If you would like to help us, please make a donation. In the past few years records have being broken for longest heatwaves and the Bureau of Meteorology has added purple and magenta to the forecast map for temperatures up to 54°C. The increasing temperature of the planet is causing ice melt. • Health: Registered Charity Number: ACN 001 594 074 | NSW License Number: CFN 13143 This includes the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and the products that are made and sold to create jobs and drive the economy. Here you will get information about the causes, effects, and preventive measures of global warming. Melting of ice is majorly affected by global warming. Take action now. Raise awareness about global warming- how it causes, its effects, and how we can prevent it. Certain fertilizers release nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. Required fields are marked *, by We can reduce carbon emission by promoting sustainable transportation like public transportation, carpooling, etc. We can help it by using energy-efficient devices like LED light bulbs. For Eg: warmer temperatures would imply plants would possibly grow and bloom earlier in the spring and survive longer into the fall. A warmer climate owing to global warming will eventually lead to diminishing water supplies and pathetic  agricultural conditions in turn resulting in crop failures If these water shortages are persistent it  will cause a lot of disruptions in global food production by affecting agriculture and is thus paving a way for situations such as starvation . The first thing we should do is stop using or minimize the use of fossil fuels. We are highly dependent on these industries. Electricity Conservation – Ways to Conserve Electricity, Flood Causes and Effects with Control Measures, Fossil fuels conservation – Ways to Conserve Fossil Fuels, Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Farming, Human Overpopulation – Problems and Causes, sources to generate electricity and power, Why is Biodiversity Important? • Food and farming: Majority of these greenhouse gases come from the process of burning fossil fuels in order to produce energy, deforestation, industrial processes etc. Glacier retreat is another example of global warming effects. If not becoming extinct , animals and plants move away  to non-native habitats when the very ecosystems that they were adapted to for survival lose its quality or probably even. Extreme weather events like bushfires, cyclones, droughts and floods are becoming more frequent and more intense as a result of global warming. Visi ... Our climate is determined by patterns of temperature, wind, atmospheric pressure, humidity and rain over a long period of time. ), we should opt for new low-energy buildings and renovating the existing constructions. Some of the countries most at risk include our neighbours in the Pacific and Southeast Asia, including Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vietnam and the Philippines. The primary greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and water vapor. Global warming affects the entire environment to higher risk. All of the party members have taken an oath to adopt a range of policies that work around reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are the sole reason for an increase in global. aishwariya ravi If it continues like this, life on the Earth has to struggle very hard to survive. The humans”. This rise especially threatens populations located in low-lying coastal areas because of their higher vulnerability to flooding. The energy from the sun which is responsible for the earth’s weather and climate is radiated back into space. Most of the countries in the world  are members of the  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)  whose sole objective is to prevent dangerous anthropocentric i.e., human-induced climate change. As a result, the, Melting of ice is majorly affected by global warming. The increasing temperature of the planet is causing ice melt. Pujitha Reddy We are highly dependent on these industries. Reduced rainfall and increasingly severe droughts may lead to water shortages. To survive, plants, animals and birds confronted with climate change have two options: move or adapt. Warmer temperatures and warmer ocean waters would fuel the intensity of these storms thus leading to a high number of devastating hurricanes. They clean the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen for the organisms to breathe. This, in turn, affects the type of plants that grow and which animals survive.