Videos,Sillaakki Dumma Gaurav, who was last seen on TV in the show ‘Siddhi Vinayak’ as Rudra Khanna, will be seen as the male lead in the show, the report in Tellychakkar said. He made another appearance in famous TV serial namely Uttaran, where he was featured as.Currently living in Mumbai, he completed his studies from Pune. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actor Ashish Kapoor and Ilda Kroni part ways,Inside pictures from Sanaya Irani's midnight birthday party,Nia Sharma gets trolled for her naughty birthday cake on social media,Sonarika Bhadoria hits back at trolls who body-shamed her,Inside pictures from Puja Banerjee's surprise baby shower go viral,Himani Shivpuri admitted to hospital after testing positive for COVID-19,Rhea Chakraborty's arrest is a slap on face of celebrities supporting her, says Vaishali Takkar,Sara Khan tests positive for coronavirus, goes into home quarantine,Bigg Boss 14: YouTuber CarryMinati aka Ajey Nagar confirms he is not a part of the reality show,Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah: Neha Mehta aka Anjali Bhabhi reportedly quits the show,The Kapil Sharma Show: Kapil Sharma resumes shoot, gets ready for the show,After Circus and Fauji, Shah Rukh Khan’s Doosra Keval returns to small screen.With Ramayan breaking TRP records, take a look at these hilarious memes on Ramayan that will surely make you go on a laugh riot!30 Most epic Indian TV series of all-time,Sunny Hindustani from Punjab wins Indian Idol 11,Movie, Masti With Manish Paul: On the sets,The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2: On the sets.Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actor Ashish Kapoor and...Inside pictures from Sanaya Irani's midnight birth...Nia Sharma gets trolled for her naughty birthday c...Amazing transformation of Kashish (Aamna Sharif) f...Sonarika Bhadoria hits back at trolls who body-sha...Bigg Boss 14: YouTuber CarryMinati aka Ajey Nagar ...Inside pictures from Puja Banerjee's surprise baby...Nia Sharma shakes up the cyberspace with her allur...Rhea Chakraborty's arrest is a slap on face of cel...Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah: Neha Mehta aka An...The Kapil Sharma Show: Kapil Sharma resumes shoot,...After Circus and Fauji, Shah Rukh Khan’s Doosra Ke...With Ramayan breaking TRP records, take a look at ...Java script disabled, please check your browser settings.Kangana Ranaut shares an old video of Anurag Kashyap talking about abusing a 'kid',Sushant Singh Rajput case: NCB to summon Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan tomorrow.Exclusive! The lehenga was in colours of cream and gold. The show had Alisha Panwar and Gaurav S Bajaj playing lead roles and it started in December 2019. The lehenga is a hand done zardosi with the finest form of chikankari and gold metalwork teamed with a woven gold dupatta.”,We did a poll between then and people felt they were more inspired by.Copyright © 2020 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited. He is best known for his character of Daksh Patwardhan in the television series Sapnon Se Bhare Naina which was aired in Star Plus. Somehow, since his start of his career in the industry, he has been lucky, when it comes to getting roles.A household name by now, this shy guy, while talking to the media blushes away to glory, and says, it’s all because of the love that he has received since his first serial. Gaurav S Bajaj is the main lead in Star Plus' afternoon show Sapnon Se Bhari Naina. Miheeka Bajaj wore a lehenga made by designer Anamika Khanna. Gaurav S. Bajaj is an Indian television actor. Currently, he is seen in “Piya Rangrez” which is aired on Life OK. (Pic: Viral Bh...Kirtida Mistry and Gaurav S Bajaj during the first screening of television channel Life Ok new show Piya Rangrezz in Mumbai. Actress,Contact He has done his education in Pune. Keerthy Suresh Exclusive Interview | #Nettv4u,Thalapathy Vijay க்கும் Jagdishகும் பிரச்சனையா ? He wants his role to be done perfectly without any minor mistakes. &TV’s Siddhivinayak (Studio B&M) will see a thundering new entry, a guy who will shake up the whole story angle in the show. No doubt, these moves can be a major help in defending yourself against an unknown attacker or some other unfortunate turn of event. Kapoor,Suriya Fans Reaction About Soorarai Pottru OTT Release | #Nettv4,அடுத்து Action Heroine Ah ? Recently he got a severe muscle pull while in gym, to maintain his body for his serial. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)