As to how we explain fatigue in children, that's a difficult one. Bldg. On this note there is increasing evidence that recovery time from Colds and Flues is delayed by bed rest rather than sped up by it. However, Prinsen et al (2012) found that humoral and cellular immune responses following influenza vaccination were comparable in ME/CFS patients and healthy controls. So, they are constantly monitored by the World Health Organisation to try and make sure that each year’s flu vaccine is going to be effective against new and emerging strains of flu virus. A quadrivalent injected vaccine. It takes two to three weeks for the vaccine to become fully effective. The only published research study into adverse reactions to flu vaccine in people with ME/CFS concluded that people with ME/CFS were no more likely to have a serious adverse reaction than others receiving this vaccine for recommended reasons. My flu like symptoms (nausea and joint pain) have now gone and the fatigue is not too bad. It weighs up the pros and cons of flu vaccination for people with ME/CFS, and contains updated information about the strains of flu that the latest vaccination is seeking to protect people against. I really want to use your plan for recovery but am concerned about the twitching and seek re-assurance that it is indeed safe to start.

CFS/ME can affect anyone, including children.

Esfandyarpour R, Kashi A, Nemat-Gorgani M, Wilhelmy J, Davis RW. I had the flu badly the year before, so thought I was being smart by getting a flu shot. That's probably not feasible, but doing an equivalent amount (for you) would, I think, help. It has been postulated that ME/CFS could arise from the up-regulation of a specific receptor (CRF2) in those parts of the brain that govern the sensitivity of the stress response. Drinking enough water can help you burn fat and increase your energy levels. Cells from more severely ill people showed the greatest changes, while those from healthy controls showed the lowest.

Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health, has also stated in 2014: “As you know, the risk of serious illness from flu and consequent hospitalisation and death is higher among those with underlying health conditions such as M.E. One of the main characteristics of ME/CFS is that symptoms get worse within 12 to 24 hours following physical or mental exertion, which is known as post-exertional malaise. “When thinking about having the flu vaccine, you should talk to your neurologist to see if the MS medicine that you are on may make your body less responsive to the vaccine,” explains Daniel Kantor, M.D., the former president of the Florida Society of Neurology and the Medical Director of Neurologique, in an interview with Healthline.

There are currently no diagnostic tests for ME/CFS. This suggests that the healthy cells were able to more effectively handle the stress of a high-salt environment. Hope it goes well. More serious side-effects include convulsions, transient thrombocytopenia (lowered level of platelets in the blood), encephalomyelitis, vasculitis (blood vessel inflammation), neuritis (nerve inflammation) and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Flu season is upon us, and people with multiple sclerosis (MS) are once again debating whether or not to get vaccinated. “Your doctors can help you weigh the risks vs. benefits of being vaccinated while on steroids, which will also depend on the dose of the steroids and how long you are on steroids for.”, The decision whether or not to vaccinate has been the subject of much debate in the MS community. “The flu vaccine is probably a good idea for most MS patients, as catching the flu can be disruptive to your life, and the flu vaccine does a fairly good job of helping you avoid the flu.”, Learn Where to Get Free or Discounted Flu Shots. The temptation then is to go and do far too much.