Leo man will be content if he is successful and rich, but there is a missing part.

She doesn’t want to feel tied down. The most easy to understand feature of Astrology, Explore all about the 9 Agents of God – the 9 Planets, The 12 crucial components that make up the Horoscope, The factor influencing your mind and emotions, The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope, Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche. She may find this melodramatic at first, and it may become a turn-off down the road. When he came back every time we talk we stay on the fone for hours and we almost finish each other’s sentences

When the Aquarius woman meets the Leo man, she realizes that he’s the guy she’s been looking for. As the Leo man meets the Aquarius woman, he instantly seems to know that she’s going to be someone he wants to be with for a very long time, if not forever. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous). Before him I date many man .. And LEO never make me boring ! So, me being the non patient leo that i am start showing emotions and getting jealous.

The strong-headed Leo man, and the free-spirited Aquarius woman can have an absolutely bad relationship or, if they keep a few things in mind, one of the most beautiful relationships ever. She on the other hand couldn’t understand my all or nothing attitude to life and my unability to compromise and let go. From time that we were dating, i notice to him that he is a creative thinker. It has been a very rocky road.

She would even give her life for the man who she loves and Leo man doesn´t really care. If they get into a successful relationship there will still be hardships and difficulties to be faced. I’m an Aquarius and He’s the Leo He does not like clutter must be in control of the conversation Very Picky and Clean Well dresser Can be very kind & caring just melts my heart. They both can feel the positive vibes that they send forth. Talk to a relationship psychic on Keen for more insights about compatibility between an Aquarius man and Leo woman! Happily, these two will agree on so many things they’ll actually rarely argue. he’s growing on me and i can feel myself becoming all mushy and emotional…gross but YAY!!! She always says what she thinks like a child, she doesn´t want to hurt Leo man but he starts to misunderstand and insults her very cruel.

In these conversations, they could make the whole new, better world. Anne’ If you get together great when you first metand then Leo Man introduced you to all his friendsthen isn’t so close anymore then that means hisfriends had word maybe on the negative side andhe’s wondering if this is the Aquarius girl for him? There may still need to be some compromise but otherwise, she sees that he’s an amazing guy for her. He wants someone who will adore him and flatter his ego. I wasn’t to much head over heels about him from the start until I got to know him better He was so polite and gentleman like all the time that was hard not to fall for him. M not sure if he is hiding something or doesn’t like commitments I really don’t kno But on another note, As to what misty said, i always fall for scorpios as well.

This way he can show his intelligence and manageability. There are some terrific possibilities between these two. I suppose over time, she started liking me.

I didnt’ pay enough attention to the ways she expresses herself, and never really felt secure with her as i had that feeling she would cope without me just fine.

The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. Her natural desire to be kind and fair prevents her from abusing her power, so she makes a good fit for a leadership position. Aqurius woman will never really obey the Leo man, even if she feels sorry, she does never obey him. He simply struggles to coexist in a relationship where he is forced to lead or follow.

No doubt the Leo man will be very much pulled to the Aquarius woman’s ability to think outside the box. Leo man Aquarius woman marriage is probably one of the tightest knit bonds there are between signs. They have lots in common and thus make it easy for them to connect.

Leo man will be an excellent father who will teach the kids how to be proud of themselves and how to work hard for success. Leo male and Aquarius female is quite a love bundle. Your email address will not be published. Sam Elliot and his wife, Katherine Ross are the Leo man and the Aquarius woman couple. I think i am a princess when he is beside me.

The team effort approach to life is good for them both and can result in a very happy and healthy relationship.

I’ve been ffriends with my exes and they did not change my feelings about my then Leo guy… I believe it’s purely a friendship thing, Aqua peeps dont like having enemies (feels like unfinished business) – if it does make you feel uncomfortable then confront her and let her be honest. But with him ( leo man ) I don’t know , each time I look at him I do admire him ! I wonder if he needs space…when I call, he seems to get aggravated that I want to spend time as he has “business things” to tend to.