Pretty straight-forward. Tools. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. How do I grapple/drag an unconscious ally? Search by name on the left, click feat name to display on the right. You've practiced casting spells amid combat, learning techniques that grant you the following advantages: You have an edge on Constitution saving throws that you make to keep your concentration on a spell once you take damage. *Plus Blinding Strike, Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Defensive Stance, Disabling Strike, Preemptive Strike (Handaxe only), Showboating Attack and Whirlwind Defense (Battleaxe and Greataxe only) if you want to include my homebrew manoeuvres in your game. As the players get embroiled in the librarys tangled web of politics and personal enmities, dark forces are at work trying to uncover Candlekeeps fabled Vault of Secrets. ;). I have fighter rogue char and after reading this post I must have whip. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? If theres no benefit from combining them players will be resentful. I feel like this had to have been an oversight or something. Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or Higher. A feat that was used as a prerequisite for another feat or ability cannot be removed unless a rule says it is . If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (your choice). As-is theyre just daggers that havereach. Let's stay in touch! A plus 1 is very meh, but clearly a shield is still useful so a +2 is too strong. First of all, it requires you to not be using your whip to restrain a creature. Regarding the Defensive Duellist, the idea is that whichever you take first gives you the parry skill, and then whichever you take second enables the parry + riposte. Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (whip), base attack bonus +2.. In fact, its probably one of the cooler uses of a whip. But overall if you give the Dex based fighter longswords and greatswords to play with, then arent you waving goodbye to the Strength based fighter? Snap up this epic adventure on the DMs Guild for just $10. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. You don't actually state this, but are they not under the Grappled condition because they can choose move closer to you? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Ultimate today Id make a new batch of homebrew to tackle one of the biggest problems in D&D 5e. I think there might be room for a feat that makes one-handed fighting a viable option. When you score a critical hit with a flail, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or be knocked prone. Better than absorbing damage is preventing it all together. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with an axe: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Parry (Handaxe only), Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack (Battleaxe and Greataxe only), Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. Strength based melee attacks is a D&Dism based on Victorian prejudice that medieval weapons were crude and heavy, so Im wouldnt miss the Strength based fighter much That said the Polearm Master + Sentinel combo should be enough to keep Strength based fighter builds alive and well. You gain the following benefits: Does this seem balanced when compared to other feats? It's completely fine and opens up a nich. This might be overpowered. Now theres a bit of mechanical difference between wielding a warhammer, flail or morningstar, plus the Battle Master maneuvers offer a chance to personalise your capabilities further. Lucky 4. You're already writing out the mechanic. Charm Monster is a bit more powerful, so I gave it a cost of 3 charges to keep it in line with similar items that value a 4th level spell at 3 charges. Youve got Indiana Jones, Catwoman, and most importantly, Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a bludgeoning weapon: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack (maul only), Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. I had designed a pole weapon rule and the polearm master feat completely different as I find it more realistic and viable to the game and the feat also more of a representative of its name. Lots of great ideas. Plus one superiority die alone is a bit underwhelming. Charm Person is only a 1st level spell so I felt that a single charge per cast was fair. The final ability you get is very situational, though could potentially be cool. Weapon feats are nice but I would rather prefare some weapon properties over feats for anything. You could multiclass into barbarian and have advantage on initiative rolls (at lvl6). Whip Master's special action is slightly less effective for the following reasons. Kensei monks can also use them effectively, though there's not much of a reason for them to prefer whips over other weapons at low levels. Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Ammunition Setting Specific Weapons Dragonlance Source: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Weapon Properties Bored of daggers of venom, flame tongues and vicious blades? Illusion cantrip. You either gain a +2 bonus to range attack rolls, or you learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a javelin or spear: Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte and Trip Attack*. You learn three maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a longsword or greatsword: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Menacing Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack and Brace (UA)*. Presumably most rogues will fight with a weapon + whip anyhow, dealing their SA damage with a shortsword most of the time. You are using an out of date browser. Search by name on the left, click feat name to display on the right. -Trip: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or be Prone & be bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds First of all, whips arent light weapons. Using these links and purchasing something through them gives Dungeon Solvers a small kickback which is used to reinvest in the site and its content. This is a simple, but flavorful weapon. And I think I came back with something better. When you attack with an axe, your critical range extends by 1 and you score a critical hit on a 19 or 20. I suspect some will see it as overpowered, but Im not inclined to worry too much about game balance. Note that spells with range of Self and Touch are unaffected by the feat. I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. Yet, so many rogues already use bows or crossbows which gives them even more distance between the enemy compared to a whip. Who will be brave enough to disarm this labyrinth, unravel the Orders secrets, and confront the potentially deranged archmage? Just making one attack with the weapon seems enough. Im considering ruling that the spear is a always a reach weapon (without requiring a feat) as this reflects real world usage both single and dual handed. I had considered that, but with Whips being a finesse weapon, it seemed like enough of a bonus to be worthwhile. One of the biggest issues is that a rogue would be great with a whip but they cant use one since they lack proficiency with whips. In the right hands, this could be a lethal and unexpected combination. Skill Expert 6. The feats extra attack nicely represents real world techniques which require wielding the weapon in two hands. Fencing Master: Is it too much like the Duelist subclass? Sure its a one-handed reach weapon, but quite frankly the benefits of the whip dont outweigh the benefits of most of the other weapons you could pick from as a martial front-line character. Hi, I'm Duncan. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Powered by WordPress & Theme by Anders Norn. This characters goal is not necessarily to deal damage but to harass their enemies and manipulate the battlefield with a reach weapon. Any thoughts on how I could optimize using a whip? If we give rogues proficiency with whips the weapon now has a niche. Feat: Dual Wielder And proceeding to wield the whip in one hand and in the other a dagger for throwing (I can draw + chuck + draw + chuck in one turn thanks to DW feat), offhand attacks in melee, and proccing spells like Hail of Thorns, Conjure Barrage, and Lightning Arrow. Whip Grabbed opponents can still move around, so long as they don't get any farther from you. Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table if you are going to be using . The DnD Druid 5e class is a living conduit for the natural world, that bends the forces of nature and the primal elements to their whim, and even has the mystical ability to become the animals they protect.The Druid is an excellent answer for a party that's missing some roles. You are a dangerous opponent while weilding polearms. Also, just to clarify, do you want this to only work when they hit with their attack? Every class has access to a Feat called Magic Initiate. I really want whips to be viable. Can you please clarify? If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? On a successful melee spell attack, the tentacle deals 1d6 cold damage and, if the target of Large size or smaller, it gains the grappled condition until the beginning of your . If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). When player has target bound, concentration rules are in effect. The hexblade may also be good. Design Notes: You could rename this Shuriken Master for a ninja-themed Dungeons & Dragons campaign! Thats why I think theres room for this feat, focusing on a one-handed spear wielder. Design Notes: Obviously this is a doubled up version of Martial Adept, with the justification that its limited to only two weapons and you cant choose every single maneuver available (plus Martial Adept is not that good, so we can afford to take a liberty here!). Push/Pull/Bind is 2 rolls, mine and the targets, to prevent it from being OP. Menu. Anyway, I'm already working on a new version that doesn't use the word "shove" and instead works with the idea of a Special Attack, just like the text about "Shoving a Creature" and "Grappling" do . Roll vs AC (No Modifiers in off hand Dex Mod in strong hand), Roll of 1: Critical fail -Whip hits player for critical damage and is restrained (Dex Save to break) Maybe I will go and amend that, after a little more thought. Sentinel feat can stop someone 10 feet away. But I thought it would be easier to just give the option to use Acrobatics. (Check out Esquiels Guide to Magic Weapons if you need some!). If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! D&D Player Bundle. If there was some way to make stuff like Booming Blade and the Swashbuckler's rakish audacity work with them, I'd be all about it. Id additionally rule that the spear is a reach weapon. The Polearm Master feat ends up doing the same thing but with a much more common trigger, right? Not super important because you can have the attack cantrips from Warlock, but not something to ignore. Because specific races and feats grant you proficiency with martial weapons, . I think this is balanced enough to at least give some playtesting to. Ive dreamed up my own versions of the the UA weapon feats but they arent quite ready to be used in game yet. As a shortcut to calculate the expected damage increase from Piercer, divide the die size by 8 (i.e. The rest is similar to the Bludgeoning Master feat, and so I feel theres a nice balance between the feats which is important. As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Whip Master: Flavourful and makes the whip a more viable choice. Therefore Ive made it that while a Sword Master starts with two superiority dice, they can only recover 1 per short rest. