Being so, how can we ask the reader to stay with us, to read our voiceless text? Thus, they may have the “best of intent,” but what good does intent do if it is not followed by action? If you are writing about a disabled main character, you are disabled. The more you write the more you’re developing and improving your writer’s voice — to a point that it will be spontaneous, you won’t have to think if this or that element belongs, if you should choose a different one. With so many enticing stimuli drawing your attention outward, you may have lost touch with your ability to connect inward. It won’t happen overnight, but if you make a consistent effort to hone it, the stronger it will become—like a tuner tuning into the right frequency. It’s also not the tone of your writing, although tone is part of voice as well. I have to transport myself to that time and feel what the characters felt, live in their frozen stone houses, and bear those strong smells.Singly, these elements don’t make my voice but, as a whole, they do.
You are listening to fear and doubt when you feel stagnant, unfulfilled, angry, and resentful. Building a brand of leadership based on your capability to influence your community sets any leader apart from their peer group.“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” –Brian Tracy.Once you have identified your Values and created your Outcomes as a leader, how do you Influence and align yourself and your team to maximize your opportunities and garner the needed results? Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being.Deepen your well-being practices and develop techniques to teach others with a prestigious Chopra certification.Resource for mind-body health, meditation, personal growth, nutrition, and more.There is a tale that goes something like this:In quiet moments, you may have felt it—that tugging feeling in the pit of your stomach or in your chest when something is not right.

Be specific as possible (this is for your eyes only so be open and honest). 2. Grow your practice. They determine your priorities, and, deep down, they are the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. How many times have you.But you were gifted with this inner “knowingness” and by building a relationship of trust with this voice, it can lead to an empowered life filled with desirous outcomes. In fact, not liking the sound of your own voice is so common that there’s a term for it: voice confrontation. Another well-known benefit of storytelling is finding your own voice. I am never surprised by how committed people are to develop their leadership promise to themselves and to their teams and organizations. Embracing your own unique voice not only diminishes fear and insecurity, but it can also lead to greater opportunities. Their unique voice can be easily silenced.Thus, many leaders get lost in the noise of today’s chaotic business environment. Being able to wade above the waters of life rather than struggling in the mud below is where you want to be. We tend not to be critical of other people’s voices, so the chances are you’re the only person thinking about your own.Hate the sound of your own voice? Modeling your behavior based on your values and beliefs, i.e. By listening to your inner voice, you become the creator of your life rather than a bystander.Sometimes the inner voice offers a choice that is scary, making you hesitate and question the accuracy. It is your leadership style, your philosophy, your legacy, your impact, your presence. Finding your voice means you have to discover the courage to walk in your own personal greatness. This is the primary reason identifying your values is so important.
You’re listening to your inner voice when you feel empowered, authentic, and peaceful. Finding my voice as a leader changed the direction of my life, and I want to provide that same potential for other leaders. Accessing that inner guidance to help elevate you both mentally and emotionally enables you to become …