EIC Accelerator has released the list of companies working on coronavirus-related projects that have been selected for funding. Cookies on Hezelburcht.comWe use functional and analytical cookies to make and keep this website user friendly and improve your experience. The EIC Accelerator is a continuously open call with regular cut-offs. We work with our candidates only once we have determined their ability to compete in the EIC Accelerator. Read more about our cookies in our privacy policy. kind of research and results can get funded •Good funding rates and grants •Some calls still open in 2020 •NEW! … * The European Commission will aim at having in the pool of the best applications invited to face-to-face interviews in the EIC Accelerator cut-off deadline of 7 October 2020 and in the EIC Accelerator “Green Deal” cut-off deadline of 19 May 2020 at least 25% of applications submitted by SMEs (including start-ups) led by women CEOs (or equivalent position). From 5 June 2019 the EIC Accelerator offers blended finance in the form of an optional investment in equity in addition to the grant, to single for-profit SMEs. 5, 10117, Tallinn FRANCE: 31 rue St Lambert, 75015 Paris.

These cookies do not use personal data. The Life Sciences, Health & Food (LSH-F) team of Hezelburcht helps clients achieve their strateg... Get in touch with our specialists for more information about the EIC Accelerator Pilot! 35 “Grant-Only” proposals passed to the interview phase: 53 “Blended Funding” proposals (Grant+Equity) passed to the interview phase: 101 “Grant with consent” proposals passed to the interview phase: 19 “Blended Funding” proposals (Grant+Equity) awarded: 41 “Grant with consent” proposals awarded: On the one hand, in this round the most awarded companies for, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, In this regard, the EU also commented that it has signed. The final decision on the projects will only be taken upon finalisation of the grant preparation. This would entail that if less than 25% of the companies selected for the final-stage interviews are  led by women, additional interviews will be scheduled2. They get extra acceleration services to connect with investors, corporates and likeminded entrepreneurs. Eligible activities include product and/or service development, trials, prototyping, validation, demonstration and testing in real-world conditions, and market replication. The Call received a total of 1,852 applications.

The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC), in which Euronovia actively participates, has released recommendations on the EIC Accelerator programme, deeply affected by the unprecedented crisis linked to COVID-19.. COVID-19: the EIC Accelerator on the edge of breaking down.

Last year the European Innovation Council (EIC) launched the EIC Accelerator Pilot for supporting high-risk innovations by SMEs. If you need help with your project, check out our unique H2020 Proposal Writing Support & H2020 Final Proposal Review Services HERE. 6 SMEs via the Blended Financing route. Large corporates, research centers or scientists cannot apply directly but they can participate in projects as subcontractors or third parties and don't need to be established in an EU Member State or associated country.

Selected companies receive funding and optional equity and are offered business coaching and mentoring to scale up their innovation idea. Required fields are marked *. The indicative date for the signing of grant agreements is maximum 6 months from the date of the corresponding cut-off. new EIC Accelerator Pilot (October 2019 Cut-off date), EIC-Accelerator: 1st results responsive infographic, Innovarum at the “Circular Coffee” event organised by CETENMA, Spanish participation in H2020, preliminary results, BIOFRUITNET-Online questionnaire adressed to technical advisors and fruit growers, The #eWorkshop on Upcycled Proteins overview. The indicative budget from 2018 to 2020 for the EIC Accelerator/SME Instrument is as follows: The maximum delay to inform applicants will be 4 months from the date of the cut-off. T he EU Commission informed that a total of 75 companies were selected as successful beneficiaries of the programme, which awards in this round more than 278 million euros.. Of. Innovations should already be at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 or above at the start of the project. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A selected number of proposals will be invited to Brussels to pitch in front of a Jury. Analytical cookies: We measure the use of this website with analytical cookies.