So here is a look at the concept of training and development. We want to always ensure that our readers get both sides of the coin so we will be highlighting some of the disadvantages of online workshops. Participants and leaders can then connect over the Internet for training, conferencing, or collaboration on a project.

When it is done internally, you pay for something without any tangible results. Training and development is an all-encompassing term used to describe the methods used by organizations to improve themselves. Another disadvantage of training and development is that the company may not have complete control of these trainings. Disappointment can thus set in after a seminar if a participant does not feel like … Some webinar programs will also allow the attendees to “raise their hands” by clicking a button that will notify the instructor, or they may be able to type their questions into a chat box. The instructor cannot gauge the level of understanding among her participants because she cannot see their expressions, and the participants may lose some of the excitement about the subject when they cannot see the instructor’s face.

But, let’s take a look at a few concerns that people may have when they decide to take their studies online.

In conclusion, one can agree that training and development is important for a company’s growth. Proactiveness will have to be your number one strength if you decide to study online or attend online workshops.

But it cannot replace practical experience which is only attained with actual working. Mentoring schemes, in-house training, presentations, seminars are all methods and programs that help in enhancing the reputation of a company. However, this is not for everyone. Webinars severely limit the ability to practice and refine new skills together or to reinforce the subject with hands-on experience. Disadvantage 1 : Lack of Interaction. For example, a webinar with video conferencing can overcome the limitations of not being able to see your instructor or audience. Webinars can also be effectively used to communicate the core knowledge for a subject, with face-to-face meetings providing a follow-up that allows for more interaction once the group has been brought up to speed on the matter. This will cause a delay in your studies and it will cause you to become … Communication in webinars …

Seminars, conferences, simulations, and other kinds of engagement facilitates in boosting their morale. In general, seminars and workshops appeal to specific audiences, such as entrepreneurs, digital marketers, accountants and so on.

The biggest disadvantage of the seminar is that it involves cost or expense for attending a seminar as the majority of seminars has an entry fee which is very high and when one adds expenses like hotel cost, traveling cost, food cost than you are looking at spending a substantial amount of money towards attending the seminar. Though webinars can bring people together from across the globe, the participants in a webinar are often distracted by other activity in the office or home where they are located. The participants’ end of the phone line is often muted so that the background noises from several locations don’t disturb the class. As technology becomes more advanced, webinars will also be able to more easily overcome some of their current boundaries. A nice vacation, in usually, a good hotel.

The employers spend money, time, and resources on these courses and programs with the intention of getting skilled employees at the end of it. Having new skill sets and training may even create new and improved positions within the company. For now all our workshops are face to face and we are hoping to add online workshops soon! Hence, training and development as a tool has been diligently incorporated by high-functioning organizations. In order to do that, one must adequately prepare their workforce.

Apart from the success it has within the organization, it also helps the company stay ahead of its competitors.