Learn more about the Franciscan spirituality which St. Catherine lived. Elle bénéficia d'une vision de Marie la nuit de Noël 1445 qui lui présenta l'Enfant Jésus. Conseillées par des franciscains, elles transformèrent leur communauté en monastère de Clarisses. Saint Catherine was beatified in 1524 by Pope Clement VII and canonized on May 22, 1712 by Pope Clement XI. She is a patron saint of artists. Contact information. Elle est la patronne des artistes (et plus particulièrement des peintres). She was the member of an aristocratic family and the daughter of a diplomat to the Marquis of Ferrara. Catherine continued in her artistic pursuits, playing the viola, painting religious pictures (including one of St. Ursula that hangs today in a gallery in Venice), copying out and illuminating her breviary (now on display at Oxford), and writing spiritual guides and poetry. November 1, 1908. Her skin is still normal, except that it has become darkened by the oil lamps and candles which have burned about over the centuries. Saint of the Day for Sunday, Oct 11th, 2020. Tradition states that her father received a vision telling him of her birth. St. Catherine of Bologna was born in Italy in 1413. Catherine was raised in the court of the marquis, where she received a good education in reading, writing, and the arts. Catherine was openly willing to serve the more humble roles in the convent. When she was ten years old, her father sent her to the court of the Marquis of Ferrara, Nicolr d'Este, as a companion to the Princess Margarita. Tarjeta De Oración De Nuestra Señora De Guadalupe, Tres Maneras Para Obtener Un Mejor Provecho De La Misa. She also taught them to use the golden mean that leads to solid virtue. St. Catherine of Bologna was an Italian nun and artist born as Catherine de' Vigri on September 8, 1413 in Bologna, Italy. From overcoming oppression, to breaking rules, to reimagining the world or waging a rebellion, these women of history have a story to tell. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Her father was an important government official who worked for the Marquis of Ferrara, a member of the royal family. - King Fernando III! . St. Catherine of Bologna. Her father, John of Vigri, was a relative of the marquis of Este, who resided in Ferrara. Our Rosary, a circle of beads, is like a garland offered to Mary because we pray a prayer on each bead. Fresh blood immediately flowed, as if the saint were still alive. Her diffidence in herself drew down God's blessing on her efforts to give the novices a good training. St Catherine's body has remained incorrupt and retains its quality of flexibility like that of a living body. St. Catherine of Bologna was born in 1413 in Bologna, Italy. One day, just as she had placed the loaves in the oven, the bell called her to the choir for some very special religious service; she made the Sign of the Cross over the loaves and said, "I commend you to our Lord." Catherine a été canonisée en 1712 par le Pape Clément XI. When she died on March 9, 1463, sounds of sobbing and weeping were heard everywhere in the convent. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03446a.htm. (Saint Catherine de Bologne). Aussitôt des miracles se seraient produits sur son tombeau, à tel point que sa dépouille, seulement 18 jours après ses obsèques, fut exposée à la vénération des sœurs et des fidèles. Transcription. Catherine prenait part aux bals et aux plaisirs qu'appréciait cette jeunesse princière, on disait d'elle qu'elle était belle, et que les bons partis se pressaient auprès d'elle. Type d'objet: Folio: Date : about 1469: Technique/matériaux "Tempera colors, gold … The silk veil which covered the saint was bathed in sweat, which gave off the sweet odor. When the daughter eventually married, she wanted Catherine to remain in her service, but Catherine, feeling a calling to the religious life, left the court. Donovan, Stephen. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. The first historical record of the name is on a Roman inscription dated c. 514. Saint Catherine was particularly tactful in preserving peace within herself and peace among the members of her community. Catherine excelled in painting, Latin and the viola. Now available as an e-book! From then on the temptation was overcome, and she was even able to devote hours to prayer during the night. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Read his story here. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Catholic Encyclopedia. St. Catherine was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Catherine received a wonderful education in reading, writing, singing and drawing while being raised at the court of the Duke of Ferrara. Elle y était chargée de la formation des novices. Read his story here. *from: The Franciscan Book of Saints, ed. Catherine was determined to live a life of perfection, and was admired by her companions for her holiness. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Saint Catherine of Bologna was charged with the duties of the bakery; she cheerfully undertook this laborious service, and even when the heat began to affect her eyes, she remained at her post as long as the abbess required it. A large part of St. Catherine's counsels and instructions on the spiritual life are to be found in her "Treatise on the Seven Spiritual Weapons", which contains, besides, an account of the saint's own struggles in the path of perfection, and which she composed with the aid of her confessor shortly before her death.