Learn more.Charities and not-for-profit organizations,Support the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program.Guidance and plans for students to start the 2020-21 school year.An ambitious strategy to create jobs, build and diversify.Workplace guidance and supports to help businesses and non-profits affected by COVID-19 begin to reopen and resume operations safely.A safely staged COVID-19 recovery plan to relaunch our economy. Employment standards permits and variances Apply for variances to basic employment standards rules, or for a permit to employ a person under 18 for certain types of work. Find out how. Public Health Disease Management Guidelines: Coronavirus – COVID-19; Orders in council. Laws for minimum wage, overtime, holidays, job-protected leaves, vacations, hours of work, earnings, youth workers and termination.Alberta has nine general (statutory) holidays.Employees can agree to work modified schedules through an averaging agreement.Find out which deductions from employee earnings are allowed and which aren’t.There are special provisions to the rules outlined in the Employment Standards Regulation for employees in specific industries.Most employees (full and part-time) are entitled to general (stat) holidays with pay.Special notice is needed when terminating 50 or more employees within 4 weeks.Most employees are entitled to breaks, a limit on daily hours and weekly days off.Eligible employees can take job-protected leave for various personal matters.Alberta employers must pay their employees at least the minimum wage.Most employees (full and part-time) are entitled to overtime pay.Employers must follow rules for paying employees and providing pay statements.Employers who want to keep an employment relationship may temporarily lay off an employee.Proper notice must be given when an employee quits or an employer terminates an employee.Most employees (full and part-time) are entitled to vacation time and vacation pay.Employees under 18 years old have specific rules under Alberta’s laws.COVID-19: Alberta is in Stage 2 of relaunch. As of March 5, 2020, all employees who are in quarantine due to COVID-19, are eligible for 14 days of unpaid leave. Some cause respiratory illness in people, ranging from mild common colds to severe illnesses.Novel coronaviruses, like COVID-19, are new strains of the virus that have not been previously identified in humans. What you need to know: Employees are entitled to unpaid leave for 14 consecutive days if they are under quarantine, including any self isolation and self quarantine as a result of COVID-19. Learn more about the regional relaunch status in your area and sign up to be notified if there is a change in your area.Albertans are encouraged to wear non-medical masks in public when it's difficult to maintain physical distancing of 2 metres at all times.Wearing a homemade or non-medical mask is another tool to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This program has concluded.Albertans may be eligible for financial supports through the federal government:Nearly one million Albertans act as caregivers for loved ones experiencing challenges related to illness, disability or aging. We urge all Albertans to act with consideration and caution and to find ways to help support each other in this time.If you see prices for products or services in Alberta skyrocket because of COVID-19, you can report it through our.Cyber security incidents involving malware and fraudulent activities, including identity theft, are being reported across Alberta in the wake of COVID-19.Requirements around rent increases, late fees, payment plans, and landlord entry are in place for residential and mobile homes site tenants and landlords due to COVID-19.Residential education property tax rates will be frozen at last year’s level – reversing the 3.4% population and inflation increase added in Budget 2020. Full details of the changes will be confirmed by Government Officials shortly. This will reduce testing wait times and speed up access to results.Voluntary asymptomatic testing is also offered to:Asymptomatic testing will be available to additional groups if required.Albertans without any symptoms or exposure to COVID-19 who have concerns about their health should speak with their health care provider.COVID-19 is transmitted though tiny droplets of liquid produced by people who have the virus.People who have COVID-19 can spread it to others before they start to feel sick.COVID-19 is not widely spread by being airborne, which means it doesn’t stay in the air long and won’t go very far.

Alberta’s employment standards laws are enforced through audits, inspections, penalties, prosecutions and judgment collection. They are:Some Alberta government office locations have temporarily closed to the public.To find out how to access affected government services, visit the program's web page or call Alberta Connect at 310-4455 from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday.Regular updates from Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health.Alberta COVID-19 Information sheets (PDF):Guidelines and resources for K-12 parents, students and staff starting the new school year.A plan to build, diversify and create jobs today to provide hope for the future.COVID-19 testing is available to all Albertans with symptoms and other vulnerable groups. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.While we are still learning about COVID-19, serious illness appears to develop more often in people who are older or have pre-existing conditions, such as:There is no vaccine or proven treatment for COVID-19 at this time. Temporary rules have evolved since the public health emergency order was originally introduced. We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation regarding its impact to the Alberta workplace.