According to,This is rather interesting since this Kris’ personality is stepped back and did not want to enter the room since it reminded him of his But if we consider Kris’ story in real-life scenario, it is probably an extremely tough time since he was a kid and he was abandoned by his parents once. この記事は適当に自分でやってて疑問に思ったりふわーっと考えたものをまとめたものになります。考察とは銘打ってはいますが内容としては感想にかなり近いものとなります、ご期待に沿えない・煮え切らない内容となっていることをご了承ください。,deltaruneをクリアされた皆様方も同じように感じるかもしれません、今まで(undertale)とは少し違う扱い方がなされているのではないでしょうか。,また、戦闘では一蓮托生さながら全員が死ぬまでGameOverとなることはありませんでした。何故?ハートはKrisにのみ影響を及ぼす存在ではない?,優しくあるからこそ、塞ぎ込むような解消方法で解決するのではないでしょうか。だとするとナイフを向けるべき対象とは自分自身、Krisになりますね。もっとも本当に薄い線な上、undertaleの考察の上で成り立つ考察ですが…。,戦争に勝ったか平和に終わらせたかはわかりません。色々あってモンスター達は地上で住むことになりました。,ただそれでも共通点は大きいですね、undertaleTPルートでアズリエル君が言った、地上はずっと残酷だ、の発言です。やはりここでも地上は残酷そうですね。,メタトンは依り代であるはずの機械の体がないので表に出ないだけ、として見ていましたがあれも何某の闇を抱えてそうですね。エレメントが外で食事するくらいなんですから幽霊が音楽をしててもおかしくないのですが…。,後この記事内に思わせぶりな発言とかあるかもしれません、あまり深読みはしないでください。こういった記事・口調・考察には不慣れなもので…。たたき台としてでも扱いください。,villeneさんは、はてなブログを使っています。あなたもはてなブログをはじめてみませんか?,【グラブル】適当な編成でマジェスタス掘り【マジェ2ハツオイ2 165戦 塩梅で準M金箱狙い】. Kris to walk around and talk with townsfolk. he no longer has anyone to rely on. And Every time he revisited the old memories, Honestly we also shared the same impression. Similar to Undertale, Kris – supposedly the main protagonist – is living in a world full of monsters and there is no human sight. Deltarune is a role-playing video game created by Toby Fox. Since Asriel is no longer here, Kris no longer has any friend to play the game with and thus, he finally decided to stay away from the game, the room where he and Asriel used to play in. Then when Kris ordered hot chocolate And as Toriel spoke to Kris, we know that person was Asriel; however, he is now at the university. This major event seems to put Kris into further depression since his final, his closest friend and family finally left him. happened next to Kris’ family?Based on what townsfolk said, especially at the church and the QC’s Diner, we know that Kris’ family often went to the church, and then enjoyed the meal at the diner on Sunday.

that Kris actually has lived in this town for very long time. Time and time again Kris was abandoned and ultimately, The player controls a human, Kris, in a world inhabited by monsters. At this point it is possible to go to School, or skip it by returning to bed. This has happened time and time again: the first time when he was abandoned by his own parents (possibly), the second time when his new parents divorced, and the third time when his best friend and family member –,All of these events seem to affect Kris tremendously, leaving But does this mean Kris is Chara from Kris is the main protagonist of the indie RPG game DELTARUNE. The role-playing video game by American indie developer Toby Fox. We And thus this relates to our second reason why we believe Kris and Asriel are the creator of the Dark World game.Remember when Susie and Kris first arrived at the storage room, Kris was hesitant to go in. The first hinted thing is that: Kris seems not to be talkative person. During this period, we believed that this was Kris’ best time with his new family. after seeing the ending. But But such If followed outside, Toriel drives Kris to school, leading to a short tour of Hometown.Kris, being late to class, is told by Professor Alphys to pick a group partner. Furthermore, From our perspective, Kris’ appearance really reminds us of Chara.

At the beginning of the game, you would notice that there is something… weird about the town in Deltarune. They are a Lightner and the prophesied hero spoken of by the Darkners, including their friend Raslei. However, things happened and such happiness did not last for long.At one point, Toriel and Asgore decided to divorce. The player controls a human, Kris, in a world inhabited by monsters. 1.One fundamental thing we felt when looking at Kris’ character is a poor child who constantly got abandoned by the people closed to him most. Kris is first encountered when they are awoken by Toriel for school. similar to young Asriel (if we based on his child appearance in Undertale).

his final scene strongly resembles Chara when he finally “.So perhaps the character we control during the entire chapter

1 ending when Kris suddenly jumps out of his bed and rips out the Heart, then we look closely, we will see that for some reason, Ralsei looks strikingly

1 is actually “Frisk”, and then he suddenly got possessed by Chara at night?

is possible that all of his pranks were to attract attention. Deltarune(デルタルーン)。 Undertaleに続くTobyFox氏の作品です。 クリスという人間と、スージィ、ラルセイと呼ばれるモンスターの3人が、暗黒の世界を旅して世界に平和を取り戻すという、オーソドックスかつ王道を征くストーリーが展開されています。 So, what when they were younger and they often hanged out in the storage room. According to.After the day Kris was adopted, it is also safe to assume that Kris had quite a good time with his new family, especially with his new brother Asriel. time with Asriel which never comes back. ※新規作成画面が開かない場合はテンプレート保存用ページへ。 既存ページへの追加用テンプレートもこちらにあります。テンプレートへのご意見等はこちらのコメント欄にお願いします。 He even stepped back, as if he already knew what’s in the room. „ ~ Kris, saving the game. It is possible that every time Kris gets back to that room, it reminds him of his good memory with Asriel; yet, it is also a cruel reminder for Kris that such happy time can never return.We know this thanks to Ralsei’s dialogue saying “.And after all this, we come to that creepy Deltarune chapter They are a Lightner and the prophesied hero spoken of by the Darkners, including their friend Raslei. level 2. but for now, let’s suppose that Kris and Asriel did play a lot with each other throws it to the cage below his bed. Connecting this with the story we discussed above, it seems that eventually Asriel went to university and ultimately left Kris behind. deltaruneの完走・クリアを終えました。くぅ疲。端的な感想として以下に。 Kris君、それ自力で取り出せるんだね…。 (後動かせるんだね、投げつけられたハート。後々知りました。) この記事は適当に自分でやってて疑問に思ったりふわーっと考えたものをまとめたものになります。 By second nature, you reach out, and you bathed your body in the light. " At times, you see it flickering. So naturally it felt really peculiar when Kris – a human child – lives in “ harmony ” with a monster society. room, then who created the game?