Between two actual Gods, the answer's always a stalemate. In brief, Archons know exactly how to bring out the worst in you. You can't really use Archangel Michael in a battle thread and not give him God's favor because as an angel he cannot act without God's will. The religion of Christianity dominates all religions. Camael is never mentioned in the Bible but is considered an angel who is there to maintain peace and enforce justice by any means necessary. His element is fire. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael were the Angels who observed the fall of the watchers and made the case for God to intervene and save humanity. page, Christ Church Eureka website, September Feasts page, The Lost Prophet: The Book of Enoch and Its Influence on Christianity,, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 16:54. There can not be two or more supremes. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The concept of Seven Archangels is found in some works of early Jewish literature and in Christianity. Another archangel, shown with a flaming sword, is Camael, the Archangel of courage, strength, and war. The earliest specific Christian references are in the late 5th to early 6th century: Pseudo-Dionysius gives them as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. Even then Orphic Zeus is at least equivalent to Yahweh. The big difference between an angel and an archangel is that you can call an angel to help you personally, but you cannot call an archangel to help you personally though they are bent upon guarding you along with the angels. Remember, this is Comicvine. Differences between archangels and gods include: The archangels simply aren't the One God, Who is the only God in the system that includes the archangels. Jophiel is considered the angel of beauty and is the only Archangel consistently portrayed as a woman. Raguel, along with seven other fundamental archangels, also acts as the observer of the universe. For instance, Archangels prevent you from misguiding yourself through Archons. The most crucial way by which Archons affect your life is by taking over your mental sanity. Thus, if youve been suffering from different sinus problems, Azrael will come to your rescue. Enochs preaching was apparently effective and a city of people came together that were ofoneheart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. (Moses 7:18) This is the very definition of love which brings us to the point that the god Hephaestus actually married Aphrodite who is the goddess of love. Along with encouraging bloodshed, they may get you into physical fights. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Not Churchvine ". Archangel Sandalphon's name means "brother" in Greek; his twin brother is the Archangel Metatron. [13], In the Catholic Church, three archangels are mentioned by name in its Biblical canon: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. They control all the dark emotions inside you, including anger, envy, and hatefulness. Moreover, Barachiel also helps you make peace with everybody in your life. So Michael has a free will, he's just chosen to stay loyal to God. Archangel Remiel generally communicates with us through our dreams. people tend to think the abrahamic god is most powerfull because of personal believe, at leats thats what i think. Archangel Michael is perhaps the most well known of the Archangels for many reasons, including that is the Archangel overseeing our current time period or Age. This is when God decides that it is time for the Great Flood. Do a poll or a thread and I'm sure I would be proven correct. Required fields are marked *. Deities better known simply as Gods or Pagan/Old Gods, are a race of immortal supernatural entities, with each being a prime authority in the religion or pantheon that they established or belonged to. Eh, I vote for the brothers. God tells Moses that even he cannot look at God directly and live (Exodus 33:18-23). Remiel assists you with your everyday activities and also offers you a new direction for seeking your purpose. Furthermore, Archons may be behind several encounters like financial strains, losing your money, getting into an accident, and so on. Angels are absolutely not gods, despite whatever power they might have. As discussed earlier in this book Adam is also known as Michael the Archangel. Angels have no chance. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Who Are They & What Do They Represent? With the right guidance, he helps transform heated arguments and fights into deeper connections. I'm guessing you're using myths and Bible texts for this? The Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine tradition venerate seven archangels and sometimes an eighth. He does this again with the Virgin Mary, this time for telling the birth of Jesus, rather than announcing the birth of children to their unknowing parents, Gabriels name only appears a few times in Scripture. lol. He also helps you create much more meaningful relationships in your life. The Angels of Heaven vs the Greek Gods Its the year 40 AD. Who emerges victorious? Eros and Iris are both gods in their own right though. i didnt say they were angels or that they werent gods, i say they were gods that fit the description of angels. Thus, with a feeling of zero contentment, you may never be satisfied with your life. The Seven Archangels and their representations are as follows: Archangel Michael The Protector and Defender Archangel Gabriel The Messenger of God Archangel Raphael The Healer of Physical Illness Archangel Uriel The Pillar of Devine Strength Archangel Jophiel The Giver of Joy Archangel Camael The Peacekeeper Archangels and angels are not supposed to receive prayer and worship. