Christ’s resurrection three days later (Luke 24) confirmed the ransom price was accepted by his Father. Or does it come down to out-dazzling our neighbors with a bigger outdoor display?I decided to re-read the Christmas story in the Bible. And, just like life, Christmas becomes what we decide to make it.

Now he can help guide you.7th Sense Stories is your source for daily articles on psychic life, spiritual, metaphysical subjects, love, romance, relationships, mindfulness and so much more.All the Different Types Of Psychic Abilities,What Your Eye Color Says About Your Personality,Why Men Are Attracted To A Specific Hair Color.

This does not mean more manger scenes and sacred carols--it means more of the mind and attitude of Christ. After all, we are the sum of the individuals around us who generate the.It is this power that charities draw on during this time of year when they set up shop on the sidewalk to collect donations. Is it more presents? When the Bible says they were glorifying and praising God, it’s describing something like the last second of a playoff game when the home team wins, and the whooping and hollering cut loose! We think of Christmas as a time of getting together, but many people feel lonely during the holiday season; this gives rise to stress and even depression.Also, today everyone is under pressure to spend so much money. This makes it a joyful season for true believers.The Christian ideal is for the spirit of Christ to live in us all throughout the year. We must, therefore, appreciate the real meaning and embrace its true spirit:Christmas is a powerful time for reflection. We have been taught through these traditions what we should expect and how we should behave during this time of year in particular. And that baby brings us back to the question, “What is the Christmas spirit?” I believe it’s a deep-seated joy in knowing that the story of the Christ Child is gloriously true! It feels warm and glowy. There is pressure to enter into the festive spirit, whether you care to or not. Does it require a Christmas tree? It feels like we are losing sight of the original and most important aspect of Christmas.

When we truly embrace the spirit of Christmas, with all its warmth, joy and love, we most closely resemble the spirit of Bethlehem and the character of baby Jesus.As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. Or is it best described as just that good feeling you get at this time of the year?To me, above all, Christmas is a condition of the heart.

More likely they were rough-cut and hardy. The true spirit of Christmas, of course, gives Christ His rightful place. As it is also the darkest time of the year, we’re psychologically looking to others for warmth and comfort.The code of generosity, kindness, and charity toward others is enforced by no one other than ourselves.
Unfortunately, it is also a difficult emotional holiday for many people. Having a generous heart has very little to do with the amount of money we spend on gifts or goodies or on how much we give to church and charities. Two? Have we lost the most valuable aspect of the Christmas spirit?So what defines the true meaning of Christmas? Is the "Christmas spirit" found in gifts, trees, and lights? Is commercialism stealing the spiritual meaning of Christmas? You can express your heart’s desire to put your trust in him right now, using this prayer as your guide, if that helps…. But this joyful so-called Christmas spirit does not require you to be Christian, or even religious.The words of Edna Ferber, American novelist and Pulitzer Prize winner, come to mind: “Christmas isn’t a season. It's found in the joy of knowing that the history-changing story of Christ's birth is true!One Christmas I read a newspaper article written by a reporter who had been searching for the meaning of “the Christmas spirit.” When he concluded his quest, he rated this answer as the best: “It’s in your heart. They provide strong guidelines on how to behave in a specific context, which in this case is the holiday season. In much of the Northern Hemisphere, where these traditions have their roots, the end of the year is the period following the harvest. This variation is acceptable provided that the rest of the local community buys into it. The real Christmas spirit. The angel announced it to the shepherds. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. For those who have it, you could remove the trees, lights, presents, food, and music, and their joy would still be intact!