37th President of the United States, elected in 1968 instead of Richard Nixon. This fits, as Nathaniel and Maya Arnoldson, two Arnoldsons themselves, would become members of the ADA, and the Angel itself acts in a rebellious nature against the United States similarly to the ADA. The documentary would narrate Dean's rise to power, from the original transmission of the DEANDEMOCRACY ad, to the foundation of the ADA and to the DEANDISASTER. Over 60 million Americans would watch the broadcast due to the hype it would receive. Various groups, coined the "House Clubs" have attempted to attack it, to no avail. After being brainwashed by the USA Government, he's brainwashed into believing he's Jesus Christ himself. This Nixon is really a mass of Alcatraz matter taking on the original Nixon's form, with said original being old and senile (or even long dead, as in our world) by the time the Great Division occurred. It first appears in LIBERTYLURKER. Seems crazy from a glance. falling in love and then becoming pregnant, Nixonverse to spread the word about his universe. Him ordering Ed Dwight to shoot Luna, combined with the Apollo 12 mission shooting a Lunarian and taking their eye convinces Luna that. James Dean is a major character and is the president of The United States of the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS.He became the 37th president after he was inaugurated on January 20, 1969 and manage to serve the country until January 20th, 1977. It's likely that Dean was referring to his car, nicknamed Little Bastard and renown for being allegedly cursed, but the Last Son interpreted that as having finally "won," like the woman in his visions told him to. For example, the Giza Glass is created by lightning, the Horned Serpent has electrical attributes, the Starry Sphinx assaults the camera with lightning in, Amusingly enough, actual Arcs. they are former US soldiers who were disintegrated and turned into the Angel. Both events end with the same superpowered entity regretting their decision to tamper with the universe's timeline and making an uneasy sacrifice to finally restore the timeline into what it was originally meant to be. After surviving the end of the Deanverse, Nixon landed on the Moon and created three beings out of himself to see how this new world would react to him: The Last Son, the Knight, and the Queen. 3 25. It eventually gets replaced with a Lunarian eye. monument mythos james dean - studyproject.work It's likely that Dean's entire life was the exact same as his real life counterpart, up to the point he got into the car crash that tragically took his life. Upon losing the election to James Dean by a landslide, he accepted the president-elect's offer to go race-car driving. Prior to the Great Division, he was just a regular man who was friends with President Dean. as the Last Son denies joining their kingdom and becoming their new king. By the end of the series, the D-Day Knight and the Last Son have both been turned into unrecognizable monsters. A rumor would spread that Nixon would admit Dean would be a better president than him, and would even vote for him. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS lunarians! By July 4th, 1969, deafness was cured in America. Whereas. A select group of unusually tall, Greco-Egyptian swordsmen who patrol the forbidden zones of the Grand Canyon, armed with fine blades of Giza Glass. 1981-1989 Ronald Reagan (Mentioned in 1981, Extremely Likely, 99% Chance) WTFBOOOMSH. For tropes applying to its previous appearances in the series, see the Libertylurker and George Washington above. As the Crescent King, he terrifies even the all-powerful Nixon. James Dean (b. Nixon is basically stuck on the barren Moon without any of his friends or family and without any of the human luxuries he had back in the Deanverse (including, Apologizes to Ed Dwight before he murders him, as, Goes from an unsuccessful presidential candidate and Dean's friend in the Deanverse to being the literal. Freedom would decapitate intruders at the Grand Canyon. He is nearly identical to his Real Life counterpart, with the sole exception of him being the artist behind the Nixonverse comic book. The poem implies that the reason why the Special Trees are attacking nearby humans is because they miss the other trees. Given that many of these monuments contain the Special Trees, AKA gateways to other dimensions, it's fairly blatant that the USA is either banishing or executing ADA members inside these trees and grabbing their clueless and non-rebel counterparts from the other side to replace them. Gigantic in height, and without branches. James Dean is a character in the analog horror series Monument Mythos. and how can we forget the 37th president of the US, James Dean. As a mass of Alcatraz matter that managed to assimilate the properties of the Horned Serpent and Wonderland, Nixon is effectively a composite of the myriad anomalies that affected the Deanverse. He appears as a completely black silhouette in, be related to the Deanverse's Virginia and not the one he married. Nathaniel's daughter. The Libertylurker is revealed to be none other than the Horned Serpent/George Washington, the mastermind behind the Statue of Progress, the Suez Canal and the Special Trees (implied to be its horns). While its origins and true identity are currently unknown, one thing is certain: it's awake and heading for Earth. The Monument Mythos / Characters - TV Tropes Vice President 1: April 30, 1789 . By far the most extreme detail doctors noted was that. heads have been cut off by the Statue of Freedom. When the Lunarians ask him about what he is now - after his retirement - he replies that he is "Neither man or god," which possibly further convinces the Lunarians that they're dealing with their prophetized King, as it was said that those who were chosen by "Her" were beyond regular people and on their way to become gods. A character page for the Monument Mythos. However, in the Monument Mythos universe, Freedom was knocked off the Capitol in 1977 and is very much alive. Bring back the American soldiers in Vietnam via winning the 37th presidential election.Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure. A French diplomat and the developer of the Suez Canal. The only one on the Lunarian side to escape the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate. These sirens would cause deadly stampedes where people would be racing either to bomb shelters, or to turn the sirens off. Dean would simply say to Alyn that "You won, little bastard. He is first mentioned in FREEDOMFALLER. Nixon has to destroy the Crescent King, one of his "extensions," since he will become one of the most dangerous leaders in the universe. 1797-1801 John Adams . This is because of the Lunarians destroying the English language after taking over the Crescent King. So much so that many non ADA members would ask to go through the same treatment, and Dean would swat them away, claiming that if he put everyone in prison, that prison becomes useless. When the ADA attacks the capitol in 1977, knocking down the Freedom statue from atop the Capitol building, Dean and his administration, along with the Department of the Interior, would decide to relocate Freedom to the Grand Canyon, as a replacement for the Giza Guardians. Sightings of swordsmen in the Grand Canyon continue to this day. She and her friends fell victim to this when the Special Tree Rockefeller planted sent them to an alternate universe. It's implied by the return of the English language in later videos that they were decimated by Nixon along with The Crescent King. First appeared in CANYONCROWN. cap-iv. about half of the series recurring characters killed off, followed by the entire world's population, aside the small amount who become Cornerfolk. The Monument Mythos is an Analog Horror series created by Alex Casanas/Mister Manticore who also created CORNERFOLKLORE and The Trinity Desk Project. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. It goes a step further, as the Angel's divided particles are scattered through time, and influence the brain of the Angel in the past to allow Freedom to kill it during their fateful confrontation thus undoing the Great Division. Alcatraz, as many already know, is a prison island situated near California. A lifetime of being attacked, brainwashed and used as a weapon by genocidal empires makes him finally snap in. He ushered his staff out of the bunker and mobilized the National Guard to deactivate the millions of running cars on the highway to stop carbon monoxide production. All because they'd rather have a symbol of Freedom than the real thing. Or is there something underneath it? THE ADVOCATES WERE DERANGED. It's the Anti-Dean Association! As The Crescent King, he would aid the Lunarians in their erasure of Human language. Camera technology seems to be just as bad, with reference made to disposable video cameras with poor quality recording. He has been a sexyman since the first video with him in it dropped, with many wanting to be friends with him, but he blew up when his bad boy side was revealed . It was a cover story. Them ruining Dean's televised speech by muting his audio causes audiences to fixate on how he looked as a presidential figure, which made him even more popular, with Stanley Kubrick going as far to say the broadcast was the best silent film ever made. In order: Lauren and Quinn Arnoldson (the former revealed to be the second Doctor Disturbing), Leonard W. Morlin, the, How the US Government ultimately disposes of both Freedom and the Air Force One Angel, in a bout of "mutually assured destruction.". How do you think Earth will survive the Martian Serpent? Nixon would congratulate Dean the morning after Election Day, and Dean would ignore the win, and would ask Nixon to race on the track. The speech would also deeply affect the senators present due to the volume of the speech, cause by malfunctions in Dean's hearing aids, making his voice more imposing. shot down, as they flew into unauthorized airspace. He would give a speech out to the American people, informing them about the project. She had the Lunarians kidnap the Last Son and turn him into her king, ordered the Lunarians to invade earth that results in the events of, After she's proven wrong not once, but twice in both moon missions, Luna adapts a. As it turns out, he and Virginia's lover (also named Leonard) from. The D-Day Knight seems to challenge this system. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. It was the name given to George Washington by the Iroquois. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. The fact that the Knight's grief at her death is enough to turn him into a literal monster implies that they were close. And then, the creature slipped and crashed into the tower; the information presented about "Lincolnlooking" was entirely fabricated and read under duress, meaning the practice may not even be real in the first place. MUSKMARS | The Monument Mythos : r/okbuddymythos crueler strategies to beat the Lunarians. that both were merely constructs created by the Moon God to test humanity's character. He was speculated to be Satan as the ADA broadcasts stated previous to the reveal of his heroic and honorable nature. 0 coins. I will not bring about an end like that of my own world. Our Presidents Are Different: President James Dean is treated as a President Sue, being such an awesome, progressive, . Wendigoon's video on the Monument Mythos has reached 10 Million views In the Nixonverse, a counterpart of James Dean that was more akin to his real life self was living there. In the "Nixonverse," he's not just an astronaut but the first man on the moon. He's responsible for the creation of the Last Son, The D-Day Knight and Luna in order to "test" humanity. ", not to save humanity and drive back the Lunarians, but to murder Alice Avenue for ", This is subverted in the very next episode, where it's revealed that the Knight murdered Alice by accident. DEANDEMOCRACY is the sixth released episode of Season 1 and the Monument Mythos as a whole. Jackie Gleason's "I'll Be Home For Christmas,". Not much is known about Dean before campaigning, but he had built quite a reputation for himself due to reactions given to his campaigns, along with their effective presentation. Drew President Washington. When the Apollo 11 mission lands on the Moon, she was more than willing to welcome them and treat them as equals. . It would take three hours after the broadcast to