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. When wielding a whip, you can attempt to grab another creature using your whip. Many thanks to the Wuhan Food Market Sanitation & Standards Office for these fun, financially crippling times!). Ive also taken some creative liberties and given it a feature to aid the user in their search for creatures of the night. communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I've revised the feat to allow the grab as a bonus action on a successful attack (though left the question the same so answers remain valid), We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Some content found on this page may not be suitable for play at your table. When you say "+1", do you mean that it's a half feat (+1 to Dex I assume)? I should probably include that. Is it Unearthed Arcana or in a book? Casting Time: 1 action. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. Some links to stores and online shopping websites include an affiliate code. As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Swashbuckler Thats the one I meant. Make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Alert 2. -Trip: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or be Prone Theres also another way to make the whip useful instead of just giving rogues another new toy to play with. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. I figured that allowing it to castHold Person andHold Monsterwas a great way to reskin this feature. Let me know what you think of it if you end up using it though. And thus, the Whip Master feat gave me my formula for virtually all of the Weapon Master Feats you can now find below. This way youre not choosing between flavor and damage, youre choosing between damage and crowd control. and meets the demand of the majority of 5e players and DMs, without forcing anyone to rethink the game. Rogues. Heres what my Anti-Tank Eldritch Knight uses the Whip for. When a Stalker Vigilante reaches level 2, he or she can select Whip of Vengeance as his or her Vigilante talent, and Whip Mastery is a bonus feat that can be obtained without meeting any of its prerequisites. *Plus Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Whirlwind Defence (maul only) from my homebrew manoeuvres. (i.e. Top 10 Fighter Feats for 5E 10. I was really pleased with my creation, but the response so far has been underwhelming. Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki. Because it's a weapon-specific feat, comparing it to the "Revenant Blade" feat is more appropriate. by Wizards of the Coast. Components: V, S, M (area of dim light or darkness). While I primarily had rogues in mind for the feat, a monk can replace the daggers paltry d4 with their Martial Arts die bringing this back to a ninja-style shuriken master! Other martial classes have access to way better reach weapons and one-handed weapons so the only reason theyd bother with whips is for a flavor choice. We take a look at Monk weapons in 5e, how they work mechanically, and how to modify existing 5e weapons to make them authentic monk weapons. A +1 modifier seems fair considering how many people or monsters youre able to charm with a fully-chargedSuccubis Toy. +17 flat damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you start eldritch or divine smiting on top of that. If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! I believe the blow gun, darts, and sling benefit from Sharpshooter and so arguably dont need their own feat. Thanks. One of the most iconic whips from my gaming experience is the Abyssal Whip from Runescape. If you take the feat Spell Sniper you can use the melee cantrips with the whip as well. Open daily 9 6 p.m.Monday and Thursday evenings 8 to 10.: Music on saturday Afternocns.ADMISSION, 25c.Annual Meeting.The Annual Meeting of the Shamrock Amateur Athletic Aszociution will be held in the : Young !.L.and B.Association Hall, O'Con- \u2018nell Street, on Monday, March 28th, 1904, at 815 receive Directors\u2019 report . How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Going to be joining a game in a couple of days and liked the idea of playing a Halfling that uses a whip. The whip is a finesse (Dexterity-based) weapon, while grappling is normally a Strength (Athletics) based attack. I found your article very responsive and easy to understand. Hmm I think it is okay. Im curious if you have had a chance to play this? My primary intention is to disarm. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? Compendium. Welcome to my blog and do subscribe to stay in touch! The bow of the viper has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges each dawn. Feat synergy question regarding polearm master, Vengeance Paladin with PAM, Spear & Shield, & Elven Accuracy, Eladrin Fey Wanderer/Warlock (Hexblade or Archfey) build advice, Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. Is this homebrew "Acrobatic Grappler" feat balanced? I'm going to make thisway harderthan itneeds to be. Im thinking about adding the Reach property to this feat now that you suggest it! Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). On a successful check, the creature cannot move away from you. If you succeed, you either knock the target prone or pull it 5 feet toward from you. Btw, did you mean to post the comment here, on my dedicated PAM article? You gain one superiority dice, which is a d6. Now that Ive done some research, I see Im not the first person to think of this Mike Mearls himself had a go at brewing up some new weapon feats back in 2016. I'm not quite sure I'm answering your question though. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Honestly, I'd just say to make the extra d4 a standard whip feature, and make it 2d4+2 with the feat. Whips are fun, flavorful, and iconic weapons. I took inspiration from theOld School version of the Abyssal Whip for this interpretation. While I have a different philosophy, I totally understand people who prefer things official and simple, and so I went back to the drawing board. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. Thrust, parry, riposte, repeat every rapier fight ever! A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? Actually its one of my favourites, as it offers situational damage boosts which are at least partly under the players control (ie. If not stated then default will be damage. It made me think of important details. Both of these effects will increase your damage by a little bit, and they both improve the bigger the weapon you're using. How would you do it? Right, but they also need Dex to make the grab happen in the first place, Good points. Resilient 5. Disarming Attack? This makes it un-desirable for any class that gets Extra Attack. So I didnt quite get around to sickle, trident and war pick, nor blow gun, darts, net or sling, but between the martial feats in the Players Handbook and these, I think 95% of peoples weapon fantasies should be covered by now! Once the creature has been grabbed, you can move in a direction opposite it and drag it with you at half your speed unless it is two or more sizes smaller. I actually like it. Swashbucklers, youre welcome! Those medieval headsmen chose axes for a reason, right? However, it's actually a bit worse than a dagger since you can throw one 20/60 ft. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a bludgeoning weapon: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. When you use a whip, its damage die changes from d4 to d6. Both Monk (Kensei) and Rogue can use it to deliver high damage at reach. Effectively its an additional 5% chance of doing an additional 3.5, 4.5 or 6.5 damage, depending on the axe in question. My DM isn't familiar with Feats, so they don't want to let us use them at the table. You may want to discuss in greater detail that the ASI does not really synergize well with what the player wants to do. Note: Im a massive fan of the system, I just believe certain aspects ought to be revised a little). Your weapon reach extends to 10 feet, and other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter that reach. Wizards can also caste Haste on their teammates. Between bashing out new Battle Master maneuvers and fine tuning all of the above feats, not to mention playing in two campaigns and DMing a third, Ive been spending a crazy about of time thinking about, playing and creating stuff around Dungeons & Dragons recently. I wasnt certain how to go about showcasing the slow effect as in the game it drains the enemy players stamina and replenishes yours. When wielding a whip, you may use its reach instead of your own on ability checks to grab or catch objects. 5 Sources and Notes A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. Now then, the rules for dual wielding in 5e are pretty straight forward. Immediately after you take the Attack action and attack with a whip, you can use your bonus action to trip or pull your target. +1 to a specific attribute is a pretty standard 'half-feat' and so is fine. Whip Master, Variant (5e Feat) Whip Master, Variant The whip is an unconventional weapon, but you have learned to utilize it's unique properties to great advantage. Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Plenty of other famous characters use whips and look slick as hell doing so. In terms of balance, Ive tried pitching all of these as being better than a simple +1 to hit and attack, that an improved attribute would get you (otherwise what would be the point in taking the feat, when +2 Strength/Dex would get you that bonus, as well as one to your saving throws, and related skills etc.? A class without access to other reach weapons now has one that they can rely upon. You gain two superiority dice, which are d6s. