In 2016, a bill moved the election from the previous date in October in order to avoid conflicting with municipal elections. The rural southern Ontario riding chosen by the Conservative leadership candidate has effectively been a safe seat for the party since it was redrawn in … "I want to take the time to actually study the report," he said. 100-year anniversary – Explore the history of elections in Ontario. Former Conservative leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis says she will run in the next federal election and is considering ridings in Ontario and Western Canada. Website Next Canadian Federal Election There was an error, please provide a valid email address. But the race used a system that weighted every riding equally, and because Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole had a more even geographical spread in their support, Lewis finished third in electoral points and was eliminated. However, she said she didn’t want to be known solely as a “so-con” in the race, and spoke out on many other issues such as environmental policy and the Black Lives Matter movement. Lewis also received heavy support in Western Canada, including coming in first in Saskatchewan and second in Alberta. is not a polling firm itself. Out of 7,648 election day voting locations, only nine polls experienced problems and required extended hours. Conservative party leadership contender Leslyn Lewis. What's New. The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, led by Doug Ford, won a majority government with 76 of the 124 seats in the legislature. A welcome email is on its way. In Ontario's 2018 election, 17 new ridings were created meaning more materials for the vote had to be prepared and distributed by returning officers, the report said. On the second ballot, Lewis actually won the popular vote after Derek Sloan was eliminated. The data you see here represents a projection of likely election outcomes in each riding using statistical methodology based on all publicly available polling data. Lewis has never held elected office, but she’s run in a federal campaign once before — albeit in difficult circumstances. If you like this website and want it to keep running, please support us. The report says schools play a "foundational" role in running elections and while the arm's-length agency pays for security, the safety of children would be enhanced if voting was moved to a day classes were not in session. Finley put out a statement supporting Lewis’ nomination, and the two have been touring the riding together. Overall, the report said over 5.7 million valid ballots were cast in the 2018 vote. The Ontario Liberal Party, led by incumbent Premier Kathleen Wynne, lost official party statusin recording both the worst result in the party's 161-year history and the … Haldimand-Norfolk is in rural Ontario about an hour south of Toronto, and has effectively been a safe seat for the party since it was redrawn in 2004. Leslyn Lewis to seek Conservative nomination in Ontario riding of Haldimand-Norfolk. Essensa also recommends giving the agency the ability to levy fines for minor violations of the province's elections laws. OTTAWA — Leslyn Lewis, who emerged out of political obscurity this year to put up a surprisingly strong fight for the Conservative leadership, has decided she will seek the party’s nomination in Haldimand-Norfolk. Bill Kelly isn't sure why that's needed. Coronavirus numbers are surging in Canada. But who's getting sick and why? Lewis, a Toronto lawyer, promised she would run for the party in the next election and her decision of where to do it has been highly anticipated by her supporters. “Haldimand-Norfolk is a beautiful place with the most amazing, hard-working people,” Lewis said in a statement released Tuesday morning. Join the mailing list to receive daily email updates. Although she was strongly backed by social conservatives, Lewis attracted a wide range of support and ran a very strong campaign that took many in the party by surprise. Ontario's chief electoral officer says the province should hold its next election on a weekend or school holiday to provide easier access to polling stations at schools and keep children safe. Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives are set to officially nominate the party’s 72 sitting MPPs to run as candidates in the next election, the Star has learned.. 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