I can only see about 10 friends at a time when I have over 200 friends.My Snapchat is only showing me recent ones. Cmon!Snapchat won’t refresh or let me send any snapchats all my streaks have timers on and they’re all over 200 days,I can’t refresh my Snapchat & I can’t post anything,Won’t let me log back in keeps saying failed,try again later. someone help!Having the same problem. Its driving me crazy!I post it posts but it my followers said they’ve seen them but it’s been showing 0 views all day !Same!! hopefully this problem is fixed by tonight, i dont wanna lose my streaks.There is a way to recover streaks if lost due to snapcchat being down.Alright yeah it’s not working yet, I logged out and tried to log back in because it was slow but it won’t let me back in. Please fix this,When it comes to my frinds stories going through all of them it comes to one where it is black and not playing but name still shows.Some of my stories won’t play. I tired uninstalling it then reinstalling it. I can post on my story and send snaps but I’m not getting them.Its exactly the same for me rn!!

Our headquarters in Los Angeles sits on land originally belonging to the Chumash and Tongva.To understand that African American families hold roughly one-tenth the wealth of white American families on average is, necessarily, an indictment of our behavior. I asked a few friends if they could see my story and they told me they don’t see that I posted anything. I need to send my streaks!

If it’s a video, I would still hear the audio but the screen will still be stuck on a previous snap.As of the 27th of sep I can’t post to my story..I can’t post videos on my story as of yesterday.I know more people viewed my story than are actually showing up. I can only see pictures. GDP is a fundamentally broken metric that does not reflect what contributes to real human happiness. Keeps disappearing when I click on it.My snapchat is saying “Could not refresh” with my personal snaps but I’m getting every ones stories. We believe Snapchat can play a unique role in empowering friends to help each other through these difficult moments. Private philanthropy can patch holes, or accelerate progress, but it alone cannot cross the deep and wide chasm of injustice. my boyfriend told me he didn’t hide his story from me but i’m still unable to view it.. So, hopefully they’ll fix it soon.Won’t add to story. Does anyone know what is going on or how to fix it so it will work?I have also been having the same problem since about 4pm ET. Any help will be appreciated.It shows how many people viewed my videos, but the eye icon isn’t lit up and I can’t click on it to see who viewed it.On the snapchat stories, it’ll swipe up to watch the video and for me it will just come to a black screen and load forever. what do i do!! Any suggestions? It’ll change contextually based on what you’re doing or watching.Snap Map is a personal map that shows what your friends are up to, highlights perspectives from the Snapchat community, and is used by 200 million Snapchatters every month.We’re adding Places to the Snap Map so you can easily find the spots that are popular with our community, no matter where you are. How can we fix this?I my camera roll isn’t showing all the pictures in memories under camera roll.My snap won’t let me see one of my friends snap stories. Now I can’t open those peoples snaps! My snaps are not sending, nothing but problems.Snapchat isn’t loading any stories for me.Why won’t snapchat let me text, says failed on trying to send and I know it is not working for a lot of others right now?Snapchat does everything except won’t send messages.What happened yesterday with snapchat and contines to be not working today?My snapchat won’t let me chat, loads of problems in UK early hours on Sept 18.can’t see snapchat story it just shows a black screen.Snapchat keeps crashing on Sept 16, 2015. This seems to happen to my snap once a month…sooooo annoying.Mine will just show someone snapped me but when I go there it won’t show me it,Help why is my snapchat acting wierd?

It sends it and then keeps saying try again and won’t actually post it,I can receive snaps and messages and I can snap them back but when I go to send them a message on their story or just text them it won’t send on data or on wifi,I can’t send any of text on Snapchat it just says sending or no internet connection but I can send photos just fine.I posted a video to my story earlier today and it was working fine.