All cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are considered to be whales. Dolphins may be able to stay out of the water for hours if they are kept wet and cool.

How many people are you working with? The smallest baleen whale is the pygmy right whale. How fast do dolphins swim? It depends on which species you are talking about. In the Indian River Lagoon there are about 400. Population of bottlenose dolphins where? Dolphins can probably swim for very long periods of time (certainly hours and maybe even days) if they are going slowly. They also have done extensive studies in echolocation. When they are about six months old they start eating fish.

Humans can speak but dolphins cannot that is why they do this. “The Pacific white-sided dolphin is known as being one of those species seen in the company of other dolphins and whales," she says. What is the largest multiple birth on record?

Do dolphins stay together for life? Is anything that lives on land related to dolphins? They really aren't eating their own kind (cannibalism) because they are eating different species.

Why do dolphins have to live in the water? In the Gulf of Mexico there are thousands. Something that is also very interesting is the fact that although dolphins lack a sense of smell, they do not lack a sense of taste as a result of not being able to smell.

What are the similarities/differences between dolphins and whales?

I'm not sure that I have a favorite dolphin because I haven't seen them all. Seaweed includes a variety of aquatic plants. How old were you when you first started studying dolphins? Teacher's Guide | How Did WWI Pilots Shoot Through Their Aircraft Propeller? Dolphins also smell like salt water. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dolphin 56? Size probably does affect swimming ability. About the only parts that aren't digested are the tiny ear bones. I work on the dolphin project with four other people. and answering all of your questions. Lots of people think that dolphins are really smart but scientists don't have any information to prove it.

That's why people in South Carolina could recognize dolphin 56. If food is available they eat because they don't know when the next meal will be. Below is a transcript of those bulletin board conversations. What is it like in the water with dolphins? However, I've never heard of a dolphin becoming entangled in it. I don't know why the hard barnacles grow on whales and not on dolphins. Some scientists also believe that dolphins can achieve orgasm while having sex. Dolphins travel with different species. I've never actually smelled one. How often do dolphins have babies? Dolphins will often taste the water around them for this purpose. I guess that the common name used for an animal depends on the person who first described the species.
Easily to New Jersey and maybe into southern New England. How often do dolphins have babies? I like them all, although dolphin 56 certainly is interesting. I would guess that whenever possible the dolphins will avoid predators rather than try to fight with them. In the United States all marine mammals (whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, walruses, sea otters, and manatees) are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and some are also protected by the Endangered Species Act. However, most species haven't been clocked. No, I've never trained a dolphin. The sailors may see spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, killer whales, false killer whales, pygmy killer whales, bottlenose dolphins, and who knows what else! Are killer whales larger or smaller than elephant seals in Antarctica? How far can dolphins travel before they have to take a break? Dolphins don't have skin glands. Basically dolphin teeth are cone-shaped and round in cross-section. Dolphin Watch | Most whales and dolphins are not endangered.

However, there are a lot of species of dolphins for which we do not have good recordings. Dolphins live all over the world, from tropical to arctic waters.