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Among these are the archangels and angels, who serve as greater and lesser messengers (Greek, aggelos) to human beings from God. Similarly, when it comes to Archons and archangels, the word archangels sounds similar to Archon: Archon-gels. A member of the Great Deities. This topic is locked from further discussion. Even different streams of same religion did.. Son of Osiris. The Archangels that appear in the Orthodox churches do differ. There are seven archangels, according to the Bible. Enoch also describes Gabriel as one of the four figures he had seen in his vision. and when you read the description of eros you can help but nothing to think on a angel. and our 1- The Universe- A Symbol of Gods Family, 8- Archangel and Mythological God Connections, Connections 8 ARCHANGEL AND MYTHOLOGICAL GOD CONNECTIONS | In the Shadow of His Hand. Similarly, Revelation 16 (Revelation 16,1) indicates: "and I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels (Ancient Greek: [4]): Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God into the earth." Some have identified the archangel Raphael with the mortal Enoch. In any case, as an atheist, it's obvious that three pantheons combined should be able to defeat a single archangel. It's it's..! Neptune. @princearagorn1: But, Biblical God is omnipotent, omnipresent, incapable of making mistakes! Angels>All Godlings combined! The fact that Lucifer saw fit to replace GOD is the perfect example. Regardless of their actions whilst alive, they are given one last chance to redeem themselves, one last chance to battle the devil and their sin. One could easily argue that Noah had power given him over the water. The name "Uriel" is derived from the Hebrew . (It was the Lord not the devil that appeared to Moses in the burning bush) Therefore it was Raphael/Enoch that ascended into the fire which is the element of Hephaestus. archangels vs greek godsfeathered friend questions and answers. Archangel Ariel - The Lion of God. The Greek gods aren't happy about this, and they begin threatening the Kingdom of Heaven. Greek gods are relatively weak. Gabriels appearance is an interesting discussion. I'm pretty sure the majority of posters when asked which God is more powerful, would choose Biblical God. This is my final response to you on this subject but I will concede it was fun! God gives them the most important responsibilities, and they travel back and forth between the heavenly and earthly dimensions as they work on missions from God to help human beings. They possess intelligence, power, and glory. Lets examine the Greek god Poseidon who was the 2nd most powerful god in Greek mythology. You don't deny Biblical God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Infallible and yet you equate him to Gods that are not. I assume that there are changes to the temperature the same way that fire effects water but in the end what happens to fire when the air removes all of its oxygen from it? And no, the Greek gods would have no authority over them. However, you cannot underestimate his powers. Legends suggest that this angel stands closest to God. Is H2O, H2O without the oxygen? In brief, they take over your feet via distinguishing control systems. Archangel Gabriel, like Michael, appears in the three Abrahamic religions but is instead considered the Holy Messenger, the Word of God. Smith, Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History 500-1000. His name, which means, 'he who is as God,' is usually considered to be an angel of protection and perhaps the most powerful of all of God's angels. That shows how weak he is compare to GOD. You are arguing your answer on the basis that Biblical God is not more powerful than other three and that is false. The Book of the Watchers (Ch IX) lists the angels who in antediluvian times interceded on behalf of mankind against the rogue spirits termed "the Watchers": Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. They are often recognized to negatively impact your energy. He was the one that tempted Eve and seduced her, making it possible that Cain, the eldest . We have a gift for you subscribe todayto avail of a free .MP3 meditation session, and start to tap into the power of angels now. Biblical God is incapable of being defeated and could think them out of existence. So what happens if an omnipotent being tries to defeat an omnipotent being? Same if you're a follower of ancient Egyptian religion. [19], In the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition the seven Archangels are named as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Phanuel, and Remiel. Intercessors:: The Heavenly Orders Doxology:: ", " - -", ".. -", Saint Uriel Church website patron Saint web page, St. George's Lennoxville website, What Are Anglicans, Anyway? On remaining patient, you will get what you deserve. Today, Ill be using the Archangels referenced in the work of the Greek author known as Pseudo-Dionysius. As for who would win wow, that's a tough call. Angels are no slouches though, and if God is backing them up, then they will effectively have unlimited power. "[2]Revelation 8 (Revelation 8,2) mentions seven angels (Ancient Greek: [3]) Archangels serve God and carry out His purposes. Together, Gaia and Ouranos had 12 children - known as the Titans - including Cronos and Rhea, Zeus' parents. Then he's omnipotent and can't be used in the battle forum anyway. Coming from the Greek meaning "chief angel," archangels seem to be at the top of the angelic hierarchy in terms of power. They feed on your aura. If you are undergoing a tough time in life, open doors to Archangel Barachiel and let him help you. (2005) [1987]. And they are. Not true. @princearagorn1: They're not really Gods only Godlings! They are Uriel (north), Michael (south), Raphael (east), and Gabriel (west). What causes thunder? They even prevent you from making decisions for yourself. The Greatest group of angels to exist and the most loyal to God, the eldest and first among them all is the Archangel Michael.