If you have similar plans for your project, I hope this may be of use. Learn how to wrap your web app with Electron, access all the APIs, and generate installers. * MySQL Doesn't limit Electron cross platform feature since it's available for all operating systems supported by Electron (Windows, Linux and MAC). All we do is listen for an event then use our.Here is where we’ll be sending all the events we’re listening for in the main.js as seen above. Let’s add a few additional directories to house our database files. ( not to be confused with the global window object ) You could add another class for managing multiple windows but in this project, we’ll only have two windows.This class allows us to create windows with a default config, load an HTML file, open the devtools in the new window and gracefully display the window when it’s ready to show. If you just need to store some configuration data or user defined settings then a flat file or a key-value store such as the HTML5 localStorage, or the HTML5 NoSQL IndexedDB can be very useful and simple mechanisms for this kind of tasks.localStorage API is quite easy to use. List Append,JavaScript Besides storing data, you need also to be able to perform simple queries involving either one entity or complex queries joining multiple entities.According to these requirements we can draw some points which will help us to decide what database system we'll need to use, for example:For this use case a relational database is an ideal choice.If otherwise the schema is not predictable, constantly evolving and needs to be changed overtime, data is unrelated and performance is a primary concern then a NoSQL database is what to be used.Besides that, there are many factors that you also need to consider, such as:So choosing the right approach, for persisting data, depends on your app requirements.

A simple and lightweight SQL client desktop with cross database and platform support Each time repopulating.Now that we finished up our front end, we need to create the Electron backend.

Update Statement,JavaScript Explore the Electron APIs.

As far as development is concerned, an Electron application is essentially a Node.js application. We accomplish this by creating thousands of If you have never heard about Ghost, you are not the only one.

For more installation options and troubleshooting tips, see installation. But which are the criteria to use one database type over the other?To answer this question lets imagine this scenario:

Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve these tutorials.

Besides cleanup, I’ve also added a main function that for right now, only creates a new window.It’s really easy to use the system font, we just use.For future reference my file structure by the end of this tutorial is this:Now that we got the basic boilerplate out of the way let’s figure out how the app will look and what each part of the app does.Each has their pros and cons. Following is the final version of the index.html file.Execute our project. There exist many application wide settings or parameters which are different from a user to another and therefor, they need to be set by end users and persisted by some mechanism to avoid losing them between application restarts.Saving domain specific data: Electron Framework allow you to create Desktop apps easily using HTML, CSS and Javascript, that's already pretty impressive, however using the Javascript Engine of Chromium wouldn't be enough to create more dynamic apps that could accomplish with the same tasks that a native app does.