The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. Were in Florida (East Coast) Central. Ive done some more checking into this story. You DONT KNOW, only the ELITES AND GOD KNOW. Not if but when. We are NOT a country that is right with God. Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. I recently pointed out that even Hamlets Mill recognised that Sirius did not precess (as even Wikipedia acknowledges), inescapably making it our 2nd Sun unless you believe the falsehood that it has a coincidentally counter-precessionary orbit about its own invisible companion (Sirius B). Best Weather Alert Radio Which One Should I Get? Thank you. Summary: This prophecy predicts a series of tsunamis never seen before hitting cities and shorelines on the East Coast. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. Consider though if its a once every 5,000 year event, you will be lucky to live only 2% of that timeframe (100 years) so again, consider the probabilities. No THEY WOULD NOT. This is yet another confirmation that God is speaking to His people, and giving us the same warning over and over again. Its one of those natural disasters that are quite unlikely at any given moment. Go from September 22nd-September 25th. However I cant shake this image of being underwater from a wave from my head, and having three little children- well I just cant handle the thought. We will sit and wait. The entire coastline from Alaska down to Mexico was going to be destroyed, and a part of California that juts out to the West on the ocean will be . Florida has always been a little treacherous. Three days of darkness (?). But thats just my feeble opinion for what its worth. Need a few more. Expectation if heading to the White mountaians from Salisbury Ma is my plan- things are getting very unsettled in the Canary Islands. Gulf is 64 miles to the west. Amazing? Doesnt look like it will swallow all of NJ. I was wondering the same thing. Then there will be the hell of nuclear plant meltdowns and power outages and marshal law. Yea. IF the ground underneath remains stable. Like the ol joke goes, You know how a politician is lying? As the author points out, these are not inundation charts, these are altitude charts. We will stay and leave the highways and byways for those younger than us to have a chance to escape. Thx! ISIS training camps start to slaughter Americans from within. Traces of past such tsunamis may be found in the southeastern United States, on the continental shelf, in northeast Brazil, in the Bahamas, western Africa. Presumably this will have a knock on effect for the whole world? I recalled posting the following East Coast Terrain Elevation Maps with intent of providing some context for a what if scenario of a mega-tsunami. Been thinking of moving further inland but not sure as to where yet. probably not going to sleep much or enjoy the rest of this trip. Move or definitely dont move there? Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. PDF IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Prepare Your Home Refuge For The Coming Mega-Tsunami Up there in Northern NJ youre basically shielded by NYC and Long Island. shut up and run , stock up on food , propaine , guns , aimo. The only way to find out about your location is to run actual simulations of various mountain collapse scenarios and see how that sets up the initial conditions, propagate the wave, then model your local geography. Cayce gave the future U.S. map regions. Make sure you have a life to begin with. Just prepare for having to walk out and if you can use your car, go as far as you can. Yesterday I watched a documentary on the La Palma volcano in the canaries, where it showed a giant 4 meter landslide on the side of it, stating that should that slip continue into the sea it would create a mega tsunami that would hit not just America and the eastern seaboard but intact effect the entire planet. Thanks so much! Very true,Ive seen it myself and have done the same,May God be with you and your family. What we will hear though at the end of September is that there was a miscalculation of the date (in the dream that got this whole thing rolling) and the date has now been moved to yada, yada, yada. The tide on the Virginia coast rises and falls about 1-3 feet twice a day at the NOAA reference stations. I would imagine Waltham would see some damage but not total destruction. About 25 miles away from new york city it is all mountainous and rural (400-1800 feet in elevation). Atlantic Tsunamis | Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Maybe im finished at last. Wll as I can see, this talk has been going on for years now. Dan, The Bahamas are flat. They shared what Lord has shown them regarding a major earthquake coming on the west coast of the United States from San Diego, CA to Seattle, WA. Palm Bay Florida is a very large city of over 100,000 and the most populated zone in your county. 8 to 9 hours to get here or not, you can imagine the gridlock for many many hours on the roads and interstates; millions will die. The best warning system is now! Im also about 20 miles inland..most tsunami take time to reach land.. Besides this, some have received prophetic words from the Lord that a tsunami is going to hit Australia. If Florida doesnt sink (from lower height and weaker waves), theres a possibility that the water might recede, but think about what will be left; stinking bodies, debris, water logged buildings, skyscrapers, homes, etc. You tube channel Chris Thomas Wakefield.., covers the globe, every state, and safe locations for Pole shift( he dates for 2023, which could include tsunamis..). Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! There were tons of happy families riding all the rides at the amusement park and they seemed oblivious to anything else going on except the fun they were having. Why are hundreds and hundreds of stores going out of business? Very helpful. Meteors and the earth making extremely weird noises all around the world.. How about the crazy weather? Great info. I wonder if a nuke were detonated on the Canary Islands it would create something far more devastating than normal. The Weather changing drastically will be your first big Notice, account we will start to have multiple Volcanoes get active around the World (Bali just became active), Tornados where we never had them before. I know my position and that no prophecy given to me is for my private interpretation but for the body, and so being obedient, although many others have posted about this judgment which is to occur, I must post it. Hope444, and any interestedPosted oct 3rd, Judy Byington,,,Title is Tsunami to hit US,Europe:expected to kill millions: no warning planned Pull up page of BIN that has search page and put in Tsunami damage or title i gave. We are not close to the galactic plane; we just crossed it about 3 million years ago and will not do so again for another 30 million. Your people need to pray and repent of your sins that this does not happen. Pay attention not only to weather radios, but scanners which monitor activity of first response organizations as they often will get the information in advance of the public. I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. No more, no less. Hopefully never. whenever I find it and we stay up to date. Folks if you live in a social Tinderbox subject to Fredde Grey issues and such need to have a solid PREPACKED Full Gas Tank Bug out vehicle AND a Solid Place to go to. I dreampt about 9 11 but didnt understand the dream until afterward. Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. You can send a check payable to Jonathan Theiben, Jonathan Theiben -One never knows with this regime. Have a couple totes available and know in advance what it is he absolutely has to take with him. Read more Print length 211 pages Language English Publication date July 23, 2020 Dimensions 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches ISBN-13 Obviously elevation from coast is in your favor but the rivers The tsunami that we are all waiting to occur will submerge Florida state. There is a 100% chance that part of the Canary Islands will collapse and cause a tsunami. GOOD-LUCK. Prayers for all that this stuff calms down instead of ramping up. My house roof is about 20`. - A Forum Believe it or not, the Canary Islands thing is on my mind, along with global warming. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. NRP. I dont believe in the existence of any god or gods, but dreams are usually a reinforcement of what happened in your past. The biggest problem will be surviving the aftermath even if you are lucky enough to survive it.. Whoops, I see that I did indeed cut off part of NJ. Or even worse, the stock markets with obummers finger on the Nuke Trigger. What is that? Hey anonymous,if you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure (sorry i spelt it insure before lol) . . Eyes open but so confused. I see a lot of people here asking about their specific location and how that would be. So the midwest is not necessarily that safe. Florida with its very low elevation would have particular problems with a tsunami moving in many miles inland! Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. And less than a mile from the river on the other side is the ocean Are we safe at all if a wave were to happen? Thanks, Awesome info. There is ground swelling & earth movement with magma underneath under pressure; new vents opening up on the surface. Prior to the devastating tsunami that hit in the Indian Ocean in 2005, many people reported all sorts of animals were quickly heading for higher ground in advance of the tsunami. #bEk87QlF Ggio-XAX;9r#F00]c`e[Z(Yp&Y-bG+hGD`SK Xt 9wY=1$Pe:Dg.7dha%${"K]u>\+X#o_#f(Pe(Bf8q`*Ur'HT @p3>x3hK (:3,i)y4<5vTt#>`BD8r4P|nak`oeur#7 BB\\,h The La Palma volcano started erupting at the weekend, it's the volcano that can wipe out the West Indies and a large section of east coast of America. These maps show elevation vs. wave height which is only part of the geometry. Consider that (even at low elevation) each foot of land that a wave travels across absorbs energy. Case in point? He is a just and Holy God. So, when those earthquakes started rattling off over there, it made me think of this old article with the maps. %PDF-1.4 People throughout the US and other countries have been having these dreams and more frequently. This project will assess tsunami hazard from the above mentioned and other relevant tsunami sources recently studied in the literature and model the corresponding tsunami inundation in affected US East coast communities. You are right, I will be exactly where HE wants me. AMEN! otherwise your forking