Table of Contents 1720 pandemic1820 pandemic1920 Pandemic2020 pandemic Pandemics have made history to occur after every 100 years to threaten the world. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infected 500 million people—about a quarter of the world's population at the time. It has affected Asian countries – the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. A meme documents that plagues occur every 100 years.Pandemics of some type were extant during all four of the years referenced in the meme.However, the meme cherry-picks a small amount of data and isn't particularly useful in any predictive sense.A common phenomenon that occurs during crises (e.g., natural disasters, political upheaval, terrorist attacks) is attempts by people to assert a sense of certainty and control over events by finding patterns in them, thereby suggesting that whatever is occurring — however chaotic or frightening it may be — is nonetheless natural, predictable, or manageable. But every day the situation gets worse.The worst part is that air travel and modern technology are accelerating the spread of the virus worldwide. The third pandemic, stretching 1852–1859, was the deadliest. Interestingly, about 100,000 people were killed in this epidemic. The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. There is a theory that every 100 years a pandemic erupts on the planet. Maybe a secret organization?In 1720, there was the last large-scale bubonic plague pandemic, also called the great plague of Marseille. And how it will end, only God knows …,© Copyright 2018 The Real Healthy Thing, All Rights Reserved. Cholera is not plague. Every 100 Years? 1720 is the only one you got right, but that was an epidemic not a pandemic. Claim: A meme documents that plagues occur every 100 years. The catastrophic plague led to the death of 100,000 people. The spring of 1821 saw Java, Oman, and China struck, whilst in 1822 Japan, the Persian Gulf, and the Caucuses were afflicted, and the choleric pandemic even reached Mauritius in 1823. Specifically:Nonetheless, for those who want to know how “true” the meme is, we offer the following summary of what its entries refer to:Most of the whistleblower complaint dealt with general medical negligence at a Georgia facility, particularly around COVID-19.Records show that the foreign-run Facebook group Kayleigh McEnany OFFICIAL had at least 456,000 members just weeks ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.There are some interesting theories as to why the president keeps sharing misinformation to his followers.The vice presidential candidate met with Blake’s family in Wisconsin after police shot Blake several times in the back.We looked into the criteria for a person to be nominated for a Nobel (not "Noble") Peace Prize. In 1720 there was a plague, in 1820 – cholera, and in 1920 – Spanish flu… Many researchers say that the current coronavirus epidemic resembles the events of previous centuries. ALIENS-UFO-Hidden History-Science-space-weird. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. It might be a coincidence, but the chronological accuracy is troubling.In 1720 there was a plague, in 1820 – cholera, and in 1920 – Spanish flu….Many researchers say that the current coronavirus epidemic resembles the events of previous centuries.The logical question arises: what if these pandemics were artificially staged by some sinister force? 1820 was right in the middle of one of six cholera epi- and pandemics happening in a 60 year time period, which started in 1817. It might be a coincidence, but the chronological accuracy is troubling. 1820: The first cholera pandemic (1820–24), also known as the first Asiatic cholera pandemic or Asiatic cholera: Mana Calcutta lo originated aina ee Cholera disease India, China, Bangkok lanti asian countries tho patu Oman, Syria, and Persian countries ki kuda … However, this is a rhetoric rather than truth like many people think the damage we are committing on nature has grave consequence. It is assumed that the bacteria are spread by flies infected with this bacteria.The first cholera epidemic occurred on the centenary of the 1720 pandemic. More than 77,000 have been infected, over 2,000 have died. The pandemic is said to have started with people who drank water from lakes contaminated with this bacteria.The Spanish flu appeared 100 years ago, at a time when people were battling the H1N1 flu virus, which had undergone a genetic mutation, which made it much more dangerous than the normal virus. With its roots in China, the disease claimed more than 1 million lives. … It seems like history repeats itself after every 100 years. There is a theory that every 100 years a pandemic erupts on the planet.