What do the Angus Reid polls say?Canadians have to remember this is a Nanos poll. This article was published more than 6 months ago.

The political polls appear stable, however Nik Nanos says, “Although the Liberals still outscore the Conservatives on the weekly Nanos Party Power Index, for the past two weeks, the Conservatives have been at or near an 84 week high on the index”. I thought it was a tool to help Trudo feel good about himself!!! All Rights Reserved.BREAKING: Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier Identified As Suspect In Poison Letter Sent To Trump,Trudeau To Lie To The Nation On Wednesday Night,Woman Suspected Of Sending Ricin Letter To Trump Arrested At Canada-US Border,DISGUSTING: Globe & Mail Runs Two Pages Of Propaganda From Chinese Communist Party 'China Daily',Trudeau Liberals Spending Your Taxpayer Dollars For 'Coronavirus Study' On "How The Black Lives Matter Protests Have Given Quebec Black Young Adults A Chance To Recover From The Damaging Psychological Effects Of The Covid-19 Pandemic",The National Research Council Oversaw The Debacle Of Partnering With China On A CCP Virus Vaccine.
Ignore them and the legacy MSM assiduously.THIS WAS THE POINT , SCHEER IS ALSO CORRUPTED BIG TIME,oh i have proof but sadly it is not mine to share.Who in their right mind would give 4 more years to these corrupt incompetents? Nanos said a look at the data from the first two weeks of the campaign shows that, while support for the Liberals remains steady in Toronto and everywhere in Ontario, it’s their support in the Toronto suburbs that’s changed. Respondents were asked: “If a federal election were held today, could you please rank your top two current local voting preferences?” A report on the results, questions and methodology for this and all surveys can be found at.Mr. In 2011, those ridings went almost unanimously for the Conservatives, helping Stephen Harper secure a majority government. In the last few weeks there have been any number of polls / surveys etc that show liberal support across the country is waning. Unfortunately, those poles aren’t as popular as Turdo thinks….Where are the numbers for the PPC party? I am supporting Scheer Reality!Although I, like many others, will vote Conservative out of necessity to attempt to save our country from an incompetent self-serving egomaniac Scheer simply does not ‘cut it’ with all-too-many Canadians and that is cause for worry.

Mr. Trudeau has apologized and said the practice of wearing blackface is racist.Mr.

I liked several elements of Scheer’s climate plan. I hear anyone who sees him dance and teasingly take off his socks wants to vote for him.

This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff.We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate. Anything will be better than Trudope and his gang. Simple as that.Fake news Nano’s numbers always favour the liberals,Love this disclaimer “That said, this is just one poll, and it differs from other polls that have shown the Conservatives with a solid lead, and have shown the NDP falling into either a tie, or even trailing the Greens.”.Spencer’s third last paragraph nails. Justin Trudeau Just Picked Their Leader As The New Public Health Agency Head,Head Of Public Health Agency Of Canada Quits,Package Addressed To Trump Containing Ricin Was Apparently Sent From Canada,China Is Expanding Their Slave Labour Camps Into Tibet,Trudeau Liberals Spending Your Taxpayer Dollars For ‘Coronavirus Study’ On “How The Black Lives Matter Protests Have Given Quebec Black Young Adults A Chance To Recover From The Damaging Psychological Effects Of The Covid-19 Pandemic”. If the Conservatives hope to win the next election then Scheer will have to really step up his A game and a band of provincial Leaders support team otherwise we will be stuck with Trudeau for another 4 years.Nanos is a liberal supporter,, let that sink in.Enter your email address to subscribe to spencerfernando.com and receive notifications of new articles by email.Copyright © 2020 Spencer Fernando. The only poll that matters and is real, is the one on October 21 .When it comes time to vote, most voters will see that Scheer is the better choice to.I can’t believe that Canadians are that stupid as to give even one vote to the Liberals. They differ from most others in favor of anything the socialist broadcasters, CBC, CTV and Global, want Nick to say!Well, Nick Nanos is a lib supporter, so not surprising. Forgot about CBC, CTV as they are Liberals stations. Nanos of Nanos Research, who leads the team that conducts daily tracking polls for The Globe and Mail and CTV, said the drop in Liberal support was particularly pronounced in a region of the country that all parties are intensely courting: the 905.That region immediately outside Toronto, named for the 905 area code, is home to a couple of dozen suburban seats that often help decide who wins a federal election. The polls that end with “os” are both Liberal friendly. any sane person would think that the liberals would be no higher than 25%.I will vote Andrew cheer no matter what, he has morals he doese not lie ,he is a real Canadian and doese not come from money and he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth .nanos is a liberal poll getter. I think the polls are being fudged! Always wrong and always commissioned by the CBC…so you know it’s fake news!Isn’t the Nanos Pole a feature of one of those Vancouver Davie Street clubs Turdo frequents?