Unit 4 - Political Geography (Ch. 8) | Geography - Quizizz Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? B) the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. In the past, many US states have brought about this outcome deliberately, drawing their maps to ensure whites would win every district. (C) the United States Senate (B) Everyone must go to school at least until the age of 16. right to vote. Explain in light of the electron configuration of hydrogen. What are the three things needed for a social movement to develop? Because immigrant couples tend to have more children than native couples and so require more education spending. The Rawlins Republican. answer choices. (D) more likely to register as independent (D) Freedom of religion Sylvia wants to go on a cruise around the world in 5 years. (A) Recognition of the centrality of political parties in government (E) It is used when both houses of Congress pass separate versions of the same bill. (D) Open primaries require a run-off system, while closed primaries do not. As states change population . is when the two political parties move further away from another ideologically. incumbents are reelected to Congress more than 75% of the time. A final possible cause for polarization is the increasing sophistication of gerrymandering, or the manipulation of legislative districts in an attempt to favor a particular candidate (Figure 9.18). (D) weekday elections (C) They are allowed to contribute to only one candidate in a given contest. (A) The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee (D) on behalf of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness The company estimates that the cost to operate the machine will be$7,000 per year. Incumbents have had more access to media exposure than challengers, The boundaries of U.S. Congressional districts are usually determined by. (A) the lack of divisive issues in United States politics Which of the following is a member of the White House Staff? Which of the following best describes gerrymandering? (E) affirmative action, Which of the following is the best example of a categorical grant? The first period included relations between the Kingdom of Hungary and the first Slovak Republic in 1939-1945. The minority populations will collectively outnumber the Caucasian population. (A) Newspaper prices have gone down. (E) a federal mandate. Democrats have been doing well in special elections in 2023 Taking a real example from Voting Rights Act enforcement, we consider the problem of maximizing the number of simultaneous majority-minority districts in a political districting plan. (B) Assisting constituents with particular problems (A) Political parties are prohibited from sponsoring campaign advertisements, and interest groups are not. A Democrat congressperson survives the next election even after her district became more Republican. Gerrymandering is intended to benefit. a. When independent regulatory agencies make rules, enforce those rules, and adjudicate disputes arising under those rules, they risk violating the constitutional concept of In politics, gerrymandering occurs when someone or a group of people do something to . Which of the following best describes the difference between an open and closed primary? The Answers Are Right Here: Partisan Gerrymandering Oral Arguments Political socialization is the process by which All of the following statements are true about - Course Hero What did the Court hold in Wickard v. Filburn? (D) It is used when the President expects to reach a compromise with Congress about how a bill should (A) It is used to strike down a provision of a bill that the President finds disagreeable. Neither answer choice is correct. Cooperative federalism can best be described by which of the following statements? (E) Separate and largely independent party organizations exist at national, state and local levels. the boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by. (B) simple majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate Required CH 9-11 Flashcards | Quizlet (E) A moment of silent prayer at the beginning of the school day is allowed under the First Amendment. (B) They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. (a) Write electron configurations for each of the three. 18-29 55%/22% 73%/9% 2. In midterm elections a. the President's party often gains seats because supporters of the other party are demoralized and do not turn out to the polls. (C) Money given to states unconditionally (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as . It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible 0 times. This group now represents a majority of the electorate because they are a majority of the population, Bans any procedure that impinges upon minorities' right to vote. The term "pork barrel" refers to legislation specifically designed to. (C) Men's greater political participation A release of classified information that may endanger American soldiers is called a leak, and a release of information that calls attention to inefficiency or illegal action is called whistleblowing. In the United States, which of the following is a rule on voting found in the Constitution or its amendments'? Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the two major political parites in the United States? (D) political values are passed to the next generation All of the following statements about gerrymandering are true EXCEPT that it. (C) by congressional staff while traveling on official business Standing committees do most of the work in crafting and changing legislation. What are some common language disorders in children who are deaf and hard of hearing? (E) They serve for life and are not subject to congressional impeachment. * the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved. 3. Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs)? Starmeroids block another popular local candidate - in favour of parachuted Blairites Two entire Labour committees have resigned after yet another candidate selection stitch-up by Keir Starmer and his drones in the Labour party. The differences shown in the table above demonstrates which of the followings? -regulating bankruptcy and currency. (B) It results in more Republicans being elected to the House. Gerrymandering is a major concern because it can affect major societal issues such as who is elected to office or who has more clout than others. Match the Article of the Constitution to the branch of the federal government that it describes. Three weeks ago, South Dakota Right to Life blocked Representative Taylor Rehfeldt's (R-14/Sioux Falls) effort to make a teeny-weeny expansion of South Dakota's near-total abortion ban to add the risk to a pregnant woman of "substantial and irreversible physical impairment of one or more bodily functions" as legal justification for terminating a pregnancy. Explain your answer. Gerrymandering has little effect on democracy. He or she is selected by direct popular vote in a general election. In a perfectly fair world, it could be assumed that these two groups of vote shares would be very similar. (A) Different levels of government are involved in common policy areas. adjourned. Another tactic is to "crack" members of a demographic group: in this case, a political party that draws its support from suburban voters may divide the region's urban voters into several districts where they will be outnumbered by suburban voters, thus eliminating the electoral influence of the urban voters; so eliminate (B). (B) It has never been applied to any group except southern African Americans. Delegates to both of the national party conventions are: Wealthier and better educated than most Americans, Decrease the role of the states in selecting the president, The electoral college was modified by the _____________ amendment. Boeing manufactures a jet aircraft at a cost of $50 million. (C) Females may not be executed. What can be said regarding the structure of a bureaucracy? Round all dollar amounts to the nearest whole dollar. Reapportionment is the redistribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives based on changes in population. (A) Primary elections tend to elicit a higher voter turnout than do general elections. (A) judicial review . (E) Freedom of speech, All of the following were concerns about the Article of Confederation that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 EXCEPT: (E) Elimination of the causes of factionalism is the best protection against tyranny. 20184015. the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved.-the practice can cause excessive manipulation of the shape of a district.-the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. The difference between an appellate court and a district court is that an appellate court AP Government Practice - Congress. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true A It has Expert Answer. (C) The presence of a few large factions helps to protect the rights of minorities. whereas the power of interest groups is more The number of political appointments available to the president, is constrained by the civil service system, The formal declaration by the appropriate congressional committee that a certain amount of funding may be made available to an agency is called, The Constitution gives the vice president, the job of presiding over the Senate and voting in case of a tie, When no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the. (E) allow sixteen year olds to vote if they have a valid driver's license. (A) Parties have no organization except at the national level. (A) It is the belief that the average citizen can make little or no difference in an election. When party members meet in small groups throughout the state to discuss and select the party's delegates to the national convention, this is known as, The earliest caucus of the presidential race usually takes place in. The Constitution and its amendments expressly prohibit all of the following EXCEPT: In vetoing a bill, the president does which of the following? Gerrymandering could limit minority voters' power even after - CNBC Which of the following is a reason that scholars believe that the counter-majoritarian difficulty faced by courts is lessened? (B) Regulatory agency funding Q. (C) Tuition for private schools cannot be tax deductible. (C) the single-member district electoral system (D) Rules All of the following statements regarding the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives are true EXCEPT that the Speaker. The United States Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in two cases challenging the constitutionality of partisan gerrymanders in Maryland and North Carolina. III. states should be allowed significant control over education standards. (B) horizontal federalism (d) The third ionization energy of Ru is less than the third ionization energy of Fe. The Supreme Court's ruling Thursday that federal courts cannot determine whether election maps are too partisan has raised the stakes for the 2020 election . (B) It encourages presidents to take judicial experience into account when nominating judges. In 1971, the voting age was lowered to 18 by the ________ amendment. the ultimate decision maker in military matters. All of the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress in election campaigns EXCEPT: The voting patterns of members of Congress correlate most strongly with. (B) legislative oversight by a small group of party leaders in the state legislature. According to the video, what is executive power? Ap gov chapter 13 Flashcards | Quizlet (B) By establishment of federal agencies to regulate campaign finance activities (C) They serve for life on good behavior unless removed by the president. https://lnkd.in/g6VNbghr "In a PDF Name: Class: Date - Crafton Hills College (A) Restricts the ability of Congress to tax. (E) Business and government can work together to more effectively accomplish shared goals. (B) Conflicts between states (E) necessary and proper clause, Which of the following is a fundamental element of the United States Constitution? If you wanted to write your friend in Spain about your cars mileage, what ratings in kilometers per liter would you report? Graying of America influence the policy process Assume that all cash flows occur at the end of each year. (B) Restricts the ability of Congress to establish an army or navy. Generally, there is less controversy when the Supreme Court overturns a federal law as opposed to a state law.