shut down all sirens in America. Drew President Washington. Both also learn the cruelty of the humans first-hand, but react to it very differently. Originally, their creation was meant to power or enhance the heat ray meant to shoot down German airships in the First World War. the founding of the Arnoldson Family, which would expose multiple anomalies to the public in the future. While nobody, Moon God Nixon produced three beings out of himself, one and the same entity as the Crescent King, And their moves represent how it turns out. Goals Later on, it is shown how the Lunarians abducted the Last Son to make him become their king. And then there's what he does as The Crescent King Espouses the Peace Equation to justify his. Downplayed when compared to Nixon, but Luna is responsible for a number of events in the series. both it and Wonderland appearing to be separate, yet also one and the same, the Sphinx "Mothership" never actually existed, how fellow living statue Freedom took up their role in the Grand Canyon. Honorable President, President James DeanDeanPresident DeanSatan Jimmy, Superhuman durabilityRace car drivingSuperhuman charisma. In a similar vein to the Last Son, he has. Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good . They used to be a bicorn hat prior to Washington's transformation. He did not even say his first word. I have seen it wandering in the Plaza on many occasions. Most of them are implied to have, "You can already feel it in the air. A strange entity photographed on the surface of the Moon during the Apollo 11 Mission that heavily resembles a certain Richard Nixon. Attempts to convince the Knight to join her and the Lunarians as their Prince. Dean would perform bongos at the end of his speech, not before racing Nixon on the track publically for the third time. A chunk of, And then it's revealed he was, essentially, Alcatraz matter trying its best to imitate a human and making several missteps along the way until grief and rage made it drop the act, Alice Avenue's memorial statue does not contain her soul, The "letter" he writes to the World Nightly in, Even when it's revealed that Nixon laid out a said path for him, he immediately disregards that by rejecting his fate as a Lunarian prince and upending the entirety of the Lunarians' prophecy through, He's evidently not very intelligent, with, His grief at the realization that Alice Avenue is truly dead, spreading across the entire United States and annihilating the Lunarian race, when he throws Alice Avenue off the Chrysler Building, The "letter" he sends to the World Nightly is riddled with spelling errors and is written in poor handwriting. how whatever it ended up doing messed with the borders in the first place, turned into a Canyon Crown by the Statue of Freedom. He's the Deanverse's Nixon (or at least, an Alcatraz replica of him) after being imbued with powers during the Great Division. james dean monument mythos . Despite all of this, The Last Son is genuinely a good man with a heart of gold. charcoalman. Further, the revelation that Leonard Morlin was kidnapped and forced to contribute to ADA propaganda, and the connections between him, Howard Melrose and the Arnoldson family, calls into question the validity of almost, The confession of Leonard Morlin effectively removes most of the more benevolent justifications for their crimes, leaving them as either this trope or an, swapped into a parallel universe where everything they know is wrong, their parents do not recognize or accept them as their own children, and they don't even share the same basic anatomy as other humans. nuff said More crossovers will be added to the mix in the future, . I think we as a society should convince children that James Dean was actually a president like in monument mythos. If the Everett that Virginia met during her first entry and Everett, Their title as an "Angel" not only refers to their flight around the country delivering "gifts," but. Debut. It is my great honor to declare the Games officially open. the D-Day Knight throws her off the Chrysler Building. Was once a normal boy whose dream in life was to help other people. It first appears in SUEZCANALCRAB. Death of James Dean - Wikipedia Due to repeated assassination attempts on John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Party debates were postponed until two weeks before the election, where Dean would invite Nixon to a race car race. The designer for both the Statue of Progress and Statue of Liberty. DEANDEMOCRACY | The Monument Mythos - YouTube After the Last Son became the Crescent King, they began to slowly destroy the English language and built schools to teach Americans the Lunarian language. He got his wish, for better or for worse. George Washington aka The Horned Serpent serves as this for the first two seasons as the power behind Maize and the ADA. Had one with a man named Everett, who she met in Wonderland and played with for what seemed like "500 years." the inhabitants of this new universe. The ADA claim that they became a "walking atomic bomb," and they will use them to divide the three zones into as many states as they can. Deutsch; English; Franais; Portugus In the Apollo 12 mission, one of them is shot by an astronaut and gets their eye gouged out and stolen by the U.S. government. the Cornerfolk (from another webseries also made by Alex Casanas) are none other than the survivors of the Monument Mythos main universe after the Great Division. at all pleasant or healthy from their time in their state. lie about TFMDs to discredit the UZ government? The Last Son into becoming their new king. drops her from the Chrysler Building for sharing secrets she wasn't meant to. Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure. The Anti-Device Association, originally the Anti-Dean Association, and later the splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, are a reactionary terrorist group who both oppose the progressive policies of the Dean administration and try to expose the secrets of the anomalous world they live in. Fan-made thing for "the Monument Mythos" By ALEXKANSAS Very interesting channel that you should watch! they look exactly like the Washington Monument, another building made to contain the Special Trees.