dead. The tsunami was seen in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, at about 8:00 p.m. A.S.T. And this is why the existence of a companion is suppressed and its distance falsified as similarly the 33MYr figure is falsified (with the 33 being a clue this is so). Tsunami to hit Australia On one same wreck, at another time, there was a four foot wave on the surface but it its lower orbital aspect was thrashing me back and forth at 110 ft. What that means is that the wave REALLY wanted to be deeper, (probably another 10-20 ft) but its forward movement was impacting the sand and I was caught in the surge. Compare with the highest ever known Tsunami, and the extent of flooding at various elevations and distances. And how I can get ahold of that data to make my own. I like .. .. Please shoot me an email as my search for answers will continue. The NWS National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) and coastal NWS Weather . 2022 California Earthquake Prophecy Signs 911 Earthquake Emergency Alert! Fake news: Canary Islands volcano eruption won't cause East Coast I live in Avon park Florida high land county elevation of 121 ft it this wave come this far?? Chatted with a friend today who lives in the Canaries. I really think it could effect rivers and cause them to rise as well. Im literally on the edge of the distance move as we speakbut HOW FAR INLAND? Did you find any maps of potentially innundated nuclear facilities? No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. @Steven But its not going to be an asteroid / tsunami in September. A 1000 wave leaving a foot of water behind it would travel 1000 feet. Both could go in an eruption separate from each other which if done soon after one the other could potentially go even further inland depending on water already there at time. Lets pray God will talk to us any way He choose in order for us to be ready. The Lord moved me here in 2007 from an area of PA that will be untouched by a Tsunami. Im not saying were safe. It is therefore clearly that moment of crossing that causes (directly or indirectly) the flipping of The Earth (and crustal shift). Note I also saw a few days that la Paloma volcano has been erupting near the canary islands and if it caused a part of island to break off this could cause a tsunami on the east coast . Escape scenario? Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? Dennis . Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. Then i dreampt of being beheaded by terrorists last night and wanting the prayers said first. Sadly my favorite state Florida will be completely gone because its barely above sea level :( Id honestly get away from there! Im about 4 hours from Charleston??????????? I truly believe God is speaking to a lot of people in dreams. Especially when it comes to natural disasters. NOT the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami (or any height) would actually travel. How about the west coast of Florida? Isaiah 24:1 Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants., Job 9:5-6 It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He overturns them in His anger; Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble., Psalms 46:2 though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea., Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, nd the earth will be shaken from its place.. New research published this month by NOAA finds that, on average, the U.S. East Coast experiences about 25 meteotsunamis per year though most are less than 1.5 feet high and relatively harmless. But I am curious. No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. In your case, however, perhps those dreams are prophetic, although I hope not. I have dreams that come true often. Throughout all of time things could happen, thats always been the case. So a Tsunami would need to be 800,000 feet high to across the entire state. @ Anthony w. lane @Aimee that comet prediction for Sept 2015 is apparently based on one persons nightmare about it happening near him (in Puerto Rico), and massive internet massaging of his dream. I am currently residing in Queens, New York and would like to know which would be the closest, yet safest areas in the event of a tsunami wave 321ft above sea level. This location is 11 mi from the atlantic ocean, but only 5 mi south of the sandy hook bay, west of the Atlantic & east of the raritan bay just south east of Staten Island. Given the known content and depth of the crust and mantle, different sources of vibrations would result in an increase in different waveforms forming with various energies. It would take an asteroid the size of Manhattan Island to generate such a ridiculous wave. I truly want to help.. God bless. Thats interesting, they are predicting the exact day and magnitude? Forget the buildings and highway overpasses for now. Ill search back down the comment list now. If you read the article, you will discover that I never said that. 2pN[GF$_mq8iV#}RpGy$V! My grandmother had recurrent dreams of a giant wave washing over Long Island. I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. 23! Reston, Gainesville, Manassas, Haymarket. Look back at Katrina. Topography is paramount. Bible said woe to those on the coast in last days. