The Striped Dolphin. Due to its distribution, white-sided dolphins have never been hunted in Icelandic waters and they rarely drown in nets. All of the aforementioned attributes hardly bring to mind a threatened animal.

Members of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) re-floated the dolphin earlier this morning but it has found itself stranded once again. They also call the world’s warm and tropical oceans home. Striped Dolphin Reproduction. Striped dolphins are a fast-moving species which will often leap from the water and display other energetic behaviour. One of the dolphin species common to Ireland and Great Britain is the Bottlenose dolphin, which is also found worldwide in offshore and inland waterways. Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) immediately stand out among the other dolphins because they have no snout and their bodies are covered with... scratches! Striped Dolphins. The species faces threats related to fishing (accidental entrapment during fishing activities, intentional killing), the degradation of the ecosystem and the depletion of food resources. Whale surveys in Icelandic waters indicate that they number in the tens of thousands. The Corinthian Gulf: A Unique Case Discover How Long Striped dolphin Lives. They are gray and get their name from the black stripe that begins from their eyes and goes down to their undersides. Dolphins live in the world’s seas and oceans and in some rivers too. An outstanding acrobat with jumps that go as high as 8 meters, the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is the second most common dolphin species in Greek waters. Its waters go as deep as 930 meters.

These dolphins tend to live in temperate and tropical off-shore waters around the world.

They feed mainly on squid as well as small pelagic fish, such as anchovies. Striped dolphins are found in warmer tropical waters of both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and usually remain in deeper offshore waters. Oil pollution, contamination by synthetic chemical compounds accumulated in their tissues, climate change, disturbance, harassment by recreational vessels, noise pollution, military drills and the search for hydrocarbons threaten all dolphin species as well as all other marine mammals. Their average length is 1.80 meters and they feed on fish such as anchovies and sardines, and, in the Corinthian Gulf, probably on squid. Life History. They reach adulthood at 11–12 years of age and give birth during summer months roughly every 3 years.

Did you know that the smallest dolphin species in the world lives in the Corinthian Gulf? (In Greek). They might also have been harpooned from small rowing or sailing boats. They prefer to feed on fish that humans are also fond of, such as red mullets, sardines and cod fish, while not ignoring cuttlefish or octopuses. Their exact life span is unknown, but it exceeds 30 years (perhaps by far). In the western North Pacific range of the striped dolphin, mating season takes place in winter and in early summer. In the Corinthian Gulf, common dolphins, striped dolphins and Rossi’s dolphins live together in mixed communities—a phenomenon that is not observed anywhere else in the world. var addy319c5de0fa740a4d82d15fc78c04d01d = 'support' + '@'; They were occasionally hunted in the past when the opportunity came.

Striped dolphins feed in pelagic or benthopelagic zones, often along the continental slope. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Some dolphin species prefer to live in coastal areas, others like shallow water but prefer to live away from the coast close to patches of shallower water which are located further out to sea. Gestation lasts 13–14 months. In the Corinthian Gulf striped dolphins are found in mixed groups along with Risso’s and common dolphins. Striped Dolphins, like many other dolphin species have been known to become trapped in fishing nets. Life Span: Striped Dolphins can live up to 58 years. It might actually be more common than the white-beaked dolphin in Icelandic waters, but it is almost never seen close to land, preferring the open ocean. They travel at up to 37 km/h and can dive down to 500 meters deep and remain underwater for up to 30 minutes. The white-beaked dolphin is the most common species around Iceland. 21 Lempesi street, 117 43 Athens - Tel. The white-sided dolphin is very similar to the white beaked dolphin but is smaller and slimmer.