In his victory speech, the premier-designate promised quick relief for Albertans. Alberta Election 2019: Alberta Party Leader Stephen Mandel ‘very proud’ of party’s efforts. There is widespread frustration at the lack of progress on building new oil export pipelines. Will you pledge to consult with employers on issues that affect their businesses, to avoid rushed and poorly-developed policy? Others are helping to support their families and make ends meet. Exhibit A: Rick Hanson, Calgary's former police chief who was handpicked as a candidate for Calgary-Cross by Jim Prentice. The campaign also served as a test with Alberta voters for Mr Kenney and his newly formed UCP, founded in 2017 with the merger of two right-leaning provincial political parties. If re-elected, we will not introduce a sales tax. Although the April 15 Alberta provincial election saw […], EDMONTON — An unofficial turnout shows nearly 70 per cent of Albertans voted in Tuesday’s provincial election — the highest in decades. These disruptive and often costly amendments were passed with only 36 days of public consultation. Please consider making your pledge today! In the four elections before this one, Calahasen never secured less than 60 per cent of the vote. The one-time federal politician, who was one of the most prominent ministers serving under former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper, came to Alberta to unite fractured right-leaning political parties.

The right-leaning United Conservative Party (UCP) has taken power in the oil-rich Canadian province of Alberta, routing the left-leaning NDP. Some youth are saving to invest in their education or create opportunities for themselves. Nonetheless, the election in Calgary-Glenmore has come down to a tie, with both PC incumbent Linda Johnson and NDP challenger Anam Kazim ending the night with exactly 7,015 votes with all 94 polls reporting. Alberta Retail Why Alberta Retail Matters Where the Parties Stand Alberta Key Retail Issues Get Involved Contact Us Resources for Political Candidates 10.6% of Alberta’s workforce works in Retail. The only instance where a Labour Relations Board conducted vote will not be required is if the 65 per cent threshold has been surpassed.

The NDP’s carbon tax is also arguably a form of a sales tax. Hiring more teachers and support workers, building and restoring schools, and modernizing Alberta’s school curriculum will all help students get the skills they need to enter the workforce. Freeze minimum wage to allow neighbouring provinces to catch up, before indexing future increases to CPI; Introduce a youth or training wage in recognition of the cost differential of hiring inexperienced employees. Alberta United Conservative leader Jason Kenney on election night at Big Four Roadhouse on the Stampede grounds in Calgary. Yes. News on Alberta’s 2019 provincial election, This article by Alex Hamilton was funded by LiveWire Calgary’s Patreon campaign.

Our party has long supported amending the Labour Relations Code to establish a mechanism to ensure that employers and the certified bargaining agents of their employees can apply to a mediator to assist both parties in negotiating a first collective agreement if an impasse is reached. RCC has created a pre-written template you can use to make sure candidates and elected officials understand retail’s impact in your community and how they can support our sector. We have a plan to continue building on this momentum, with concrete measures to help diversify our economy and create high-quality jobs. Even when the party loses seats, there is a good bet that most of the big names on the top are safe. Fournier, astronomy and … Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Yes, the Alberta Liberals believe that employers must be consulted in a meaningful way on all issues and legislation that affect them directly. This election is about Albertans.