Disparities in flu vaccination coverage also persist. Last winter, there were a worrying number of reports that a particular strain of the flu had been taking people's lives. Flu symptoms start to go away after two to five days. But many of the healthy young men and women who died quickly of flu that year more likely succumbed to cytokine storms. Hypoxia can cause organ damage within minutes. Another common way that the flu can kill is by opening doors to your body for other microbes. Rather, he unleashes his fury and leaves a lot of destruction in his path. The Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 goal for flu vaccination coverage is 70%. This flood of cells triggers a person's immune system to release more antibodies, white blood cells and inflammatory molecules to try to overrule the virus. For example, during 2018-2019 flu vaccination prevented an estimated 58,000 flu-related hospitalizations. That’s why vaccination can be so helpful.

Pneumococcus is one of the most common causes of bacterial pneumonia that is preventable by vaccine. So the virus can get further, faster in their bodies.

My mother is 63, and she has diabetes. Can you die from the flu? Getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself - as well as those around you - from this illness.”. Differences: COVID-19 and the Flu Cause. Flu symptoms start to go away after two to five days.

“They are already having breathing difficulties. eMedicineHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. ", Does the Flu Kill You? People may also be infected with influenza and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Despite the risk of severe illness, not enough adult New Yorkers are getting vaccinated. But flu that gets you to go to the doctor’s office.

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If you don’t think that you need a vaccine because you somehow believe that your immune system is strong enough to resist and survive a flu infection, you may not understand how exactly the flu can kill you. The human immune system has a load of weapons to throw out against infections, including cytokines produced by a variety of immune system cells. Your immune system is not necessarily a meat head, though, and can learn over time. Here is a 3D illustration of the influenza virus.

Everyone ages 6 months and older should get a seasonal flu vaccine; the influenza vaccine is available at chain drugstores and many independent pharmacies throughout the city. The very young, the very old, and those in the high-risk groups are at risk for complications requiring hospitalization.Quite a few groups of people are at high risk for developing complications of the flu (of course, anyone can develop serious complications and may be unaware of being at high risk).
“The Administration for Children’s Services joins the Health Department in urging all New Yorkers not to wait to get a flu shot this season.”. Flu can directly lead to death when the virus triggers severe inflammation in the lungs. The annual flu shot is something that offers you protection.

But sometimes the immune system’s reaction is so strong, destroying so much tissue in the lungs that they can no longer deliver enough oxygen to the blood, which in turn causes hypoxia and death. Influenza-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

In 2018, only 50% of Black New Yorkers ages 65 and older were vaccinated, compared to 65% of Whites, 67% of Latinos and 73% of Asians in this age group. COVID-19: Many people infected with the coronavirus do not feel sick or have any symptoms at all, but they can still transmit the coronavirus to other people. This is how the flu can actually kill you. Make no mistake.

If you aren’t Groot or some other plant, losing such lung tissue can eventually hamper your ability to get enough oxygen into your bloodstream. (Illustration: Getty Images).

Some people, especially children, may have vomiting and diarrhea.

Influenza season usually starts in the late fall and lasts throughout the spring.

The vaccine is widely available and it only takes a few minutes of your time to help prevent spreading the flu to vulnerable New Yorkers.”, MEDIA CONTACT: Patrick Gallahue (347) 396-4177 By Catriona Harvey-Jenner.