has complete authority with regards to all medical decision-making and patient care. Now that these common flu myths are busted, you can go into the season, and into work, with peace of mind that you’re prepared to ward off the flu. When a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available, follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination.

For the 2020-2021 season, manufacturers have projected they will provide as many as 194-198 million doses of flu vaccine, which is more than the 175 million dose record set during the 2019-2020 flu season. Please search by city/state or zip to find a MedExpress center near you. Employees will inevitably be sick at some point, but preparedness is key and HR policies should be drawn up in advance. As an employer, you may be able to require employees to get vaccinated for the flu if getting sick would greatly impact your company. From insurance to ID, everything you’ll need for your visit. They should also avoid close contact with others who show symptoms. the methods, standards, or conduct of the practice of medicine or healthcare provided at, or by, or through any Private Office Make sure you stay home from work until you are feeling better so you don’t contribute to spreading the illness to your co-workers. The reason is pretty simple. The most common are soreness, redness, and swelling where the shot was given; headache; muscle aches; or a body temperature above 98.6° F and below 100.4° F. It’s easy for some to confuse these symptoms with the flu, but they are side effects that go away rather quickly. Medical Officer for the Private Office Practice to consider, reject, revise, and/or adopt as it deems fit.

"Soap and water aren't enough to kill them; you need to use a product with a disinfectant.". NFID News: Do You Know These 10 Important Facts About Flu Prevention?

Paychex is committed to providing resources to the Spanish-speaking community. Flu IQ.

Here, six tips for you to try (and one bonus tip). It is information that is generally available. The Private Office Practice Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health: "The healthy workplace project: Reduced viral exposure in an office setting.

A minimal investment to keep hand sanitizers, antibacterial soap and disinfecting agents, and tissues can pay dividends by improving employee health. Professionals who are experienced in HR policies and employment-related matters can help you navigate this process. ; You can’t get the Flu from the flu vaccine.. Flash Player 9 is required. WebMD Magazine. Paychex support is here to help - with online resources and responsive service professionals available via phone. Small businesses with employees are required by the IRS to file Form 940. Get vaccinated before it starts spreading through the office. During flu season, your workplace can become a breeding ground for germs. Some pharmacies also offer an influenza vaccination service. In a study of unvaccinated participants, influenza-like illnesses accounted for 45 percent of all days of illness during the influenza season and 39 percent of all illness-related work days lost. While getting a flu vaccine will not protect against COVID-19, it can protect you from becoming sick with flu and needing medical care. Excellence in Technology Award All Rights Reserved. Can you spot flu shot facts from fiction? Some companies may consider hosting an in-house immunization clinic or sponsoring an onsite health fair focusing on proper office hygiene and best practices. •Indirect costs, including absenteeism, cost employers approximately $76.7 million a year. Small business in the United States has evolved tremendously over the last decade.

The deadly “Spanish Flu” of 1918 was followed by the milder “Asian” and “Hong Kong” flus of the 1950s and 1960s. *VA healthcare enrollees do not require a referral or prior authorization and can receive urgent care at any VA authorized urgent care provider. The Private Office Practice In general, this document can help regularly remind employees that the handbook is not a list of rules, but is a tool for them to better understand their rights and benefits as well as the company's policies. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC.

While there’s a great deal of information and speculation circulating, trusted sources such as the CDC can help you and your employees find the most up-to-date facts and information.