Alle strukturierten Daten aus dem Datei- und Eigenschafts-Namensraum sind verfügbar unter der Lizenz. Cette catégorie comprend 6 sous-catégories, dont les 6 ci-dessous.Cette catégorie comprend 10 fichiers, dont les 10 ci-dessous.Une page de Wikimedia Commons, la médiathèque libre.Провинциальные выборы в Нидерландах (2019) (ru); elecciones Provinciales de los Países Bajos de 2019 (es); Provinzwahlen in den Niederlanden 2019 (de); eleccions provincials neerlandeses de 2019 (ca); 2019 Dutch provincial elections (en); élections provinciales néerlandaises de 2019 (fr); 2019年荷蘭地方選舉 (zh); Provinciale Statenverkiezingen 2019 (nl) Dutch provincial elections held in 2019 (en); Wahlen zu den Provinzparlamenten in den Niederlanden (de); lappolution (fr); verkiezingen in Nederland (nl),Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Bellingwolde,Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Delfzijl,Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Gelderland,Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Groningen (city),Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Oude Pekela,Dutch provinces elections 2019 in Winschoten,2019 01 16 Moniek van Sandick uit Leiden is kandidaat Statenlid voor het CDA Zuid-Holland.webm,Bart Verkade over de Provinciale Staten - Altena TV.webm,Hermen Vreugdenhil over de Provinciale Staten - Altena TV.webm,Martin van Dijk over de Provinciale Staten - Altena TV.webm,Opkomstpercentage verkiezingen in Altena op landelijk gemiddelde - Altena TV.webm,Provinciale Staten- en Waterschapsverkiezingen 2019 - Breda in Beeld.webm,Provinciale Statenverkiezingen 2019 en Waterschapsverkiezingen 2019 Gelderland (Wageningen).jpg,Renze Bergsma over de Provinciale Staten - Altena TV.webm,,licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 17 janvier 2019 à 21:08.Les fichiers sont disponibles sous les licences spécifiées dans leur page de description.

Lire le média. Then you will be able to mark statistics as favourites and use personal statistics alerts.Please log in to access our additional functions,*Duration: 12 months, billed annually, single license,The ideal entry-level account for individual users. It is the strongest party in Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland, where the capital Amsterdam, the Harbor of Rotterdam and the political center in The Hague are situated.The FvD’s political agenda includes a call for closing the borders.

Often seen as relatively minor compared to general elections for the lower house of parliament, which last took place in 2017, the Dutch provincial elections are still significant, observers said. élections provinciales néerlandaises de 2019 ... Média dans la catégorie « Dutch provinces elections 2019 » Cette catégorie comprend 10 fichiers, dont les 10 ci-dessous. It has been able to capitalize on the xenophobia stoked up by the rightwing-liberal VVD of prime minister Rutte and the far-right Freedom Party (PVV) of Geert Wilders.On the same nationalistic grounds, the FvD proposes to leave the European Union.

The 2019 election to the Senate of the Netherlands was held on 27 May 2019, two months after the provincial elections.

Politics and policymaking in the UK capital.A weekly newsletter on campaigning, lobbying and political influence in the EU.The Dutch politician says he will take the case to the Supreme Court,Log in to access content and manage your profile. After decades of austerity and “crisis management,” originally initiated by the social democrats of the PvdA, people have had enough of cuts to social programs, pensions and wages. These illiberal parties could occupy 25% of the senate.The head of Dutch socialist party has called the vote a “Rutte referendum”, although Rutte has said he will not step down if his coalition loses its majority and therefore needs help to drive through laws.Rutte has been in power for eight years, and after playing a key role in Brexit negotiations has widely been tipped to take up a top EU post in Brussels when the current set-up led by Jean-Claude Juncker steps down later this year.Dutch newspapers predicted that GroenLinks — the leftist ecological party led by Jesse Klaver, a politician best known abroad for his strong resemblance to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — was set to make gains and become a potential senate kingmaker.Meanwhile, Baudet’s party could threaten the anti-Islam Freedom Party of bleached blonde far-right leader Geert Wilders, which has traditionally attracted hardliners in the Netherlands.But in a development that would be watched with alarm across Europe ahead of the European elections, the two hardline Dutch parties could together form the second biggest block in the senate.The Utrecht attack and the arrest of the Turkish suspect proved the perfect fodder for both parties.Baudet’s refusal to stop campaigning on Monday drew bitter condemnation from various MPs including Rob Jetten, leader of the left-leaning progressive D66 party — a partner in Rutte’s coalition — calling the action “disgusting.”,Baudet, known for his controversial statements such as “women in general excel less in jobs and have less ambition”, defended his actions, telling reporters that “many of the reactions seemed a bit put-on and don’t seem genuine.”.Often seen as relatively minor compared to general elections for the lower house of parliament, which last took place in 2017, the Dutch provincial elections are still significant, observers said.Voters can elect some 570 representatives to the country’s 12 provinces, who will in turn decide on May 27 who sits in the 75-seat Dutch upper house.Previously seen as something of a rubber-stamp body, the Dutch Senate in recent years has become a political battleground as it has the final say whether to pass laws formulated by MPs in the lower house.Polls say Rutte’s coalition partners — D66 and the Christian Democrats (CDA) — could drop as much as 10 seats.Losing the majority will see the coalition lead by Rutte’s centre-right VVD party having to find other opposition partners to get laws passed, opening the door to potential king-maker roles.Turnout for provincial polls is traditionally low, standing at 56% in 2011 and almost 48% in 2015 as opposed to national elections in 2017, with a turnout of 82%.It is pretty disgusting that FvD is referenced via a tweet of an lunatic antifa troll account dedicated to trashing the party.

An anti-EU party is poised to become the second-largest party in the senate, according to preliminary results for provincial elections.