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Too old to run from a Tsunami, we evacuated for Florence and decided we would never leave again. Youll be snorkeling!!! Therefore, a "tsunami", in symbolic terms, refers to a sudden and dramatic change of substantial size. I live in Concord NC, my mom in Mt Gilead NC we are not far from Charlotte NC I am a child of God my husband will not move so IM stuck here like a rock unto my Lord to lift me up like a Mountain how bad do you think it will be here. If not, whats a good move. The vibrations of an earthquake exhibit similar qualities and attributes. Yes. Has very interesting videos on America & tsunmais & earthquakes. -Share- **** - YouTube JESUS is Coming Soon! Logically one might reason that the tsunami will travel inland until the elevation of the land is higher than the tsunami. Im seriously considering a move to maine, and though I love many spots along the coast, my hubs and I are both sincerely concerned about a tsunami, thus my question to you is, would it be safe to say, anything in Maine, to the left of 95 would be good? Evacuation would be virtually impossible for most (except for the astute who act quickly) due to only hours notice, probable doubt, and the subsequent immediate gridlock that would follow. Yea! Using the list, you can click on the counties and those counties placement within the state appear in red on the right of the page. Coming in the Fall of 2020. But Im wondering if the Delaware River will flood all the way north, up there? HINT: Areas shaded in purple indicate death with near certainty. I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, which is a barrier island. The Russians and the Chinese, and others have been building large Structures to house many 1000s of People on High Ground. still waiting whats the updated date of destruction?? If an asteroid hit the mid-Atlantic, THAT would be a real problem because the volume of displaced water would be off the charts. If you live in central or southern new jersey it is extremely dangerous. One of those is the East Coast Tsunami, which may be getting close. Very few die in Hawaii due to the elevation and the warning from the US, but thousands die in poor Cali, My numbers can be verified by the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center in Orlando, Florida. This is how we can tell that a piano sounds like a piano at the same pitch, gain, and volume as a guitar playing the same sound. Now we understand that it is not the same sound, that is, a guitar sounds markedly different than piano. Wade Im no expert but Im looking at the same thing you are on a map. How high would a Tsunami be if a Cascadia fault quake 9.2 is generated? Believe and repent.. Omg all the predictions of dates, so dire, all of which have passed. You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. Bristol county ? Would we be safe at all? God bless. I can fully be at peace no fear what tomorrow will bring because I have trust my life with my Lord, Jesus that He will take good care of me on earth or in the Heaven! The devastation was unlike any other ive ever seen, I heard the cries and gnashing of teeth all the way up as high as the eagles eye view. One guess for 30 meter tsunami is it would go generally 20 miles inland on near sea level land. This man saved the people & he showed me how to care for someone other than myself. I live in Ridley park pa in Delaware county would it be effected im about half hour away from philadelphia i live closer to delaware. This year some months ago, I had a different dream, and in my dream I saw myself suspended in the air where the clouds dwell and I was standing there looking up, but I did not know why was I there and what was I trying to look at. Thanks for the link to the watershed info. There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 | 4 New Dreams Multiply that by I dont even know. The main reason that I posted this article had to do with the fact that LOTS and LOTS of people live very near the shoreline. If you have the opportunity, please let me know that your assessment would be; were living in Freehold Township New Jersey. As well. But the ocean's pretty big. not really just be ready to move out on first warning goes out and stay on secondary roads and take extra are not screwed. The earthquake would cause a massive tsunami on the east coast, if you werent on the west side of the fault line, you have no chance because the tsunami is going to be so massive that it will kill millions. I live in Ga near Al/ Tn border and am probably high enough up to escape major flooding. Like an underground shelter. So many factors in play. "Jesus was warning the people of the tsunami hitting the East Coast, and, if you live on the East Coast, if humanly possible, I would warn you to get out. Clearly from style one person with many names has multi posted last night. There were many people on the coast, and as I looked out to the horizon, I suddenly saw the waves approaching. Greatly appreciated! 