It called for those detained for exercising their rights to be immediately and unconditionally released, and for intimidation of civil society actors to cease.The U.N. statement came after similar expressions of concern from London-based Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights Watch.Friday’s protest took place next to the Royal Palace at the Appeals Court in Phnom Penh. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about

They give people a second chance, hope for the future, and inspiration to lead a meaningful life. They demand an immediate end to political repressions against the citizens of Belarus. Utilizing the law, independent media outlets were closed or cowed into submission, and the Cambodian National Rescue Party, the sole credible opposition group, was dissolved by the courts for engaging in allegedly treasonous activity.Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Human Rights Activists Recognized 12 More People as Political Prisoners. Human rights organizations of Belarus recognized twelve more people accused under a criminal article of mass riots as political …

4:04. Phnom Penh Municipal Police spokesman Col. San Sok Seiha said Muong Sopheak has been charged with “inciting social unrest,”,According to Human Rights Watch, “Cambodia is currently detaining over 50 people on politically motivated grounds, including opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party activists, youth, environmental activists, and journalists reporting for independent media outlets.”.Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for 35 years, combining guile and strong-arming to dominate his country’s politics. A human rights activist will bring out the various human rights violation in the public domain and campaign to restore these rights.

expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto Granted on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, the Aurora Prize seeks to expand the global humanitarian movement by enabling humanitarians worldwide to continue the cycle of giving.“Fartuun Adan and Ilwad Elman embody the spirit of the Aurora Prize and our philosophy of Gratitude in Action, and we are delighted with this opportunity to express our deepest admiration and appreciation to them for the amazing work they are doing in Somalia. This freedom is not subject to any restrictions other than those established by law and necessary in democratic countries for the purposes of national and public security, public order, health and morality of the population, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.The rallies of citizens were spontaneous, self-organized, and were caused by mistrust of the elections' results, which took place on August 9, 2020, and were held with numerous violations and falsifications, were not recognized by the international community as democratic, fair, and free.The gatherings of citizens were peaceful and did not pose a threat to either national or public security. «Ավրորա» մրցանակի դափնեկրի անունը, որը կստանա 1.000.000 դոլար պարգեւ եւ բացառիկ հնարավորություն՝ շարունակելու նվիրատվության շղթան եւ աջակցելու իրեն ոգեշնչած մարդասիրական կազմակերպություններին: #AuroraPrize #GratitudeInAction.“For the last five years, Aurora has been spreading the message that acts of kindness make a difference when you add them up, and Fartuun’s and Ilwad’s courageous activism is a vivid testament to that,” said Samantha Power, Harvard professor, former U.S.