Tempe’s built environment tells the story of Tempe’s growth through a blend of the past with the present, thus enriching our city, residents and visitors.” Before the War, houses were typically built by hand – one or two men completing the entire project. This was the first major residential expansion in the original townsite. Feeling – Feeling is a property's expression of the aesthetic or historic sense of a particular period of time. Phase I of the survey (1980-1981) involved identifying more than 350 buildings and structures in Tempe that exhibited potential historical and/or architectural significance. Thanks for signing up for the Expect More Arizona newsletter. Research Report to Historic Preservation Commission : : 07/14/2011 Neighborhood Meeting at HPC  INTEGRITY This property maintains direct links between important events in community history and is emblematic of the consecutive waves of suburbanization pushing outward from the original settlement along the Salt River. Less visible, but equally important, are the archaeological resources of Tempe’s past, including the remains of several Hohokam villages. By continuing to work with college connect programs and higher education entities to ensure postsecondary access and completion for all its residents, the City of Tempe is confident they can meet this goal. The integrity of a property is evaluated according to aspects which must be present in different combinations depending on the criteria from which historic significance is derived. 4 - Economic Development. Temple City General Plan. 6 - Natural Resources. GENERAL PLAN 2040 AS A LONG-RANGE GUIDING POLICY DOCUMENT Tempe’s General Plan is based on community driven goals and objectives that address quality of life issues throughout the City… Staff Summary Report to Historic Preservation Commission : : 08/11/2011 Public Hearing at HPC  [vi] These exist today in Gage Addition subdivision as manifestations of those Arizona pioneers who transformed the desert environment of the Salt River Valley into a community of enduring consequence and unequalled character unique in Arizona. Looking at their data and goals through this new lens has also helped city leaders focus limited resources on initiatives they believe will help move the needle in a couple key areas. 1999.0000.404 You'll be receiving the latest updates on Arizona education so you can continue to show your support. and Jisc. 3 - Mobility. Careful maintenance of flood irrigation and the resulting mature landscape at the Harris House easily conveys the sense of place that originated at this property 80 years ago. As part of their commitment to elevating and impacting education outcomes for its residents, the city developed a tool with local metrics, baseline data and goals, which are aligned to the Arizona Education Progress Meter. Specifically the smooth stucco finish newly painted in a period correct pastel color, the red tile accents at the entry porch and rear sun room, and the pueblo-like modulated parapet lines combine to typify materials characteristic of the Southwest style. [vii] Ibid. Because properties change through time, changes may acquire significance in their own right and changes do not necessarily constitute a loss of design integrity. The 1931 Harris House is significant as a prime example of Southwest style residential architecture in Tempe. Design aspects of the Harris House typify the Southwest style and continue to communicate this aspect of integrity. City leaders understand the value of investing in education so much that they created an Education, Families & Youth Development Manager position in February 2015 to focus on developing an education road map for Tempe. Integrity of setting is not a condition precedent to designation in this case; however, the property retains connections to the physical environment of its surroundings. the Open University Ellen Bell was a pioneer Tempe resident who settled in the Valley in 1883. Today, this historic subdivision includes a vibrant residential neighborhood. City leaders understand the value of investing in education so much that they created an Education, Families & Youth Development Manager position in February 2015 to focus on developing an education road map for Tempe. For example, a pilot project that was two years in the making launched this fall and will create as many as 20 preschool classrooms for hundreds of children who would otherwise be unable to afford a high-quality preschool experience. [vii] Tempe's General Plan 2040. It was only after World War II that the skilled tradesman began to be replaced by new materials and methods that saved time and money on the job site by value added in manufacturing. The Harris House was built in the Gage Addition as later infill construction after the majority of homes in that subdivision had already been constructed. What’s more, most of the construction was done on site using only hand tools. It stands today a material demonstration of the continuing hope that pervaded Americans during that period as they strove to better their own lives and the prosperity of their community. As part of their commitment to elevating and impacting education outcomes for its residents, the city developed a tool with local metrics, baseline data and goals, which are aligned to the Arizona Education Progress Meter. The original 1983 Tempe Historic Property Survey and Multiple Resource Area Nomination provides a thorough narrative history of Tempe, with emphasis on the development and early expansion of the original townsite. Today, due in part to its pronounced architectural integrity, the Harris House is significant as an early remaining example of Southwest style masonry house in Tempe.