Is there really any such thing as a miracle or a mystery? I will narrate one more example from my own experience. The year of change in life can often be predicted well in advance rather than the coming of a cyclone. The study of numerology is just like the study of any other language: once the grammar has been digested, the language becomes clear and interpretative. When you start reading, you will be surrounded by such and such persons. Dr. Katakkar's humble claim is that though it has not been firmly established that numerology is a science like any other physical science, yet there is ample evidence that several predictions based on numerology are coming true. There are people who are gifted or have developed certain powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc., because they have the capacity to absorb this Cosmic Energy to some extent. This association becomes a formula that is applied to any name, birth date, or event. The Universe exists in the above Cosmic Energy which has powerful radiations.

By means of the knowledge of the occult side of numbers we learn how to habitually vibrate in harmony with the laws of life by selecting the right direction and lines of our actions. It all shows that the ancient rishis and saints had the power to fine-tune their Mind Force to that of the Universal Consciousness. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. The laws of biology are not always borne out by subsequent events; but no one, on that ground, would deny that biology is a science. In numerology, numbers are assigned to your birth name.


According to the so-called rationalists, there is no such phenomenon that cannot be explained by modern science.

The prediction was absolutely true. ��3��x;�N��m~@�ܤg��/,C��C���>O��i%Բ��o���+ ��^�U�T�Aʄ�rكy�e�,�KS͘�ό NUMEROLOGY P L A I N & S Ifuture in much the same way as they have used astrology. I wanted to prove to them that miracles do happen; in fact, there must be some scientific laws and forces working behind these miracles that the scientific community had been unable to decipher. Hence, the elevation of numerology to the status of a science cannot be denied on the ground that numerologists lack precision and prophetic power. At a very old age, Cheiro decided to retire and chose to lead a very secluded life. You can find the answers to all these questions in this practical and easy to use guide to numerology.

In the Bible, we note certain ages when God walked with man. If we believe that there is a moment for birth and a moment for death, then as a logical sequence, we have to believe that there is a moment for each and every event in life — from birth to death. In his biography, Cheiro has narrated an incident pertaining to Chinese Tablets. Save Encyclopedia of Numerology For Later. There is a Universal Consciousness also known as Chaitanya. You can read books purchased on Google Play using your computer's web browser. He had contributed valuable and informative articles on astrology and philosophy. If we try to analyse the facts, we will find that there was no apparent reason as to why we did not talk to, or create companionship with the first type of passenger, even though he was sitting next to us; and why we developed companionship with another passenger who was actually sitting at a distance. The saint then closed his eyes and directed the wooden pin to disclose the number; if it was five, the pin would bend and stand straight repeatedly five times and stop.

The assumption of a new surname on the part of a bride after her husband, gives both of them one more point of harmony in common. Even if 10% of the predictions come true, it necessitates a case for study to ascertain whether this is mere chance, or are there some underlying rules that need to be discovered? <>

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This is called ones numerology signature. These cycles can be identified and formulas applied to them that can offer valuable insights that last for the entire cycle of time. Numerology is a study of occult significance of numbers and their influence in relation to us the human beings. stream Their nature remained inexplicable — and therefore, outside the realm of science — until Newton brought them under the laws of motion and gravity. ;�%��O �r5�hl����r�?j�n�[�m�a/�a~�C�j_G�L�Ir%�J���G��d%�q@u����u4~(c���ʕ�8�o��u�HI�ubZF9MH��` ���&)���FGVT��0:�0:�q�e�� They stood in front of the cave and enquired loudly if anybody was inside.