Fixed an issue at the Old Hospital POI with wall alignment. Expanded the road network around Kropy and Zolata POIs. Pros: Relatively small footprint with superior viewing angles for observation and fire support. Fixed some floating grass at grid F5-5-8. Adjusted all Technical SPG9 vehicle spawn times to now be 10min (some map layers previously had 5 or 6 minute spawn times). Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. Adjusted the Mi8/Mi17 Helicopters default ammo/construction cargo split from 750/750 to 900 ammo / 600 construction. Fixed the collision on the Green Bridge so that landmines are still slightly visible even when dug down. One side of the camo netting appears semi-transparent up close, while the side facing the enemy is fully opaque. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Added 2 new Gorodok RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Gorodok RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), CAF Gorodok RAAS v3 (CAF vs USA). help us fix things faster, and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent in crash reports. RAAS v07. This will be addressed in a future update. Updated minimap with intent to make height more readable, also now features trees. Adjusted GB teams Squad Leader to now display as Section Leader for GB SL 01, SL 02, SL 03. In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Fixed a minor issue with the GB FV107 Reconnaissance vehicle using an inconsistent icon on the map screen versus the vehicle info card menu. Some of the new Seed layers have experimental features added to try out various scenarios to see how they play out, Tallil Seed v1 is focused on light vehicle combat, the rest of the seeding layers dont have offensive vehicles, On Tallil Seed v1, Logar Seed v1, and Sumari Seed v1 the Mercy Bleed rate for losing your last flag has been increased to -300 tickets per second (essentially instantly ending the round), Al Basrah Seed v1, Fallujah Seed v1, and Tallil Seed v2 have Restriction zones limiting the fighting to middle flag(s), At the moment, these restriction zones stay in place until the end of the round. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. involved removing some problematic systems that attempted to move a player before they became trapped within a deployable, which is suspected to be the cause of this issue. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Adjusted the USA Protection Zone on Kohat RAAS v2 so it no longer extends so far east of the USA main. More map layers will be upgraded with the HDRI sky spheres gradually in future updates. Players who are experiencing issues after the update, be sure to go to Settings ->. Currently, this primarily affects the complexity of the Landscape. Tessellation itself has also been significantly optimized. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. Fixed a variety of foliage textures to help with brightness, saturation and some normals to prevent glowing foliage, due to materials with excessive subsurface brightness. The oldest notifications will be removed to make room for new ones. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Occasional Player (Client) crashes in various circumstances. Fixed an issue with floating rocks and grass at the entrances to Tunnel POI. The map was added into the game in the Alpha 14 (June 6, 2019) update. Added 2 new Narva RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Narva RAAS v2 (USA vs RUS), CAF Narva RAAS v2 (CAF vs RUS). Added a Tessellation graphics toggle. These fixes have all been communicated to Server Owners on the Offworld Industries Hosting Discord server. Updated CAF Commander CAS to now use CF-18 rocket strike. Fixed an issue with a compound buildings floor and ceiling incorrectly displaying metal sheeting material at grid O5-5-1. Fixed a minor visual issue with a middle eastern clothesline static having visible LOD popping. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay AAS v1 with tilted helipads at the RUS main. The one exception is Fallujah, where shadow render distance has not been extended, pending more extensive map optimizations. RAAS v02. Updated the vehicle tents on all Jensens Range layers to now use new neutral protection zones to destroy projectiles. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Fixed an issue with a stone fence that players can enter and see through at grid F6-4-7. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. A complete dictionary of Squad Maps and layers available in-game. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. Fixed a gameplay issue with pilots getting excessively harsh team kill penalties in relation to crashing helicopters with multiple passengers. Also added more opacity at further LODs. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Squad's v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Players could also use this as a corner-piece to connect with a larger network of defensive deployables like the HASCO walls, sandbags, HMG bunkers, etc. Harju. Fixed floating shovel and no water sfx sound on inlet. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Predict Squad RAAS lanes and learn map layouts with Squadlanes! Cons: Large Construction cost & build time, very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. It should be much easier to tell when getting hit by projectiles now when inside a vehicle. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post ( LINK URL ). Fixed the issues with the backdrop mountains texture. This will continue to be iterated on following 2.12, as we look to improve optimization and offer better scalability options. Added subtle Volumetric Fog to all maps, which reacts to light more realistically. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point than the other team. That helps us get an overview. