Leaping and twisting through the air, the truly beautiful Clymene dolphins are aerodynamic wonders. Truth is that the environment, social interactions, and diet have a huge impact on their lifespan. The physical appearance of the Clymene dolphin is very similar to that of the spinner dolphin but smaller.

The top color that you will see from the shore is dark gray and it moves all the way down their body.

Male bottlenoses can live into their 40s.

Nicklo was photographed in 2016 when she was 66 years old – the research team has known known her since she was born. The clymene dolphin can be found swimming in and around the tropical areas of the Atlantic Ocean. photos that may be disturbing to young children! These dolphins have been known to face threats by both accidental netting accidents where they end up caught in a fishing nets intended to capture fish and by poachers looking to sell their meat. The distribution of the clymene dolphin is very broad and includes the tropical, subtropical, warm and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean. What is the oldest male dolphins in the world. There is still a great deal of research that needs to be done in regards to this type of dolphin. When they swim along with other species they do not mix with them, they stay next to their pod. Although some bottlenose dolphins can reach 40 years of age, their average age is between 15 and 16 years. May 10, 2014 at 10:56 pm. It extends from the west of the African continent to North America.

The coloring of this dolphin is very interesting. The clearest difference between Stenella clymene and the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is a dark spot located above the beak that resembles a mustache. Its coloring pattern features three colors on the skin. So you what to become a Marine Biologist! Until 1981, it had a different classification as a subspecies of the Spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris), but recent genetic studies make it possible to restructure the taxonomy of this dolphin.
There is very little known about the reproduction process or the birth of the Clymene Dolphin species. Jefferson, Webber, Pitman.

With parts blending between these colors but others with a sharp change in the color. Disclosure Policy | Privacy Policy | Copyright © 2020 WhaleFacts.org. There are no records on the level of pollutants in their habitat, but they constitute a potential threat. From the remains found in the stomach of a stranded dolphin is believed that they feed more frequently at night in waters close to the surface, since the food in the interior belonged to mesopelagic species. Page 261. http://www.cms.int/reports/small_cetaceans/data/S_clymene/s_clymene.htm, http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Stenella_clymene/, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. It worth mention that their conical-shaped teeth do not serve to tear the flesh, but only to hold the prey. The primary diet of the clymene dolphin consists of small fish and squid. They also include trying to reduce pollution of the waters where these creatures live.

Male bottlenoses can live into their 40s. Clymene dolphins spend most of their lives in waters over 100 m (330 ft) in depth, but occasionally move into shallower, coastal regions. In order to vocally communicate with one another these dolphins use a combination of clicks and whistles, which allows them to communicate that they have found nearby food, to alert one another of threats and to show a desire to mate among other interests. The common & scientific names where probably derived from the Greek “oceanid Clymene”, although it has also been argued that Gray may instead used the name coming from the Greek word for “notorious”. Most of the dolphins look alike like Clymene dolphins look likes a spinner dolphin the largest dolphins are 11 tons that's like 500 of me .....maybe.

These dolphins reach sexual maturity once they are 6 feet long. Marine Biological Sciences, "Robson Bight-Michael Bigg" Ecological Reserve, The First Captive Killer Whale – A Changing Attitude, Differences between Skates, Chimaeras & Rays, Differences between Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises, http://otlibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/clymene.mp3. They will complete a variety of moves including leaps, spins and rapid movements through the water. Order: Cetacea Skin Coloration.

They are extremely curious so they are often seen swimming along side of boats. Feeding may continue for the first 6 – 12 months or until the baby dolphin is able to consume solid foods and hunt on its own. When fully matured the clymene dolphin can reach an average size of 6 – 7 ft in length and grow to weigh 180 pounds or more. It is the smallest dolphin of the genus Stenella and one of the most recent species to be recognized. They tend to feed in small pods and do the majority of their hunting at night. The clymene dolphin is a small to mid sized dolphin that is known for its boisterous attitude and closely knit social structure where they can often be found swimming in pods of up to 60 dolphins. An adult individual measures about 2 meters in length and the average weight oscillates between 75 and 80 kilograms. The Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico are also homes of the clymene dolphin. Whatever the number, they appear to be divided by age and gender. Dolphins can live for a very long time and females tend to live longer than males. The only conservation efforts in place right now for them cover all types of dolphins.