It is possible that you might not feel well after you get a flu shot, but that may be for any of several other reasons. It does not contain intact viruses that can cause infection. It is possible to get the flu even after you've received the vaccination, according to the CDC. Getting your flu shot is still the most effective way to protect yourself against the flu and flu-related complications. If you are someone who has more serious reactions to eating eggs or egg-containing foods, like angioedema, respiratory distress, lightheadedness, or recurrent emesis; or who required epinephrine or another emergency medical intervention, you can get any licensed flu vaccine (i.e., any form of IIV, LAIV, or RIV) that is otherwise appropriate for your age and health status, but the vaccine should be given in … Here are the primary ways you can still get the flu after a flu vaccine. severe reactions are very rare ; you can't get the flu from the flu shot ; most people have no side effects from the flu shot; 2019-2020 flu vaccine. The flu shot is safe .

While you usually want to get a flu shot well before flu season gets started, that isn't always possible.

This season's flu shot will protect you against: Or sometimes it might just be bad luck, since the flu vaccine is not 100% effective. Yes, you can still get the flu after a flu shot. Many urgent care clinics also offer flu shots, but you might have to cough up a copay -- which is still better than coughing up your lungs if you get the flu. Most people should get the flu shot, unless their medical provider specifically advises against doing so. Can I still get flu with vaccination? Normally, you can get a flu vaccine at your doctor’s office, your local pharmacy, or even at a walk-in retail clinic. With flu shot delays or shortages, your child might not always be able to get a flu shot when you want . Rest assured, it is not possible to get influenza (the flu) from the flu shot. Since the vaccine is produced with a technology and method that uses eggs, check in …

For example, if you get the shot too early in the year, its effectiveness could wane, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Some employers even provide flu shots for their employees at their workplace. You can still get the flu vaccine if you have a mild illness, such as a cold or sinus infection.