdemeanor I recall. Eligibility to expunge up to Three Non-Violent Felony convictionsafter a 20 year wait period if all occurred within the same 24 month period. It was later reduced to misdemeanor assault on female in 2012. You would need to reach out to someone in Wayne county to determine if that is a realistic option. It may depend on the facts of the case as convictions involving violence are not eligible. It was in Northampton County, looking for advice on the matter. They were both misdemeanors. Are all these convictions? The person I assaulted was asked by the DA did she want to go through with the charges and she said yes. I do not have the answer to that question. Every situation is unique and should be considered on a case by case basisNOT only H & I felonies. If the charge resulted in a conviction the wait period depends on the age and charge. I would talk to a new attorney in the county. by Gilles Law | Nov 16, 2017 | Blog Posts, NC Criminal Defense. 19 W. Hargett St., Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27601. Did you not have a lawyer- that type of charge can often be dismissed via community service. Regarding this attorney who says you can't expunge a dismissal due to your age- he is dead wrong- and I would recommend hiring a new attorney. You probably want to wait until all cases are dismissed so you only have to file one time. Is trafficking by transport able to be expunged? speeding to elude arrest 4-7-09. North Carolina Criminal Statute of Limitations Laws I watched an NC murder trial, and the defendant who stabbed his wife 123 times got more respect from the judge than I received. However, if you are arrested for assaulting another person, you could face anything from a misdemeanor charge to a felony. Class F is considered a serious felony and convictions are not eligible for expunction. This is also a Class A1 misdemeanor with similar penalties as for a conviction for assault on a female. Your Assault Charges in North Carolina Depend This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Can I get these expunged? In some cases, the person may be ordered to stay away from the victim or to take anger management classes. I only handle Union and Mecklenburg County, but give me a call to discuss How many changers can you get expunged at one time. Therefore I the Class G conviction will likely disqualify you from any expunction. This statement is a, This is a post about hope. Regarding your specific question- was the end result of the larceny charge a conviction or dismissal? Simple assault is the least serious assault charge in North Carolina. Not all violent crimes in North Carolina involve actual acts of physical violence. Assault Charges North Carolina General Assembly I was told I couldn't get it sealed or espunged bc is two convictions is that true? I was not convicted and it was dismissed without leave. If youre charged with simple affray, he can defend you in criminal court and work for the best possible outcome. The clerks can't give you legal advice- what county is this from? How can I determine class? John-. I got two felony BE and one mis when I was 16 Im 38 now can I get then Expunged. Cheryl Swink Wright, 45 was arrested on charge of Simple Assault Simple Assault & Battery or Affray at 100-BLK Elizabeth Ave, Lincolnton. Nothing ever just falls off your record in NC due to age. See the language from the AOC form below: It was my first time ever in trouble and havent been in trouble since. Case from 6 years ago. Booking Date: 3/3/2023. simple assault charge The exact procedure for getting the signatures of the District Attorney and Judge varies by county and I am not familiar with Catawba County. My mother got a felony for arson when I was nine years old (29 years ago). In addition to misdemeanor assault charges, North Carolina recognizes many types of felony assault charges. Senate Bill 445 does allow law enforcement and prosecutors access to criminal charge information that have been removed from a record. Am I eligible for expungment? Was charged in 2012 with 9 counts embezzlement, didnt have money to fight pleaded for 5 charges instead of five no jail time in 2017. Any word from North Carolina Administrative Office of Courts on when the new form will be available that fit the new dismissal expungement rules? The criminal history of the alleged offender and/or any injuries suffered by the alleged victim can result in more serious charges. SIMPLE ASSAULT (MISDEMEANOR) KAELIE CATHY KENNEDY, WHITE, FEMALE, AGE 27 (view image), arrested on charge of SIMPLE ASSAULT (MISDEMEANOR) At 100 BLK DAVIDSON DR ASHEVILLE, NC on 02/28/23 11:25:00 Case # reported on 02/28/23 11:25:00 Expunctions are county specific so you would need to file petitions in both Mecklenburg County and Stanly County. Would be easiest to just wait until December 1 so you can include all five on the same petition assuming they were all from the same county. This was my charges If it matters I was well over 21 at the time of both arrests. The information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. What can I do? I have been to clerk of courts office in yhat county to get tecord and they cannot find it, but it does show up occassionally, which is weird. So with your Witt law pa attorneys do they do help with expungements? No trouble since then. Does this mean to get it expunged? If a person commits an assault, assault and battery, or an affray and uses a deadly weapon, he can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon as a misdemeanor offense. Convictions involving violence for offenders over age 18 are not eligible.under NC law. Raleigh Criminal Defense Assault Lawyer - Kirk Kirk Law He's very thorough and efficient. Many nonviolent felony convictions that are either Class H or Class I will be eligible under the new law after a wait period of 10 years. What are my expungement options? What can I do? Even if the victim tells the DA she does not want to pursue charges, the DA is unlikely to drop them. Copyright 2017 - 2023 by Coolidge Law Firm | What was the outcome of the charges? What makes this charge unique is that if a female assaults a male, she is usually charged with misdemeanor simple assault unless there are serious injuries. This was a trafficking charge (MDMA). Is the second arrest eligible for expungement? they had updated me on the outcome. Assaults can be charged at a misdemeanor or felony level and can be differentiated by age of the victim as well as gender. I believe it was pjc or 90 96 or a similar program. For felony intent to sell and deliver cocaine.. can it be expunged? It can be difficult to determine whether there is a distinct interruption between alleged assaults.
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