But you don't see me saying black people deserve rights or white people deserve jail time because it is just simply not true. It makes things wet right? when it has contact with something a finger etc, that becomes wet. The opposite of skinny is fat. I believe water is not wet because wet is an adjective describing water transporting and soaking. moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid". Yes, water is wet and i can prove this by dipping my clothes in bucket full of water...Think on this.... so how does this prove that water itself is wet, your saying that water makes you wet(which is obvious).

Explain how hydrogen bonds cause molecules of liquid water to stick together.

Since the property of being wet is the measure of the ability of a liquid to adhere to a solid surface, it would be impossible for water to be wet. objects or substances get 'WET' by water or some other LIQUID so are you trying to say water has been wet by itself... it does not make sense therefore water is not wet it is simply classified as liquid. water vapor: There was a wet breeze from the west. Which means Mickey the water molecule isn't wet by himself. Equal standards - There is no question that the average water is physically weaker than the average water. Indians are all. Water is wet, this is the dumbest argument ever, lets search up the definition of wet. Arguments with the highest score are displayed first.

I could go in depth with this topic with evidence, but I'm saving that for a 7th grade Socratic seminar that a teacher is decided to form because everyone is arguing about it in class. There are water who have completed and even exceeded these standards. Water is wet because if an something can be wet the water that made it wet would also have to be wet!!!!! It will still be wet because it is a liquid. Due to polarity in charge within the water molecule, it can dissolve salts. water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is water is wet, is is. Back in the old days, when water was where we needed to spend our time, touch was a lot more important than it is now. Water makes things wet because it is wet itself. You skipped over 1. moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid: wet hands. If water isn't wet then are you saying it's dry. But it doesn't say the water is dry. A polar molecule is a molecule in which part of the molecule is positively charged and part of the molecule is negatively charged.

This results in a negative electrical charge near the oxygen atom (due to the "pull" of the negatively charged electrons toward the oxygen nucleus) and a positive electrical charge near the hydrogen atoms.

Therefore water is not wet, If water is added to water, you have more water, not wet water. However, thereafter once we ascended onto the land and trees, the feeling of wet became a sensory reminder of something out of the ordinary; it is raining - get shelter, you fell in a creek - start swimming. even though its never been dry:] taylor!!. in a bottle, pool, lake), the interaction that each compound has with the others around it is classified as a liquid because they move loosely and without a structure. No cuz "Water is a compound of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Wet is just the state of a solid being touched by a liquid but not submerged in a liquid as that is being "UNDERWATER" (Assuming that the liquid in question is water). By the definition of "wet", water is a factor in becoming wet, but is not wet itself, because when you are wet, you are "covered or soaked with a liquid such as water", and water is water itself, therefore it is not wet.

It's the same with water, not all water is wet, so you cannot say that water is wet. Also water makes things wet meaning wetness is a property of water meaning water is wet.