All rights reserved.John Lamparski/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images,Frank Ocean, from whom fans are begging for a new album,the artist's Snapchat name is, "arealglitterboy.


Drag select it all then copy/paste into any site. We have been using your counter to talk about social media for a few years. Frank Ocean talks politics, social media, and favorite cover songs in rare interview The Blonde singer also discusses New Year's resolutions, moving to NYC, and fashion Case in point, he's cool enough to open snaps from fans. The social web has exploded in the last year and below are some of the social media statistics based on key data points that the ‘Gary’s Social Media Count’ is based on (many will be updated!).

The statistical sources for the mobile & games counters are added below (even though they are in other posts).Please suggest other stats or point out errors – as this widget is now embedded in 100s of blogs I am keen to keep it up to date and accurate as possible! Use.The social web has exploded in the last year and below are some of the social media statistics based on key data points that the ‘Gary’s Social Media Count’  is based on (many will be updated!

Please send us your comments.offering free, limited-edition merchandise,Great Pop Culture Merch at a Greatly Reduced Price,For Those Very Uninterested in Anti-Maskers' Opinions,These Are Martin Scorsese's Best - and Worst - Films,Dave Grohl Wrote a Theme Song for this 10-Year-Old Drummer. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu.

If you want to embed this on your page just click the button in the bottom left of the app to copy the code to your clipboard OR use the code/s in the boxes at the bottom of this post. Social media helps that, ’cause you’re fully in control and can message that how you want.”,Around Election Day, Ocean encouraged fans to vote by,On making his move to the Big Apple, Ocean dropped a tidbit about his new bedroom setup, which apparently came together partially thanks to renowned director,While typical New Year’s resolutions involve hitting the gym, Ocean’s is carried over from 2018.

(Although, at this point, who doesn't in the year 2016?) Perhaps, it is not such a brilliant idea.muy buena información. Which is something that few fans can say about their favorite celeb.Regardless, following the singer can't hurt. If fans' disappointment on Twitter is any indication, it appears that Ocean does not snap as frequently as they would like.But, on the bright side, Ocean is technically still active on the platform. Thanks in advance.Bundle of thanks for sharing this helpful information.Thank you for Sharing such a great piece of information.I am using this pipe lining in my house usage,Very informative post about social media.

wages for just the jobs component making US movies,$805 mill made from physical books in the US in Jan 11, 30% drop from last year,$69.9 mill made from eBooks in Jan 11 in US a 115% increase from last year,236 million people a week in the US listen to the radio,$11.4 billion is made from music concerts worldwide,$8.73 billion made in US by DVD & Blu-ray of US made movies (big drop),$12 billion US lost in pirated music & movies in Spain every year,$66.4 bill made from all music sold worldwide,30 hours of TV watched by UK viewers each week,2.8 billion movie tickets sold in the US, EU, China & Japan combined,$27 bill spent on new TV sets in the US this year,70.6 billion printed press page views per month in the US,Social/mobile – 2 million iPads sold in first 2 months June 2010,Social – One new member of LinkedIn every – iPad shipments running at 9 million global shipments in the first 12 months.1.4 billion music tracks sold on iTunes between Sep 09 & Feb 10,247 billions emails per day and 18% growth in internet users (of 1.75bn),3.5 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook each week and 2.5 billion photo uploads to Facebook per month,Facebook 635mill in ad revenue & $75 mill in gifts,Facebook 25 million new members each month,20 hours of video uploaded every minute onto YouTube (source,Facebook 600k new members per day, and photos, videos per month, 700mill & 4 mill respectively (source,Twitter 18 million new users per year & 4 million tweets sent daily (source,900 000 blogs posts put up every day (source,YouTube daily, 96 million videos watched, $1mill bandwidth costs (source,Second Life 250k virtual goods made daily, text messages 1250 per second (source,Money – $5.5 billion on virtual goods (casual & game worlds) even Facebooks gifts make $70 million annually (source,Flickr has 73 million visitors a month who upload 700 million photos (source,Mobile social network subscribers – 92.5 million at the end of 2008, by end of 2013 rising to between 641.6-873.1 million or 132 mill annually (source,SMS – Over 2.3 trillion messages will be sent across major markets worldwide in 2008 (source,50 million daily users of Zynga social games (,$2.8 bill generated yearly by China MMOG players (,16 million quests per day completed by WoW players (,50 000 person to person auctions per day on Gaia,1 million currency transactions per day in Eve Online (,$5.5 bill spent on virtual goods globally,4.1 million new MMORPG subscribers 2009 (,$125 mill advertising revenues in Social Virtual Worlds (,575000 log into Fantasy Westward Journey per day (,250 thousand virtual goods created on Second Life per day (,$594 million invested in Virtual World companies in 2008 (,1.5 million new 3-11 US children subscribing to Virtual Worlds annually (,1 million message board posts per day in Gaia online,$2.45 billion per year revenue made from World of Warcraft (,13.4 million portable game units sold in 2007 (,936 mill Chinese user hours per week in online games (78 mill @ 12 hrs pw),1250 text messages sent per second in Second Life  (,465 million user hours in second life over the last year (.

See instructions,"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000",",0,40,0","".You are what your twitter lists say you are?Your email address will not be published.Transmedia Futures: Situated Documentary via Augmented ...Personalized Service Environments – A 2003 Future,Multiplatform Movie Intention & Biz Model Randomizer,Social Media Industry Head, Laurel Papworth,Rise & Rise of Social Media presentations,Humanity Slowly Returns to Creativity – 64% of teenagers engage in content creation,3XPosts – Ad Love, Online Ads and iPhone SDK,Australia’s Top 10 Media and Marketing Blogs – AdAge.Social Media Entertainment, Cool or Too Hot to Handle?,▷ Les chiffres du Social Media nous font tourner la tête.Cultural Change in the Era of the Connected - Harold Tor.Επισκεψιμότητα των Web 2.0 εφαρμογών | ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ WEB 2.0,News Update – Best of the Day – thestrategyweb,Crónica twittera de un día especial - wellcomm Talento para comunicar,What happens in a second ... in social media? After all, you never know when he's going to decide to post a gem of a selfie like this again:Hey, maybe he'll return to Snapchat once the hype over the album dies down after he.2020 Bustle Digital Group.

- @MinterDial @MinterDial,What happens in a second ... in social media? Ocean said he decided to make his Instagram account public because he felt there was a “dissonance between how I was seen by the audience and where I was actually.” The.“I feel like between the numbers of zero to ten, in between every number there’s infinity, you know? ".

107 trillion emails sent during 2010 Source Jan 2011