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. Fixed a minor visual issue with the Militia Heavy Machine gunner having a broken lip that stretched out the back of his neck. Fixed a minor visual issue with a garage door using plaster material instead of metal material on a garage west of the Blue Mosque POI. Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. Along with every map/layer, each contains: Team Information (Name and Total Tickets) Vehicle Information (Name, Quantity and Delays) Layer Information (Weather, Command and Total Capture Points) and more! Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. Added various mini POIs across the map to fill in areas that were a bit barren. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. This will now be enabled by default on all server platforms and will aid in gathering information to address the critical Linux crash issues. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. Update v3.4 for the tactical first-person shooter, Squad, is now available on Steam. . For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (LINK URL). Fixed an issue with decorative river rock collisions which could be entered/exploited, river rocks with no player collision have been reduced in size to prevent exploitation. Fixed an exploitable player collision on the Middle Eastern Urban Residential house ME_UrbRes_Bld_Med_04. Updated point capture speed to scale by the number of players. Australian Defence Force; British Army; Canadian Army; Civilians; Insurgent Forces Fixed a material LOD issue on the large garage at USA Main and the village houses. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Fixed an issue with various buildings and foliage culling too quickly. Adjusted several CPs capture areas to better match the POI layouts. Fixed Ambient Occlusion artifacts on thousands of buildings, environment objects, and foliage assets. Improved the visibility of muzzle flashes. SMV Layers: See Discussion for SMV layer list - [LayerName_SMV] Credits For the Killfeed and Stickycam System ProMod Team - DevilsD - Arkanoid - Steez Popular Discussions View All (3) 0 Feb 21 @ 12:36am This is intended to restrict the fighting on seed layers to the central capture points and mitigate main base camping, while still allowing players to damage the enemies that they can see. Added a new deployable fortified HASCO Observation Tower for all conventional factions. This usually resulted in putting a soldier up in the air, followed by a fall to their death. Arrows will appear on the Capture Progress Bar to indicate how quickly the point is being captured or lost. Both locations will now use the IFV icon. Weve made a host of other gameplay changes which are listed below in the Changelog, as well as addressed numerous bugs. V2.12 also features extensive overhauls to some existing maps with Yehorivka and Gorodok getting significant updates including lighting updates and new geographic features. Updated soldier ragdolls with several quality of life improvements and to fix some long-standing issues: Updated ragdoll collisions to create fewer spasms and to allow ragdolls to settle into place more easily/smoothly. Fixed a stone wall clipping into a corrugated metal fence around a western edge homestead. Occasionally a player does not spawn at a Rally Point. proportions on the CAF and MEA static flags. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Adjusted the building in grid F8-4-9 to now have an open access point. Capturing generally takes longer and the neutral flag capture rate variability is more obvious with 3 or fewer soldiers in the capture zone. With this adjustment, the intention is to put more emphasis on the SPG9 vehicle crew to maneuver more carefully in an active combat zone, instead of previously being able to arrive at ideal ambush positions, over-watching the first objective before the enemy had a chance to maneuver. Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensens Range in Local play. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Adjusted the faction vehicle layout on Tallil RAAS v1. It is intended to be a more action-oriented type of gameplay focused on infantry fighting with less downtime and a focus on a smaller fighting area. Adjusted the layout and tooltips of the Graphics Settings menu to improve clarity and user experience. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Updated the LandMine / IED explosions / Demo Charges to include new debris sounds for heavy and light vehicles and also modified the close-up explosion sound. Added new map layer: Narva Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, using a unique flag lattice with under-utilised Points of Interest. RAAS v03. At Cinematic quality, there is no longer any limit to particle update rate, allowing you to see our VFX the way they were always intended to be seen. Fixed an issue with the Castle POI walls culling too soon. . This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Infantry Tutorial Updated to include the AUS faction on the soldier and vehicle identification board. Reduced the hollow tube effect. All vehicles will now deal damage to infantry who are within close proximity to a vehicle when it explodes (~10m or less). RAAS v09. RAAS v11. Adjusted GB FV107s HAT damage modifier. The quality and performance cost of this effect are controlled by Post Process Quality. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Added Atmospheric Scattering to all maps, which improves ambient lighting and the shading of distant objects such as mountains. So the 1st flag could connect to any 2nd flag, then that one could connect to any 3rd flag, etc. Updated autocannon projectiles ( 23mm HE and 30mm HE) to no longer have a so-called kill zone radius this radius differs from other damage radii by ignoring mesh collisions, thus causing these projectiles to penetrate armour and still damage soldiers inside vehicles.
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