Studies have shown that the flu vaccine will help prevent you getting the flu.

It is more important than ever that we have effective plans in place for the 2020/21 flu season to protect those at risk, prevent ill-health and minimise further impact on the health service and social care. Please ensure that your GP practice has order enough vaccines to covering the needs for those registered with your practice falling into this age group. The supermarket chain also offers the flu jab.

You can book an appointment with your GP to have it done there, or alternatively you can have it done at a local pharmacy or with your midwifery service if you’re pregnant. Medical professionals recommend getting the flu jab around the beginning of October to the end of November. The DHSC are pleased to announce that GP practices will deliver the childhood flu vaccine to children aged 2-3 years.

People who are eligible for the flu vaccine this year include: For further details visit: Tesco, meanwhile, is also making the jab available through its pharmacies, at a cost of £9. The vaccine at Asda Pharmacy is £7 and booking are available now. The DHSC, Primary Care Directorate, School Nursing Team will deliver a school vaccination programme to school children from Reception through to Year 6 in all island primary schools for the first time this Autumn. Boots. According to the NHS, the flu vaccine is the best protection people have against an unpredictable virus thatch cause unpleasant illness in children and severe illness and death among at-risk groups, including older people, pregnant women and those with an underlying medical health condition. We must therefore guard against complacency and continue to improve vaccine uptake rates. Nightclubs in Wuhan are packed as city where coronavirus emerged reports no new cases, Second national lockdown 'could still be needed', Pictures show empty Tube but commuters say 'it's packed' despite work from home push, Five incredible off-the-beaten-track Greek isles to jet to, Budget cancelled as Rishi Sunak prepares to launch ‘furlough 2.0’, Keir Starmer brands testing ‘a national scandal’ in address to the country, Pensioner wiped out village’s broadband for 18 months by turning on old TV, Pictures show empty Tube but commuters say ‘it’s packed’ despite work from home push, Police officers injured in ‘acid attack’ during drugs raid. How much does it cost and where can I get it? Visit our live blog for the latest updates: Coronavirus news live.

As usual we should strive to further improve vaccine uptake rates in all eligible cohorts. And following the news that you can indeed have flu and Covid at the same time – greatly increasing your risk of serious illness or death – the demand for a flu jab this year is likely to be greater than ever. The flu jab is routinely given free of charge on the NHS to various groups of people, including adults aged 65 and over, people with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, frontline health or social care workers, children in primary school, and children aged 2 and 3 on 31 August 2019. Also see Winter 2020-21: The Flu Vaccination Who should have it and why information leaflet.

The healthcare team at your local pharmacist will be able to tell you what’s right for you. There are several options available if you’re looking to get a flu jab.

Asda is offering the flu jab for free and privately. It costs £9 and you can book online here. Tesco. also rears its head every year during the colder months. And at Boots the jab costs £13.99 – although they’ve currently suspended bookings for anyone under the age of 65 due to ‘unprecedented demand’. It takes 15 minutes, during which the pharmacist will explain the process and answer any queries, and costs just £10. You can book an appointment either in store or online. The company said … The health body advises: “Studies have shown that the flu vaccine will help prevent you getting the flu. Flu-like illness could kill 80 million people in 36 hours. Express. You can book a Boots flu jab on their website.In 2020 the cost has risen to £13.99. indeed have flu and Covid at the same time, over 30 million people were expected to get a flu jab to help, Superdrug is also offering the flu jab through its pharmacies, Matt Hancock blames surge in coronavirus cases on ‘affluent young people’, Children who will turn 11 by 31 August 2020, Children over six months with any long-term health conditions, People with health conditions including asthma, kidney disease and heart disease, Anyone living in a household with somebody on the NHS shielded patient list.

The flu vaccine at Lloyds is just £11.50. Boots. 11 Oct 2019, 14:30; ... Boots. As you know there is no island-wide surveillance of influenza data and we all rely on good communication between practitioners to help alert us to circulating diseases. The flu jab is available on the NHS if you fall into one of the eligible categories – which this year have been increased in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. For everyone else, the vaccine is available at a small cost from GP surgeries and select pharmacies and supermarkets.

The Influenza chapter of the Green Book provides detailed descriptions of eligible groups and guidance for healthcare workers on administering the flu vaccine.