The first contents were held as one of the funeral rituals (munus) in 264 BC by Junius Brutus to honor his deceased father.

” Seneca was not alone in his view, Cicero, is widely opposed to gladiatorial games, wrote, "A gladiatorial show is apt to seem cruel and brutal to some eyes, and I incline to think that it is, as now conducted, but in the days when it was criminals who crossed swords in the death struggled there could be no better schooling against pain and death". In Latin, the name Gladiator literally translates as ‘swordsman’. Although this story could be a fiction it provides us with a contemporary opinion. The construction began in year 71 CE on commission of the new Roman ruler Vespasian. It became a symbol of power and majesty of the emperor, Rome and Roman society. Gladiators were trained to play the role of Roman enemies in the arena. This painting could depict the early types of gladiators and provides evidence that suggest Campania may be the origins of gladiators since the first amphitheatre was built there. And this is not only syndrome confirmed by recent psychology because Rome’s scholars were aware of the potentially destructive disposition of crowds. At the very highest level of Roman society, the Emperor, the games were his “gift” to the people of Rome and were a means by which he could show his generosity. Some gladiators did not fight more than two or three times a year, and the best of them became popular heroes. Gladiators were a fearsome spectacle. How about touring the Colosseum, but entering the arena through the Gladiator’s Gate – just like these ancient warriors once did? Below is the pyramid of Roman society, with the emperor at top and slaves at the bottom. Three pairs of gladiators fought against each other to the death at his funeral pyre. While the Colosseum’s façade is a symbol of Rome itself it was the organisation of seating which reflected the contemporary Roman society. Their status meant they were forced into the role. One of the reasons why the respectable female spectators sat in the highest seating might be that women could not bear the sight of blood unlike the battle – hardened men. Soldiers took note of the valiance and heroism fighting with no fear displaying qualities essentially for any Roman soldier. Rome’s Colosseum has long been the symbol of the Eternal City, however the stories about what took place inside the Colosseum are just as famous as the sight of this ancient structure. However, he was pair with another gladiator to assist him. Most Roman gladiators were de-facto slaves, and as such had no rights in Roman society and were scarcely considered people. Also, the historians Livius, Strabo and Silius Italicus state that at Campanian banquets gladiators fought to entertain the evening party.

He had been determined not to enjoy the games and had shut his eyes tight. The first games took place in 80 CE and lasted for 100 days. Recommendations were given to soldiers to watch gladiatorial displays to take note of how gladiators fought without fear, because they represented the moral qualities which were required for a good soldier. Spine-tingling! Alypius had been convinced by his friends to go to see the gladiatorial games. Gladiators were famously popular in ancient from for seven centuries, from the 3rd century BC to the 4th century AD fairly late in the Public occupied a prominent position in roman society, they would fight in massive This is proved by Seneca’s exclamation in Letter 7 ‘associating with crowds is dangerous’.