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also stunned until the end of your next turn. My solution then was to create a new Whip Master feat, by fusing a constant benefit of using a whip, with a more focused version of Martial Adept, with just access to maneuvers that make sense for this particular weapon. I like the idea of having a grapple check restraina creature and it makes sense thematically if youre able to wrap your whip around the creature. You know who loves finesse weapons? Seriously, this thing is ridiculous. They can use this action to Dash, Attack (one weapon attack only), Hide, and Disengage. But thats less fun! By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The result was 19 new weapon qualities that meant no single weapon was exactly the same. How do I convince them to let . This feats main problem is its busted on a rogue. This is powerful but not broken. Id lump the war pick in with the warhammer historically most warhammers comnbined a flat bludgeoning face and a vicious spike. Oh I just had a great idea. When you have advantage on an attack roll, or you move at least 20 feet in a straight line before making your attack, and you hit, then you roll an additional die, equal to the weapons usual damage die, when determining the attacks damage. Didn't think of Hunters Mark, I'll look into that as well. An in-depth look at the War Caster feat in Dungeons and Dragons 5e! While you are wielding a whip, other creatures within your whip reach provoke an opportunity attack from you when they stand up from prone. The Warlock has a summonable pet Succubus that used a whip in battle and could charm enemies to incapacitate them. If you have any balance suggestions please feel free to share them! Lance when mounted, one handed d8 weapon to taste when dueling single targets on foot, whip when looking for maximum stickiness. Seriously, his handaxes would have a higher range and deal more damage. I still don't think it would be on the power level of GWM or polearm master, but it would be viable by default and good with the feat instead of bad without and only viable with the feat. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Want a Sorcerer with a pet weasel? The saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. In 2020, Hipsters & Dragons was featured in the mainstream UK media, talking about D&D. Secondly, knocking a creature prone can be a risky maneuver since theyll gain some additional defenses against the attacks of your ranged party members. Rogues are not proficient with whips and would still have to choose to take this talent. Sentinel 5e Interactions The Sentinel feat adds a lot of complexity to battle, so there have been several strange interactions that come along with it, such as: If you happen to have a reach longer than 5ft (such as with a polearm type weapon), this will trigger when an enemy leaves that distance. The problem? Thorny Ki. B . Allegedly there is no measurement of its maximum length, but I figured a 30 ft. range was more than fair for D&D 5e, mechanically speaking. Feats. I want to create a ranger who collects people (alive at this stage of her apprenticeship) so I thought whips could be quite a fun way to do this. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Range: 30 feet. Just enter your email for FREE D&D content in your inbox (I will NEVER spam you or sell your details). Now Ive always got a lot of time for what the Mearls has to say but overall Im not a huge fan of what he came up with on this occasion. @jgn A campaign where one of my players wants to use a whip all the time. When you take the attack action using a flail, you may disregard a shields bonus to a creatures AC on one of your weapon attacks. You can use a bonus action to enter a defensive stance until the start of your next turn. It wasn't the intention. For any melee character withextra attack,a whip does pull-ahead in the long run. Those are strength based maneuvers. Ghost Riders Chain is a magical whip that bends to the will ofGhost Rider. Even my own gaming table didnt seem particularly interested in the fact their weapons were now more interesting. I feel like a good quick balance to the whip would to make it 2d4, makes it a lot more viable and wanted given that the min damage is 2. How Does the Chef Feat Work in 5e? Use the D&D 5e whip feat created by Dungeon Solvers to give characters the ability to trip and grapple their opponents using a whip! FrogReaver As long as i get to be the frog Jul 21, 2019 #5 Blue said: This is a heavy chain sort of likeVampire Killer, but it has a bit more weight to it. By taking the feat, Strength-based fighters or barbarians may want to use a whip to grapple their foes and drag them around the battlefield. Honestly, I balanced the weapon around the fact that youll only get its slow effect 5% of the time and even then its not super powerful. Prerequisite: 5th level As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. It would be neat to play around with the disarming attack feature in the whip master feat too. I don't love the acrobatics check to shove or pull. Though not specified, it seems like the Grab is supposed to take your entire Action. Have you playtested it? If we think about what a weapon master can do in combat with their chosen tool, then we start to think about the tricks and stunts already covered by the Battle Master archetypes maneuvers. Nice work on the D&D community! "- PHB Page 175, Top Left of the Page. On the subject of Divine Smite though, thats something thats in desperate need of a nerf IMHO). You can find the feats in the PDF below. Reset [+] Name Ability Prerequisite Source. Thats a hefty chunk of your action economyto pull off this maneuver. Select a feat from the list to view it here: Manage Homebrew . Thorn Whip 5E is exclusively a Druid spell, so all Druids have the ability to cast it, as well as anybody who has access to their spell list through the feat Magic Initiate. Hey Duncan! I wonder if you should only be able to enter a defensive stance only when no hostile creatures are around you though? d4 with Piercer adds 0.5 damage, d6 adds 0.75 damage, d12 adds 1.5 damage, etc).