9/23 is all in that movie! Its speed decreases as it approaches the shoreline (because the ground beneath it is getting shallower) but its energy begins to transfer to its monstrous HEIGHT. Please dont think this is a joke!But always be prepared to drive from the destruction of the Tsunami and please keep your self right with the Lord and pray for the knowledge of what will happen. Cumbre Vieja is a Major Threat for a Mega-Tsunami In any case, the deeper the quake, the lower frequency of vibration it tends to emit. Scientists believe this disaster is already way overdue. When the Grid shuts down prisons open and they spread out and we want 10 to 10 acres, Waterbury CT. Can anyone tell me if Id be safe there if there were a tsunami. WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 Please read. I think God is directing me to do it, but I still have doubts. I pleaded to God from the depths of my soul for mercy and I asked him to please spare my life from such a great destruction. Looks like wed be gone. Just because a tsunami may reach 100 ft in height does NOT mean that everyone living below that height will need to take SCUBA lessons. Or are Phillipsburg and Easton safe bets? It cannot be like a 2-week falling away from Church after 9-11 happened in 2001. That Energy will release in several stages. Why would it not awaken at some point? head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . How bad ? Hi Ken,I was just curious if you had a chance to put together the model for the West Coast yet Thank you, With that said, if you happen to live in the northwest, beware of the Cascadia Subduction Zone which will one day produce an enormous earthquake and tsunami, Hi, Jen! Assuming the direction of the tsunami is from across ocean, it would seem that Bahama islands would act at least as a partial barrier protecting the southern portion of Florida. The meteorites are coming in the direction from the sun, as they are following comet ison. Change). Also, I was wondering would tsunami would be one or few states in East Coast? It looks like its touching us from 225-300 ft. How can anyone be so incapable of finding out information yourself? They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. Come back with some real science and not fear-mongering. I dont think that the water would reach this far, but all of Boston and the metro area would be devastated. Portuguese:, French: Also, be aware that there is a lot of conspiracy out there (although some of it is true! Even the Vatican is in alert pointing their telescopes at the skies. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. The later would float as debris as well as the flooded animal areas filled with fecal matter. oh well, like water better then fire. Im worried about this with all thats happening with the La Palma volcano. I think the confusion about Florida comes from people saying that a tsunami would only travel so many miles inland and many people live inland like in Orlando. I am no expert but I do use common sense when researching . Thanks. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. florida will be hit hardespecially the coast..maimi etc.. even the gulf coast. Single mother on the coast . T]K!aP 7sch#!w#W"#_s\l%l )Y6^%8aeqz||SoisJZ'=;<1f*L?{f All the salt water that will go into the rivers and some lakes will kill a lot of fish. I would love to believe nothing will happen, But why are all the elite and government doing all these maneuvers across the states, You dont do something for no reason, you dont build something if you dont intend to use it, But these guys and some of them the Gov has moved some important offices to Chicago under ground WHY ? The key is to have resources to survive at your immediate survival. Tsunami hitting the East Coast Sep 29, 2018 Handmaid of the Most High In May 2016, I had the vision of Tsunami hitting the East Coast. A 7.2-magnitude earthquake off the southern coast of Newfoundland in 1929 caused a large underwater landslide, creating a large wave that rushed ashore and killed 28 people on the island, ten. Just begin browsing and formulating your own ideas. A good place to start your self-sufficiency preparedness journey is the FEMA website, look for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) materials. The Highest Tsunami on Record is like 1730ft! An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. How far inland would that go in VA? My friend was telling me who had multiple visitation from Jesus in her vision that she would not worry or concerns until a Visitation message from Him our Lord & Savior, our Jesus. Theres a nuclear power plant close by so it may not matter anyhow. Ive heard weeks to 60 days to effect a shutdown. I was told as a child that when a dream repeats itself is to be taken as a warning and the repetition means that it will come to pass. She saw widespread destruction to the east coast from the New York vantage point. Go camping or something. As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. For comparison, Katrina in 2004 had a storm surge of @ 25 ft. For Sandy in 2012 it was @ 9 ft. Latest research ( indicates a tsunami of 13 to 26 ft hitting entire East Coast and Caribbean if Cumbre Vieja splits and sends western flank into ocean. This is pretty important! I saw the Lord weeping over the globe not wanting to allow this, but. @WorriedPerson If you guys have questions about ANYTHING please reply with my name! PDF NOUS41 KWBC 032200 National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring Practically every property from a prepper standpoint has issues with it, be it drought resistance, fertility, tornado zones, earthquake, erosion, hurricane, flooding, too arid, too cold, too hot, etc. Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable.